Greetings! We are not a glum lot.

A long time AA member named Joe R has lived to a very old age and one morning God appears to him, as Joe lies in bed.
Joe: What have you come for God?
God: Well Joe, I've come with some good news and some bad news, what do you want first?
Joe (being an optimist): I like to start the morning with good news
God: I have come to tell you that we have AA meetings in heaven
Joe: Alright - that's great! So what's the bad news?
God: You're chairing tonights meeting....
River Roundup
River Roundup needs some positions filled.
The following areas need help:
*Co-Treasurer (3 years or more of recovery)
*Literature Chair and co-chair (one year of recovery)
*Speaker Chair
*Al-Anon Chair & Co-Chair

Next Meeting: Sunday May 15, 2022, 9:30AM
at Central Office - 603 Marina Boulevard

The 37th Annual Tri-State Roundup is being held at Don Laughlin's Riverside Resort, Laughlin NV. May 19-22, 2022

Click on this link for Registration, Hotel and Event Information.

Founders Day

AA Founders Day...June 11, 2022
6:00PM Dinner/Trivia/Speakers
Chaparral Country Club
1260 E. Mohave Drive
Bullhead City, AZ

Ticket includes:
Dinner: Rotini Pasta with or without Meat Balls,
Caesar or House Salad, garlic bread and cake.
Beverages offered: Coffee, Water, Tea and Lemonade.
Plus an Entry Ticket to win the following books:
A.A. Comes of Age, "Pass It On" and
Dr. Bob and the Good Old Timers

 All inclusive of $15.00    Plus 50/50 Raffle

6250 Hualapai Mountain
Rd, Kingman, AZ 86401

District 09-903 & 09-904

A Day in the Park

Save the Date: June 4 at 10:00 am at Hualapai Mountain Park

Book your camping spot or cabin now

  • Our Delegate Kathy R will be giving a report
  • Our Grapevine Coordinator, Tom will be giving a report
  • Lots of Food
  • Games
  • Fellowship
Group Contributions 2022
3 Legacies Gp.
Alkys Only Gp. $275.00
As Bill Sees It Gp.
As Good as it Gets Gp. $350.00
Back to Basics Gp.
BHC Women's Gp.
Candy Mtg. Gp.
Cone Mtn. Newcomers Gp. $100.00
Couples in Sobriety Gp. $60.00
Drunken Donuts FF
Drunken Donuts Gp. $30.00
Four Horseman Gp. $169.50
Freedom & Joy Gp. $100.00
Friday Night Live $176.00
Friends of Bill W. Gp.
Golden Slippers Gp.
Laughlin Gp. $300.00
Marina Gp. $3167.63
Needles Desert Gp.
Our House Gp. $728.50
Searchlight Gp.
Share Gp. $150.00
Sober on the Mount Gp.
Sun Gp. $800.00
Sunday Nite 12 & 12 Gp.
Surrender Gp. $90.00
Top of the Hill FF $20.00
Top of the Hill Gp. $215.00
Up the River w/o a Paddle Gp.
Wed. Nite Men's Stag Gp. $93.00
Working Toward Serenity Gp.
Marathon Meeting from RRUP $225.00
River Roundup $15,548.44
RCCO-AA Business Hours

  • Tuesday 10 am-5 pm
  • Wednesday 10 am-5 pm
  • Thursday 10am-3pm
Vacant positions:
  • Central Office is looking for volunteers for Wednesday and Thursday from 3-5pm
  • Central Office also needs a Recording Secretary. If this is something that might interest you please call (928) 763-4499 ask forr the Office Manager, Ginny.

Groups can purchase Newcomer Packets for $2 each and packets of 10 meeting schedules at $2 per packet.
To listen to new or past episodes, visit:
RCCO Intergroup Meeting
The second Monday of each month is the Central Office Intergroup meeting. River Cities Intergroup is made up of AA groups from the Tri-State area (Arizona, California and Nevada). n

Central Office Activity
Recap of March 2022
  • Agenda | Intergroup Minutes nutes no
  • Total phone calls answered in March: 115
  • Office visits: 20
  • Volunteer hours: 48.5 (8 volunteers)
Meetings at Central Office:
  • Intergroup Meeting 2nd Monday @ 6:00 PM
  • Dist. 09-903 Business Meeting 3rd Monday @ 6:00 PM
  • River Roundup Meeting is the 3rd Sunday @ 9:30 am
  • Treatment Committee 2nd Wednesday of the Month @ 5:00PM
In addition to our regular items, we now have a small selection of the following:
  • Sobriety Greeting Cards
  • Blank Recovery Note Cards
  • NEW Grapevine Book Fun in Sobriety $13.