ASLdeafined Newsletter

Online ASL Program

December 2010
In This Issue
Thank YOU!
Seasons Greetings!
Working With Organizations
Features of ASLdeafined
  • Themed lessons
  • Individualized progress chart
  • Deaf culture
  • ASL grammar
  • Retention exercises
  • 8,000+ Video dictionary
  • Fingerspelling
  • Numbers
  • Much, much more

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ASLdeafined, LLC

At ASLdeafined , our goal is to keep you up-to-date on the latest changes, and to introduce you to the latest features on ASLdeafined. In addition, we want to share information that may benefit you and your loved ones. Remember, our website is constantly evolving.

One of the new features being introduced in December is the ability to quickly search for words in the dictionary through a search box. And remember, new lessons are being added on a monthly basis.

If you have any suggestions for us, or would like to see a new activity on, please feel free to email us at

Thank YOU!

At ASLdeafined, we want to personally THANK YOU for your interest in learning American Sign Language, and for joining our growing family. Additionally, we want to give a very warm and sincere "Thank You" to so many of you who have emailed either Mercy, or myself, to express your gratitude and appreciation for the time and effort that was put forth to develop this website. Your words of encouragement have been deeply moving. Your testimonials explaining how this new language has impacted both you and your family has been moving and uplifting. Thank you for your heartfelt expressions of gratitude.

On a more personal testimonial, Mercy and i want to share with you a brief story of one of the first subscribers to our website. A young man who was hearing wrote to say he wanted to learn sign language because his new girlfriend was deaf. His reason for subscribing was sincere and his story touched both Mercy and myself. This is what this website is all about. It isn't designed to be entertaining, or something to check out when there is nothing else to do. Rather, it is the tool that will help individuals and families, friends and co-workers communicate with one another in a far more effective way.

As a teacher in both high school and college classrooms, I have personally witnessed the impact of ASLdeafined. For example, one student from a few years ago related how he and his siblings always wrote notes to each other because the entire family was deaf, but not one of them knew sign language. The parents were deaf since their teen years and now were in their early 50s. Once the children began learning a few words in sign language, their knowledge slowly began to expand until the paper and pencils became obsolete. This is the most gratifying aspect that we have realized through the development of ASLdeafined. Not only do we want you to learn Sign Language, but we want you to communicate with your new skill and knowledge.

Seasons Greetings!

Mercy and I would like to express to you our warmest regards during this holiday season, and we wish you and your family a healthy and joyous holiday season.

ASLdeafined has now been online for twenty months. It is our hope and prayer that this website will continue to be a blessing to all of you. With that thought in mind, we would like to offer a very special gift if you feel that the recipient would benefit from it.

We would like to offer gift certificates for that very special Holiday, or celebratory gift. You can purchase gift certificates from 1-month to 6-months, or longer, on our website. Simply click on the link
ASLdeafined Gift Certificate Formto make your request now.

Working With Organizations
ASLdeafined works with organizations such as schools, scouts, churches, the United States government, home schools, and other group organizations to make sure they have access to our website. We offer great discounts to every group. If you would like more information about these discounts, please click on the link below.
Request for Group Rates