Check out our new logo! 
The Abilities of Northwest Jersey Inc. logo has recently been updated and will be used as the primary element in our marketing materials and brand identity. Our new logo embodies our mission, vision and values and reflects the vibrant and inclusive spirit of our agency. 
Success through Supports
Eric attends Abilities' Hackettstown program, and not long ago Eric went to the program supervisor's office, and with difficulty explained that he was lonely and there were only a few people he felt comfortable talking to. Marcie, his supervisor, decided to challenge Eric by asking him to be a team leader and take on some responsibilities. He agreed and was connected to Abilities staff member Megan, to be his mentor. Eric was put in charge of decorating the Hackettstown program's bulletin board with the theme of Developmental Disability Month for March, and Autism Awareness Month for April.

Enthused, Eric immediately returned to his work area and began planning. The staff saw an immediate change in him, as Eric appeared more relaxed as he worked on his project. The result was a beautiful bulletin board and a more independent, confident and accomplished person. His smile in the pictures says it all: at Abilities we identify an individual's strengths, reinforce positive behaviors, and watch them grow. Eric is unique, but his story is similar to that of many Abilities' service recipients with autism.

"Abilities provides Eric with the opportunity to socialize with his peers and become more comfortable engaging in conversation and interaction," said his mother, Kim. "I have noticed in the last few months that he and his friends do a lot of texting back and forth and keep on top of each other's activities."
Abilities can be a guide on the path individuals with autism are traveling, realizing that each step on this lifelong journey requires support. Abilities ACES, a comprehensive and innovative service designed to address the vocational and societal needs of the ever-growing population of adults with autism, may be the key.  By empowering individuals and their families, ACES can assist in creating a knowledgeable and supportive community with the tools required for success.  For more information, visit ACES- Autism Customized Employment and Services

Spring Cleaning? Donate your old electronic items! 
SustainAbilitiesā„¢ Electronics Recycling provides training and employment opportunities to person with disabilities.  Not only is Abilities providing a service by giving meaningful "green" job skill training, we are also providing an environmentally sound "green" solution to the local community.  By donating your old electronic waste, you are helping to employ persons with different abilities.
For a list of accepted items, visit  us online SustainAbilities Electronics Recycling
or print this PDF flyer: SustainAbilities Electronics Flyer.pdf
Happenings at Abilities:
April 26, 2016 * 9AM- 12PM
April 28, 2016 * 4PM- 6PM

Join us for a casual, informational open house session discussing Autism and ACES, hosted by Abilities BCBA (Board CertifiĀ­ed Behavior Analysts) Kelly Gansarski and Ileana Aledo.

Each individual's lifelong journey is unique and requires a variety of supports. ACES (Autism Customized Employment & Services) is a comprehensive and innovative service designed for each individual, addressing the essential vocational, behavioral, and life skills necessary for every journey. By empowering individuals and their families, ACES can assist in creating a knowledgeable and supportive community with the tools required for success.

May 11, 2016-
Featuring guest speaker Jennifer Joyce presenting "Navigating the Supports Program for Families".  Refreshments provided by United Way of Northern NJ Caregivers Coalition.  To reserve your seat to see the guest speaker, RSVP by May 4th to Robin Ennis at 973-993-1160 x 305 or

Residents of Warren County and surrounding communities are invited to attend the second annual Warren County Disability Resource Fair, "Building Connections, Enhancing Access," on Wednesday, May 11, from 2 to 6 p.m. at Abilities of Northwest Jersey, located at 264 Route 31 North, Washington, New Jersey. 

June 27, 2016- Abili-Tee's Invitational Golf Outing sponsored by Bulova Technologies Inc held at Panther Valley Country Club in Allamuchy NJ. 

Want more information about the outing?  Want exclusive access to registration information?  CLICK HERE 
All contributions are considered tax deductible under IRS regulations
as Abilities is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization.  Thank you for your generosity! |
Empowering people with disabilities by providing options and opportunities.