From the ASC Curriculum Committee
The ASC members who offer courses are the solid foundation of two of the college’s values - Stimulation and Knowledge. The Curriculum Committee is recruiting instructors for the Fall 2020 term, and we have several proposals already in hand to review when we meet in May.
Many of you have participated in the rich variety of courses that ASC has offered this Spring after our traditional term had to be cancelled. Many thanks to the brave cohort of instructors who answered the call.
The ASC Board has decided that all the Fall courses will be offered on-line only, probably via ZOOM, though other formats can be considered. I will be contacting those instructors who have already proposed Fall courses to determine their interest and willingness to present their classes in this format. And have no doubt that ASC will make resources available to instructors to acquaint them with the techniques and tools available in the on-line environment.
If you are still considering offering a Fall course for ASC, please contact me. Given how circumstances are changing, the current proposal deadline of May 6th (today) will be extended and flexible for the time being.
Charles Stanhope, ASC Curriculum Committee Chair