Aldersgate United Methodist Church
A vibrant and inclusive Christian community 
growing in faith, love, health and service                                                                       August 4, 2016
Aldersgate UMC
14230 SE Newport Way
Bellevue, WA  98006
(425) 746-9800
News Links
Email Links
Lead Pastor

Church Office

Children & Family Ministry

Preschool Director

Music Director, 1st Service

Music Director, 2nd Service

Core Leaders, Chair
Aug 5
Church Office Closed
Aug 19
Church Office Closed
Aug 22
Sept Calendar Deadline
Aug 27
Church Hike
Aug 28
Youth Kickball
Sept 2
Church Office Closed
Sept 5
Labor Day Holiday
Church Office Closed
Sept 7
Music Potluck
Choir Rehearsals Begin
Sept 8
ACP Parent Meeting
Sept 10
Playground Work Party
Sept 11
Ministry Fair
Sept 12 & 13
ACP Open House
Sept 14
Preschool Begins
Pastor's Study Begins
Handbells Begin
Sept 18
Sunday School Begins
Sept 19
Church Dinner &
Common Table
Oct Calendar Deadline
Oct 4
Young at Heart Potluck
Oct 14-15
Church Rummage Sale
Oct 24
Nov Calendar Deadline
Church Leadership 
Click these links to read the minutes of the Core Leadership Team and the monthly minutes of the Ministry Teams.
Core Leaders (July)
Trustees (July)
Staff Relations  (July)
Lay Leadership  (July)
Finance (May)
Worship (April)
Preschool  (Feb)
Outreach (Jan)
To bring a project, program or fundraiser idea to the Aldersgate Common Table for consideration, please fill out the  ACT PROPOSAL FORM  
For an  explanation of the Core Leadership Team and a description of the Aldersgate Common Table, CLICK HERE.
Feed Your Soul
See today's devotional from the Upper Room.   CLICK HERE

"Unexpected "

Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16
Luke 12:32-40

This Sunday we are pleased to welcome Kyle Franklin into the pulpit to preach on the next two Sundays while Pastor Brad is on vacation.

Kyle A. Franklin completed his BA at Pacific Lutheran University with majors in History and Religion.  He completed his MA in Religious Studies at Gonzaga University in 2012.  He has an extensive history working in higher education and non-profit orga nizations, including Central UMC in Spokane and in the UMC PNW Conference Office.
Outside of work and school, Kyle enjoys reading, writing, entertaining friends & family, and training his rescue Boston Terrier, Winston.  He has run 4 marathons (including one in Dublin, Ireland ) and is also an active mountain biker.  He is passionate about social justice and is a columnist for Spokane Faith & Values (  And, above all else, he is a Gonzaga Bulldogs fan throug h and through!  Go Zags!
Ministry News

2nd Service Ushers Needed  
Youth and adult volunteers are needed to help usher at the 2nd service on a regular monthly basis.  We already have 2 ushers per Sunday but we would like 3-4 ushers per Sunday. We need help at the 3rd and 4th Sunday of the month.  JUST ONCE A MONTH! Duties include handing out bulletins, lighting/extinguishing candles, helping with the offering, tiding up the sanctuary after the service. Please sign up on Sunday's attention form or contact the church office if you can help.

No Kids' Club Sunday
There is no Kids' Club this Sunday during the first service due to a lack of volunteers.   Please CLICK HERE  to sign up to host a Kids' Club. It is easy and fun and a great way to serve the church. Kids' Club is a fellowship time for kids during the first worship service. There are typically between 4-15 kids present that range from 3 years old to tween age. Share a part of your story and your passions with the kids - they love getting to know members of their Aldersgate Family.  Play games or do an art project with them.  Talk with Jen Hoerber about ideas that could work or to find someone to host with you!
Fun Events

Summer Hike
August 27 
The last summer hike is Saturday morning on August 27 on the Twin Falls Trail. Everyone is welcome! Meet at the trailhead at 9am.  To reach the trailhead, drive east on I-90 to exit 34.  Turn right at the end of the exit ramp, and proceed a little more than half a mile to SE 159th Street. Continue another half mile to the Twin Falls Trailhead.   You will need a Discover Pass, or pay a fee to park.

Youth Group (6th-12th Grade)
Youth Group continues through the summer on  Sunday evenings from  6:00-8:00pm.   All youth from 6th-12th grade are welcome.  Click here for the summer schedule.   If you have any questions about the youth program, contact Pastor Brad or Jen Hoerber.  Here are some upcoming events:
*August 7 - No Youth Group 
*August 14 - Youth Group 6:00-8:00pm
*August 21 - Youth Group 6:00-8:00pm - Kickball!
*Sept. 4 - No Youth Group - Holiday weekend
*Sept. 11 - Youth Group 6:00-8:00pm
Outreach & Missions World

Gleaning  Volunteer Needed  
Aldersgate has an ongoing gleaning project with Starbucks in Factoria.  We collect their leftover pastries and distribute them to homeless shelters. We need another volunteer for the third Friday of the month to collect the food and deliver it to the church freezer.  Please sign up on Sunday's attendance form if you can help.  And many thanks to all the gleaning volunteers who assist with this project!  Contact Jan Durham for more information.

Food Bank 5000 Challenge 
Back in April the children learned about the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 and how everyone's small donation of food to the food bank helps to feed many people.  The kids decided to challenge the congregation to donate 5000 food items.  The smiley face chart hanging in the hallway helps us visualize what 5000 actually looks like.  Please bring in food items and color in a smiley face for each food item to track our progress.  You can see we are more than half way to our goal. 

Thrift Shop Volunteers Needed
Saint Margaret's Thrift Shop, just down the road from us by Newport High School, is looking for some volunteers to help at the Thrift Shop.  They need people to process donations and also to work the sales floor.  As a volunteer, you will receive a store discount and first pick of the items donated.  What a deal! St. Margaret's Thrift Shop provides clothing and household goods to those in need.  Excess donations are sent on to the Salvation Army and support is given to the residents of Andrew's Glen, a low-income apartment complex that Aldersgate helps with a monthly meal.  If you are interested, contact the Thrift Shop at 425-641-6830 or 
Prayer List   

People Who Passed Away  
*Founding member Jack Wilder

People with Health Concerns
*Seiko Olson
*Max Wilson's friend Emilia
*Betty Fredeen's sister-in-law Audrey
*Lea & Ferrel Fox's great-granddaughter Alaina
*Londa Narmita's co-worker Jim
*Bud & Dorothy Bennett's cousin
*Ruth Carver's cousin John
*Marcia Stansell
* Marvin & Norma Bush's daughter Karen and the entire family

Additional Prayers 
*Missionary Katherine Parker
*Our church kids who are away at summer camp

Submit prayer requests to Dorothy Bennett, the Prayer Chain Coordinator, or fill out a pew prayer card or contact the church office.  Prayer requests will  stay on the Prayer Chain for about 3 weeks.  Please contact Dorothy or the church office with an update if you want the request to be prayed for longer.  
All prayer requests will appear in the church newsletters unless you specifically request otherwise.