Aldersgate United Methodist Church
A vibrant and inclusive Christian community 
growing in faith, love, health and service                                                             December 8, 2016
Aldersgate UMC
14230 SE Newport Way
Bellevue, WA  98006
(425) 746-9800
News Links
Email Links
Lead Pastor

Church Office

Children & Family Ministry

Preschool Director

Music Director, 1st Service

Chancel Choir Director

Handbell Director
Core Leaders, Chairman
  Joe Lee
Dec 10
Christmas Bash
Dec 11
Bake-Quilt-Craft Sale
Christmas Pageant
Club 345
Dec 12
Jan Calendar Deadline
Dec 14-15
ACP Christmas Program
Dec 18
Youth Christmas Party
Young Adult Xmas Party
Dec 19
Christmas Storytime
Dec 24
Candlelight Services
5pm - Family Service
7pm - Contemporary
9pm - Traditional Service with Communion
Dec 25
One Service @ 11am
Dec 26-30
Office Closed
Dec 31
New Year's Eve Party
Jan 1
One Service @ 11am
Jan 3
Preschool Resumes
Jan 8
Dinner & Club 345
Jan 11
Old Testament Study Resumes
Jan 13-16
Young Adult Retreat
Jan 16
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday - Office Closed
Jan 21
Church Work Party
Youth Lock-in
Jan 22
Youth Sunday
Jan 23
Feb Calendar Deadline
Jan 29
Preschool Sunday
Church Leadership 
Click these links to read the minutes of the Core Leadership Team and the monthly minutes of the Ministry Teams.
Core Leaders (Oct)
Charge Conf.  (Nov)
Staff Relations  (Nov)
Finance (Oct)
Trustees (Oct)
Preschool  (Sept)
Outreach (Sept)
Worship (April)

To bring a project, program or fundraiser idea to the Aldersgate Common Table for consideration, please fill out the  ACT PROPOSAL FORM  
For an  explanation of the Core Leadership Team and a description of the Aldersgate Common Table, CLICK HERE.
Feed Your Soul
See today's devotional from the Upper Room.   CLICK HERE
Sunday Refreshments
CLICK HERE to sign-up to help serve coffee, juice and treats at church on Sunday  mornings.   Contact is  Kate Ingalls.

"No Room!  No Room? "

Luke 2:4-7

This Sunday we're bringing back a tradition, that of the annual Children's Christmas Pageant at our First Service.  The children and youth of Aldersgate will take on the roles of each of the characters of the Christmas story.  This is something not to be missed.  It will be fun, upbeat, a certainly will create memories for all that will carry long into this Christmas season and on into the New Year.  Then, between services will be an opportunity to purchase Christmas treats and homemade items made by the United Methodist Women.   It's a scrumptious and creative time and another Christmas tradition.  But wait, there's more.  At second service Pastor Brad will be bringing a whole different perspective to the Christmas story as he becomes the infamous Bethlehem Inn Keeper.  We know so little about this part of the story.  Yet according to one child who wrote for the Huffington Post, "He's the real hero of the story."  Why?  Well, you'll just have to come and find out.  All in all it's a morning not to be missed.  Come for one service or come for the whole morning.  If any Sunday will get you into the Christmas spirit, this is it.  To prepare read both Christmas stories from the Bible, the one in Luke and the other in Matthew.   
Ministry News

December is Stewardship Month here at Aldersgate and we are focused on finishing 2016 on a positive note (Click here to see graph), continuing to fund the kitchen remodel (Click here to see graph), and making financial plans for 2017.  A stewardship letter and pledge card were mailed out earlier this week.  The main points to consider are:
  • First and foremost, the 13th Month request it to help address the 2016 Operating Budget shortfall along with the Kitchen Remodel expenses.
  • In addition, we need everyone to catch up on both their 2016 Pledge and their Kitchen pledge.
  • The Pledge Card should have been clearly marked as an "Interim Pledge" - for 6-months (January-June, 2017) as we change our fiscal year to run July to June (i.e. July 2017-June 2018).
  • On the Pledge Card, the request for a Kitchen Donation is intended for folks new to the church.
If anyone has questions they can reach out to Jack Morrison or Melinda Lilley for answers.  In case you missed our stewardship mailing, CLICK HERE for the letter and pledge card.

Charge Conference Report
If you missed the Charge conference on November 28, you can CLICK HERE to read the Charge Conference Report.

Preschool Needs Cookies
If you plan to bake Christmas cookies, please bake an extra dozen or two for the preschool Christmas program.  Please drop them by the church by Dec. 13.

Mug Someone Today  
There are church mugs filled with goodies and information about our Christmas Events and Worship Schedule ready to be handed out to visitors throughout Advent.  Please find them at the narthex desk and feel free to hand one to any visitor you meet this month .

Christmas Pageant
December 11, 9:00am Service
Mark your calendars and join us for the children and youth Christmas pageant during the 9:00am service on December 11th.  The children and youth will help us get into the holiday spirit and remember the true meaning of Christmas as they retell the story of the very first Christmas. 

Christmas Eve Services
Saturday, December 24
On Saturday, Dec. 24 invite your family, friends, and neighbors to rejoice and worship the newborn King at Aldersgate on Christmas Eve:
  • 5:00pm -  A child-oriented family friendly candlelight service where we will involve the children in the retelling of the Christmas story and sing Christmas carols.
  • 7:00pm - A more contemporary candlelight service centered on music by the worship band and includes the most beloved scriptures and Christmas carols.
  • 9:00pm - A quiet candlelight service with carols, scripture readings, and communion.
Christmas Day Service
Sunday, December 25  @ 11:00am
Christmas Day falls on the  last Sunday of the month.  We will have one service at 11:00am .  We will remember the gift given to us by God, his son Jesus Christ, and the gifts we received on Christmas mornings, past and present.  Please bring a meaningful gift you received and there will be a time when volunteers can share the significance of their gift.  This is a very informal service.

New Years Day Service
Sunday, January 1 @ 11:00am  
New Years Day falls on the first Sunday of January.  We will have one service at 11am .  
2017 Altar Flower Calendar
Please sign up to provide altar flowers.  The 2017 flower calendar is now posted on the bulletin board across from the office.  Altar flowers are a lovely way to commemorate a special person or a special event with your dedication appearing in the bulletin.  The Flower Committee will provide a flower arrangement for $35 or you may provide your own arrangement.
Fun Events

Christmas Bash
December 10
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! We are hosting a Christmas Bash on  December 10th from  10:00 - noon.  This festive celebration will include crafts for all ages and abilities, a few games, Nativity photo opportunity, sharing of Christmas stories, and singing carols.  The UMW will also have quilts and crafts for sale.  If you would like to volunteer at this event, please sign up on Sunday's attendance form or contact Jen Hoerber.  We need volunteers to donate cupcakes, staff a booth with a game or craft project, lead carols or read stories, help clean up or set up.

UMW Bake, Quilt & Craft Sale
Sunday, December 11
Plan to attend the United Methodist Women Bake, Quilt, and Craft Sale Sunday, December 11, in Friendship Hall following both services.  Delicious baked goods and beautiful items sewn by Aldersgate's own Merry Quilters will be available for sale. All proceeds of the sale go to support mission projects, locally and worldwide. Donations of baked goods and crafts from the congregation are appreciated and may be brought to Friendship Hall the morning of the sale (prior to first service if possible).  For more information, contact  Jean Rummel, 425-572-5894.

Young Adult Christmas Party! 
December 18th 4:00pm-8:00pm
The "At the Crossroads" young adult fellowship group is hosting our Christmas Party and inviting all young adults (ages 18-35). Join us at the Ollemans' home for dinner, conversation, and laughter. All are welcome, so feel free to bring a friend! Please bring an appetizer, side dish, or cookies to share. A main course of a variety of soups (including Gluten Free and Vegetarian Options) will be provided. Join us for the whole party or the parts that you can include in your schedule. The entire evening will be merry. Contact Katie Olleman with any questions or the location address (425-457-3324 or
Christmas Party Schedule:
4:00pm-5:00pm Appetizers and Gathering Activities
5:00-6:00pm Dinner
6:00-8:00pm Christmas Specials and Dessert!

Christmas Story Time
Tuesday, December 19
Join us around the Christmas tree in Friendship Hall on December 19 at 10am for Christmas Story Time .  We will have some snacks and listen to some of our favorite Christmas storybooks and maybe sing a few carols as well. This is geared for children 2-7 years old and their families.  Everyone is welcome to attend!  Contact is Jen Hoerber.

New Year's Eve Party
December 31, 6:00-9:00pm
We will ring in the new year with a New Year's Eve Party for the entire family here at the church on December 31 from 6:00-9:00pm.  Bring a hearty appetizer and your left over Christmas cookies to share.  We will play games and visit.  Bring your favorite game and come ready to wish everyone a Happy New Year at 9:00pm!  Contact is Colleen Olleman.

Club 345 (3rd, 4th, 5th Grade)
This fellowship group for kids in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade meets once a month, usually on the second Sunday.  It starts with dinner at 5:00pm, followed by games, crafts and other fun activities from 6:00-7:30pm.  The next Club 345 is December 11.  Bring a $5 White Elephant gift to exchange.

Youth Group (6th-12th Grade)
Youth Group meets on Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:300pm.  All youth from 6th-12th grade are welcome.   If you have any questions about the youth program, contact Pastor Brad or  Jen Hoerber. Here are some upcoming events:
*Dec. 10 - Christmas Bash Community Celebration.   Contact Jen if
      you want to volunteer.  Earn community service credit!   All
      volunteers arrive at 9:30am and stay until 1:00pm
*Dec. 11 - Dinner, 5:00pm followed by Youth Group, 6:00-7:30pm
*Dec. 18 - Fancy Shmancy Christmas Party, 6:00-7:30pm.   Come
       dressed in your fancy party attire.  Bring a $10 white elephant
       gift to exchange.
*Dec. 25 - No Youth Group tonight - It's Christmas!

Sr. High Winter Camp
Lazy F Senior High Winter Camp is December 27 - 30 and it looks at the Book of Acts through the lens of Star Wars!!  We have one youth already signed up!  More info can be found at this link: . 
Young Adult Retreat
January 13-16
Make Camp Twinlow your destination for a long weekend of wintery fun January 13-16 - for young adults ages 18-35(ish).  Cost is $100 if you register and pay by Dec. 31, or $120 after Dec. 31.  For more information and to register,  CLICK HERE .  Contact Katie Olleman is you want to go.
Outreach & Missions World

Martin Luther King Day of Caring
Aldersgate will again participate in the MLK Day of Caring on January 16.  We will be sorting and organizing clothing and toys for kids in need at Eastside Baby Corner (Issaquah). You must be 7 years or older to volunteer.  If you would like to sign up to volunteer on January 16  from 9:00am - noon, please email Jen Hoerber or Janice Zahn.  Carpooling can be arranged.

Christmas Giving Opportunities
  • Hopelink Christmas Store  Aldersgate has provided items for the Hopelink Christmas Gift Store for many years. We focus on teenagers because gifts for them are often in short supply but gifts for any age child are also welcome.  A box will be placed in the narthexfor your donations. All gifts must be delivered to the church no later than Sunday, December 18.
  • Vision House  Your donation of gift cards to Vision House aids the task of providing transitional housing to homeless families.  The gift cards are for groceries, clothing, gasoline, and personal items when special needs occur during the year. A gift tree is in the narthex for your choice of a gift from $10 to $50.  Please bring your gift card to the church by Sunday, December 18.
Prayer List   

People Who Passed Away
*Kristy McLean's friend Don
*Kevin Jeanes' aunt Louise

*Sadly we announce that Bill (Wally) Nanninga, age 95, died on November 11, a WWII veteran, he died on Veteran's Day.  He and his wife Josephine (Jo) were married for 72 years and were charter members of Aldersgate joining in June 1963.  There will not be a memorial service.  Condolence cards for Jo Nanninga can be mailed to her daughter, Carol Lawrence at 12917 SE 4th PL, Bellevue, 98005.

People with Health Concerns
*Flo Monkman's sister Gertie
*Betty Fredeen's friend Leona
*Livonia Lowe
*Bob Olson
*Cindy Wheeler
*Gwen Pazan's mother Marjorie
*Bill Ferguson 

Additional Prayers 
*Missionary Katherine Parker
* Brenda

Submit prayer requests to Dorothy Bennett, the Prayer Chain Coordinator, or fill out a pew prayer card or contact the church office.  Prayer requests will  stay on the Prayer Chain for about 3 weeks.  Please contact Dorothy or the church office with an update if you want the request to be prayed for longer.  
All prayer requests will appear in the church newsletters unless you specifically request otherwise.