Aldersgate United Methodist Church
A vibrant and inclusive Christian community 
growing in faith, love, health and service                                                                February 11, 2016
Aldersgate UMC
14230 SE Newport Way
Bellevue, WA  98006
(425) 746-9800
News Links
Email Links
Lead Pastor
Interim Youth Director

Church Office

Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care & Counseling
Rev. Laura Wall

Children & Family Ministry

Preschool Director

Music Director, 1st Service

Music Director, 2nd Service

Core Leaders, Chair
Feb 15
Presidents' Day
Office Closed
Preschool Break Begins
Feb 17
Lenten Study
Feb 19-21
Church Work Party
Feb 22
March Calendar Due
Feb 24
Lenten Study
Feb 26
Family Fun Night
Mar 2
Lenten Study
Mar 9
Lenten Study
Mar 13
Daylight Savings Time 
Mar 16
Lenten Study
Mar 18-20
Youth SUMYT Retreat
Mar 20
Palm Sunday
Mar 21
April Calendar Due
Mar 23
Lenten Study
Mar 24
Maundy Thurs Service
Mar 25
Good Friday Service
Preschool Closed
Mar 26
Easter Egg-stravaganza
Flashlight Egg Hunt
Mar 27
Easter Sunday
Egg Hunt
Church Leadership 

Click these links to read the minutes of the Core Leadership Team and the monthly minutes of the Ministry Teams.

Core Leaders (Jan)

Worship (Jan)

Outreach (Jan)

Lay Leadership (Jan)

Staff Relations (Jan)

Finance (Jan)

Trustees (Jan)

Preschool (Nov)


To bring a project, program or fundraiser idea to the Aldersgate Common Table for consideration, please fill out the  ACT PROPOSAL FORM  


For an explanation of the Core Leadership Team and a description of the Aldersgate Common Table, CLICK HERE.

Feed Your Soul
See today's devotional from the Upper Room.   CLICK HERE

"Jesus Throughout History"
"The Valentines of Lent "

 1 John 4:7-8

This Sunday
This Sunday brings an interesting combination of events both of which fall on the same Sunday.  It's the first Sunday in Lent and it is Valentine's Day.  Lent is that time when we take time to go deeper in our faith.  So, last week I asked you to complete these seven statements: God is; Jesus is, the Holy Spirit is; the Trinity is; the "Eternal" is; the Church is; and Christian Leadership is.  The equation becomes complete when we also add: therefore I am.  Lent is the perfect time to work on completing these statements.  It will allow to explore where we stand on some of the most important aspects of our faith.  Valentine's Day is a day to remember and thank those closest to us.  It's a day of love, of thanksgiving, of appreciation and even recognition.  It's a day set aside for flowers and chocolate, and how ironic is it that so many of us seek to give up things like chocolate during this time.  The sanctuary becomes devoid of flowers as we seek to simplify and focus.  So how might these two events work together?  I believe they can and they do.  To prepare please read I John 4:7 - 8.   For extra credit add John 13: 34 - 35.  
Ministry News
Office Closed
Due to the President's Day holiday, the church office is closed on Monday, Feb. 15th.  

Your Assistance Needed  
Robert and Lisa Brawn could use our help as Robert recovers from surgery and Lisa returns to work.  Please use this link -- -- and sign up to sit with Robert or provide meals for them.  Right now only a few days are listed.  Lisa is hopeful that is all they will need.

Lenten Prayer Class Begins
February 17
Next week marks the first of the Lenten prayer classes, which offer a way to deepen our prayer practice throughout Lent. The class meets every Wednesday at 7 pm for the next six weeks, and lasts about 45 minutes, after which Pastor Brad will offer a shortened version of his Jesus study. We will be practicing several forms of prayer, mostly but not all Christian in origin, with an emphasis on the contemplative traditions. The last class meets the Wednesday of Holy week, and there will be no Jesus study that week. We will use the final class to prepare ourselves for Christ's passion and resurrection.  Come and pray in community!

Vote for the UMW Award Winner   
ATTENTION PREVIOUS UMW SPECIAL MISSION AWARD RECIPIENTS:  If you have received this award in the past, you are eligible to vote on this year's nominees.   Balloting will be held between services on 2/14, 2/21 & 2/28 in the family room adjacent to the sanctuary.

Sunday School News
The Sunday School curriculum for this month is about the Wedding at Cana from John 2:1-11.  It teaches about how Jesus transforms our emptiness into fullness like water into wine. 
  • More Sunday School teachers are needed!  Spend some time with our Aldersgate kids teaching  Sunday School from now through Easter Sundayl. You can sign up for just one  Sunday if that is your preference.   Click here to sign up to teach Sunday  School classes from  Feb 7  - Easter.
  • We would like to expand our Sunday School program from a one room classroom to a multi-age Sunday school program after Easter.  The breakdown would be:
        3 years olds - Kindergarten Class
        1st - 4th grade Class
        5th - 8th grade Tween Class
    There are many benefits to this change in our children's  Sunday  school program.  One being the ability to offer a more meaningful and challenging curriculum for each age level.  It also means we need volunteers to teach.  Jen Hoerber is working on forming teaching teams for each age group (She already has a few on board!) and a team of substitutes who would be able to step in if no one from the team is able to teach one week.  If you are at all interested, curious or wondering at all about  Sunday  School, please contact Jen. There will be a planning meeting/training in March. 
Easter Singers Needed!
Come join the Chancel Choir to sing in a special performance of "Gloria" by Vivaldi on Easter morning.  We are looking to boost the numbers in the Choir to sing excerpts from this larger work.  There are six special rehearsals on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:00 on February 17, 24, March 2, 9, 16 & 23. The performance will be Easter Sunday, March 27 at the 11:00am service f ollowed by an open invitation singing of Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus".   Please join us for this Aldersgate tradition!

Church Work Party
Saturday, February 20
Come join us on Saturday, Feb. 20 from 8:30am to noon as we work outside around the church property.  Bring work gloves and garden tools.  Come when you can and leave when you must. Please sign up on Sunday's attendance form or contact Ted Snyder, 425-747-4653.

Host a Kid's Club
Please volunteer to host Kid's Club - it's fun!  Kid's Club is a fellowship time for kids during the 8:50am worship service.   There are typically between 4 - 15 kids present and range in age from 3 years - tween.  Share a part of your story and your passions with the kids - they love getting to know members of their Aldersgate Family.  Play games or do an art project with them - they are super fun and creative!  Not sure what to do, but want to support Kid's Club?  Talk with Jen Hoerber about ideas that could work or find a friend to host with you!
Refreshments Needed  
If you enjoy a tasty treat after church on Sunday, please provide them!  We need to restock the freezer with more cookies, muffins and sweet breads.

2015 Contribution Statements  
Year-end contribution statements for 2015 were sent out on January 22.  If we have an e-mail for you in our database, then the statement was emailed to you and you will receive it from the sender LogosCMS.  If we do not have your e-mail in our database, then the statement was sent via USPS.  If you did not receive a statement or if you have found an error on your statement, please contact Linda Reichenbach at

Pledge Reminder
Friendly Reminder: If you forgot to turn in your pledge card, have no fear we will still accept your commitment for this year!  Our goal is simple: with 100% participation of all those who call Aldersgate their church home, we expect to fully fund all our services and grow our church in 2016 and beyond. We ask that you simply give what you can with an open heart in supporting the Stewardship effort and Kitchen Remodeling project. Please click here for the Pledge Card and either mail or bring to church at your earliest convenience.

Fun Events

Family Fun Night
Save the date!  FAMILY FUN NIGHT is coming on February 26th from 6:00-9:00pm.    Bring a game or puzzle and some food to share.  The food should be completely prepped and ready to serve since we are in the middle of kitchen remodel. Remember . . .Friends + Games + Music + Food = FUN!

Easter Egg Activities
Keep those plastic eggs and candy rolling in!  We are needing about 1000 eggs for all of our events!
  • Egg-stravaganza -  March 26th, 10:00am-noon.  This is a community Easter event geared for young children.  We are looking for adult and youth to help with the different craft and game stations. Also, if you have any rolls of duct tape (okay if used), we need some for one of our crafts and would love for you to donate.
  • Tween Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt  -  March 26th, 6:30pm - ???. This is a community Easter event geared for kids ages 10 and up)  We need adult volunteers to help with the ice cream sundae bar and Easter egg hunt following.
  • Easter Sunday  we will be hosting a special Kid's Club during the 8:50am service with an Easter Egg hunt at 10:15am.  It would be great to have some youth volunteers to hide Easter eggs and to assist during Kid's Club activities.
Vacation Bible School
Aldersgate VBS 2016 will be held the week of  July 25th !  If you would like to sign up or at least discuss the possibility of being a station leader or group leader, please let Jen know.  We are starting to get some key volunteers, so we can continue the planning process together. 

Youth Group (6th-12th Grade)
All youth from 6th-12th grade are welcome.  If you have any questions about the youth program, contact Pastor Brad.  Here are some upcoming events:
February 14    No Youth Group tonight
February 21  Youth Group at 6:00pm
February 28  Youth Group at 6:00pm
March 6  Youth Group at 6:00pm
March 13  Youth Group at 6:00pm

Youth - Let's go to SUMYT  
March 18-20
We are excited to announce that we have 10 youth going to SUMYT this year.  We would LOVE to have another chaperone (at least one for  Saturday  -  Sunday  is NEEDED)  Please let Jen know if you are interested. 
Outreach & Missions World
Lazy F  Family Mission Trip
Save the dates May 27-29 for the Aldersgate Family Mission Trip to Lazy F.  The weekend will include tasks for children and adults of all ages.  Last year Aldersgate remodeled two cabins, weeded, planted flowers, built covered firewood storage and a GaGa Ball court, and served at the clothing bank at the Ellensburg United Methodist Church.  The evening events include a campfire with s'mores, board games and a chance to relax in a beautiful location.   Registration details will posted soon.
Prayer List   

People Who Mourn
*Betty Fredeen's sister Donna passed away.
*Dave Maybee's Uncle Peno passed away.

People with Health Concerns
*Dave Maybee
*Kate Ingalls friend Sarah and daughter Sophia
*Ginny Truscott's friend John
*Robert Brawn
*Kathy Maybee's daughter Jennifer's friend Kim and her family
*Carol Cubilie's son Tim
*Cindy Wheeler
*Betty Fredeen

Additional Prayers 
*Missionary Katherine Parker
*Nita & Zane Daniel
*Jeff & Cindy Wheeler
*Karin Halley's children Kari and Aaron
*Dave & Kathy Maybee celebrate the birth of twin grandchildren
Submit prayer requests to Dorothy Bennett, the Prayer Chain Coordinator, or fill out a pew prayer card or contact the church office.  Prayer requests will  stay on the Prayer Chain for about 3 weeks.  Please contact Dorothy or the church office with an update if you want the request to be prayed for longer.  
All prayer requests will appear in the church newsletters unless you specifically request otherwise.