Aldersgate United Methodist Church
A vibrant and inclusive Christian community 
growing in faith, love, health and service                                                                       June 16, 2016
Aldersgate UMC
14230 SE Newport Way
Bellevue, WA  98006
(425) 746-9800
News Links
Email Links
Lead Pastor

Church Office

Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care & Counseling
Rev. Laura Wall

Children & Family Ministry

Preschool Director

Music Director, 1st Service

Music Director, 2nd Service

Core Leaders, Chair
June 17
Church Office Closed
June 19
Father's Day
June 20
July Calendar Events ACP Summer Camp #1
June 21
VBS Meeting
June 24-26
PNWUMC Annual Church Conference
June 25
Church Hike
June 27
ACP Summer Camp #2
June 29
Missionary Lunch
July 4
Independence Day
Office Closed
July 7
VBS Meeting
July 9
Young Adult BBQ
July 10
Youth Foot Golf
July 11
ACP Summer Camp #3
July 15
Church Office Closed
July 16
Church Hike
July 18
ACP Summer Camp #4
July 25
August Calendar Events
July 25-28
Vacation Bible School
July 31
Church B-B-Q Picnic
Aug 5
Church Office Closed
Aug 19
Church Office Closed
Aug 27
Church Hike
Aug 28
Youth Kickball
Church Leadership 

Click these links to read the minutes of the Core Leadership Team and the monthly minutes of the Ministry Teams.

Core Leaders (April)

Trustees (May)

Staff Relations (April)

Lay Leadership (April)

Worship (April)

Finance (Mar)

Preschool (Feb)

Outreach (Jan)


To bring a project, program or fundraiser idea to the Aldersgate Common Table for consideration, please fill out the  ACT PROPOSAL FORM  


For an explanation of the Core Leadership Team and a description of the Aldersgate Common Table, CLICK HERE.

Feed Your Soul
See today's devotional from the Upper Room.   CLICK HERE
Who signed up to provide altar flowers on July 10? Someone started to fill out their information on the flower calendar by the church office but forgot to leave their name. We need a name.  Please contact Wendi in the church office if that was you!
Aldersgate - A vibrant and inclusive Christian community
growing in faith, love, health, and service.

Jesus Through History

"A Family of Faith -   a Family of Action"

Matthew 5:1-16

This Sunday is my annual state of Aldersgate sermon.  We look back on this past year. and celebrate what we've accomplished, and there is much to celebrate.  Yet there is more to this Sunday than memories.  We've spent a year studying Jesus and this is the wrap up.  And now, as we once again mourn the tragic losses in Orlando, Florida, maybe it's time to reexamine our mission statement and what it really means to be a vibrant, inclusive Christian community growing in faith, love, health and service. The two events that took place last Sunday can both be reminders of Jesus, his life and teachings, his understanding of acceptance, and how it is absolutely, in this time in history, designed to move us toward action.  The two events on the heels of the shooting were the conclusion of Confirmation and a wonderful service lead by that class, and the celebration of my parents 65th wedding anniversary.  My parents have spend their lives seeking to bring peace and acceptance to the world.  So this Sunday, we're going to talk about all of it as we look back on a year of adventure and look at what may lay ahead.  To prepare please read Matthew 5: 1 - 16.

Pastor's Blog
Rev. Brad P. Beeman 

     A celebration last Sunday of my parents ' 65th wedding anniversary had its somber moments as we turned our attention toward Orlando.  The couple that we were celebrating have spent much of the later years of their lives fighting the kind of hatred exemplified so violently last Saturday evening.  I thought it ironic that this massive tragedy would happen on the evening before we celebrated two significant events.  The first was a group of fifteen confirmands all of whom celebrate the kind of acceptance and diversity we see in this church, this community and region.  It is an acceptance that takes our breath away and is a model for each of us.  Then moving from that overwhelming event to the celebration of my parents, and sitting in that room with my gay brother and his husband, and my lesbian sister and her wife...well, it was an even deeper sense of what family is, there in that room with young and old, gay and straight, and all those we include all the way across the country. 
     Together we mourn with those families who lost loved ones.  We mourn with those who were in that Club and watched as friends, partners, spouses and strangers were cut down by this one overtly violent, terrible, dissenting voice.  This simply cannot continue as a response to disagreements.  It puts in forefront, once again, the many issues in need of attention; and discussion; issues like gun control, this Presidential election, terrorism, hatred, violence, and "radical Islam."  It opens again the discussion of whether or not that phrase defines a whole religious group.  And isn't Aldersgate the kind of place that can open that discussion?
     First and foremost, our hearts, prayers and certainly actions of nurturing support need to go out to the entire LGBTQ community.   It is part of being a vibrant and inclusive Christian community and, a realization that the needed actions and discussions are what will cause us to grow in faith, love, health and service.  We are called to be a place that not only is able to talk about these things, but those willing to take actions that stand against these things.  Last Sunday an invitation was offered to join Redmond United Methodist Church in their support of the Gay Pride Parade coming up in a couple of weeks.  Maybe now more than any time in recent history we need to consider our support, our love and living out our mission statement more fully.  Might this be that kind of opportunity? 
Ministry News

Reception for Katherine Parker
June 29, Noon
Katherine Parker, a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of the UMC now serving in Nepal, will be joining us  June 29 at noon in Friendship Hall. Aldersgate helps support her mission which involves serving as part of the health team of the United Mission to Nepal.  Her work there is focused in three areas: 1) Adolescent sexual reproductive health and rights and menstrual hygiene; 2) Maternal and child health; and 3) Water, sanitation, and hygiene. The reception will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about her work and life there. A light lunch will be served.  Please sign up on Sunday's attendance form.  Contact is Jean Rummel.

Annual Conference  
Next week Pastor Brad will attend the Pacific Northwest United Methodist Church Annual Conference in Puyallup and then he will be the camp pastor at Twinlow the following week. Vince Fratello will be in the pulpit on June 26 and July 3.  Pastor Brad will be back in the saddle on July 10.

Gay Pride Parade
June 26
We have been offered the opportunity to march with Redmond United Methodist Church at the Pride Parade on  Sunday, June 26th.  The United Methodist churches in this area will march together.   There is a send-off service at 10:30am at First UMC of Seattle (180 Denny Way) and everyone will then leave around 10:45am for the parade route. Their best guess is that we will start moving around 11:30am and it will take 1½ hour to finish the route - the parade officially starts at 11:00am..   First UMC also has T-shirts for sale to wear for $20.  The front says "All Are Welcome" and the back has a mosaic fish with the words, Pride + Faith.  Stan and Candace McKenzie will be going and would be glad to carpool with anyone who would like to join them.  If this is something that interests you, email them at

Summer Giving  
We thank you for your financial support and remind you that summers are usually our leanest months because many of you will be gone on vacation.  We encourage everyone to catch up on their donation pledges. If you have not already done so, please consider signing up for automatic, recurring, electronic giving.  It's fast, it's simple, and it really helps us keep the lights on and programs going during the summer months. For more information, go to the giving page of the church website (   For those members in town for part or all of the summer, click here to check out our website  calendar page for summer events !  Blessings to you and your family. - Finance Team

Communion Servers
We are updating our list of people willing to help serve communion.  Servers are asked to serve communion the same morning that they will be serving.  Click here for the current list of people willing to serve communion and learn how you can add your name to the list or have your name removed from the list. Contact is Malia Hampson.

More VBS Volunteers Needed
We are still in need of a Recreation Station Leader, Crew Leaders (helping get kids from one station to the next) and station helpers.  Please sign up on Sunday's attendance form or contact  Jen Hoerber.  You don't want to miss out on this fun week at AUMC.  

Jars Needed
We need plastic jars with lids for a Vacation Bible School project.  We need  pint or quart size, such as a mayonnaise jar or a peanut butter jar. Leave them in the bag by Linda Detering's mailbox or give them to Jen Hoerber.   Thank you.

Preschool Employment Opportunity
Aldersgate Christian Preschool has several openings for the 2016-2017 school year from September through June.   The openings are for Preschool Teacher, Assistant Teacher, Classroom Aide and Substitutes.   Applications are available in the Preschool Office located on the lower level of the church facility.  Interested applicants should call the preschool 425-562-0433. 

Thank You Letter
Ispa Delongpre writes, "Dear Aldersgate Congregation, Just giving honor to God who has sustained me through knee surgery.  I'd also like to thank the many members who prayed for me throughout.  I'd like to give a special thanks to Pasor Laura, Jennifer, Julie, Candace and the team of women who took the time to not only prepare wonderful meals for me, but they brought them to me always with a prayer and loads of encouragement.  Thank you Pastor Brad for helping to create such a wonderful spiritual foundation as this church. God's continued blessings!"
Fun Events

Youth Group (6th-12th Grade)
Youth Group continues through the summer on  Sunday evenings from  6:00-8:00pm.   NEW TIME!  All youth from 6th-12th grade are welcome.  Click here for the summer schedule.   If you have any questions about the youth program, contact Pastor Brad or Jen Hoerber.
Here are some upcoming events:
*June 19 - Father's Day.  NO Youth Group.
*June 25 - Everyone come hike the Lake Hills Greenbelt trail.  
      Meet 9:00am at the Demonstration Garden near the corner of 16th and 156th streets.
*June 26 - Youth Group, 6:00pm-8:00pm - NEW TIME!
      Eat your dinner before you come!
*July 3 - Holiday weekend. NO Youth Group

Preschool Summer Camp
Enroll now in Aldersgate's Preschool summer camp program.  For children 3 years old through 1st grade graduates.  Hours are 9:30am-1:30pm, Monday through Thursday.  Weekly fee is $150.  CLICK HERE for summer camp information and registration forms.  Call or email the preschool for more information at 425-562-0433 or  Weekly themes are:
June 20-23 ~ Camping, Nature and Wetlands
June 27-30 ~ Insects, Reptiles and Amphibians
July 11-14 ~ Jungles, Rain Forests and Savannas
July 18-21 ~ Oceans, Sea Life and Aquatic Birds

Summer Hikes 
Save the dates and hike with us this summer on Saturday mornings. Meet other Aldersgate hikers at the trailhead at 9:00am on these dates:
 - June 25 - Lake Hills Greenbelt Trail, meet at the Demonstration Garden 
                   near the corner of 16th & 156th streets.
 - July 16 - Coal Creek Falls Trail
 - August 27 - Twin Falls Trail
Everyone is welcome to participate. Contact is   Jen Hoerber

At The Crossroads BBQ  
July 9, 6:30pm
The young adult group "At the Crossroads" will have its Summer BBQ Potluck on Saturday, July 9 from 6:30-10:00pm at Aldersgate UMC.  The drinks, hamburgers and hotdogs are provided.  Please bring a side dish to share with 10-12 people.  We will play lawn games, and wrap the evening up with an outdoor movie after it gets dark at 9:00pm.  All young adults (college and early career age) are welcome to attend.  Bring a friend and a lawn chair!  Check out the Facebook event at

VBS Registration
Register for VBS Today!  All kids entering pre-k through grade 5 in the fall are welcome!  Make sure to invite your friends  to this fun filled week of worship and experiencing God's love.  Registration forms can be found  HERE .  Cost is $30 per child and payment can be made with a check (mark VBS in the memo line) or go to the  church website  to pay online.

ALL Church BBQ Picnic
July 31 @ 11:30am
Save the date!   O n Sunday, July 31st there will be one worship service at 10:00am  where we as a church will worship as one body in Christ, followed by the ALL Church BBQ Picnic. Please sign up to help. Contact is  Jen Hoerber.
Outreach & Missions World
Crossroads Feeding Program Needs YOU!
Summer is upon us and there are opportunities to serve those in need. The Crossroads Feeding Program is looking for volunteers to serve and donate food in June, July, August and September. We ask that servers be at least 10 years of age though younger kids can still help. Please check your calendars and click here  to sign-up or feel free to email Melinda Lilley  directly to find out specific needs. 

Craft & Program Supplies Need for Lazy F
We are collecting craft and program supplies for the Camp Lazy F.   Click here for a complete list of the supplies needed.  Supplies will be collected through June. Look for the collection box in the narthex.

Foodbank 5000 Item Challenge 
The food challenge continues.  We've achieved over 20% toward our goal - a total of 1,137 food items have been collected so far.
Prayer List   

People Who Mourn
Please pray for the families and friends of these people who have died recently:
*John Martinsen's uncle John
*Colleen Olleman's uncle Randolf
*Mary Blakney's sister 
*Don & Edna Fadden's friend Steve
*Dan Kinney's brother

People with Health Concerns
*Emily Browder's brother Ben
*Kathy Maybee's grandson Daniel
*Geri Martinsen's friends Terry, Jeff, John and Patty
*David Maybee
* Marvin & Norma Bush's daughter Karen

Additional Prayers 
*Missionary Katherine Parker, City of Federal Way
Submit prayer requests to Dorothy Bennett, the Prayer Chain Coordinator, or fill out a pew prayer card or contact the church office.  Prayer requests will  stay on the Prayer Chain for about 3 weeks.  Please contact Dorothy or the church office with an update if you want the request to be prayed for longer.  
All prayer requests will appear in the church newsletters unless you specifically request otherwise.