Fifth Sunday After Pentecost - July 5, 2020
From the Vicar
Telling stories these days or sharing information often includes saying, “Did you see the post/story/article/link…?” We have access to an overload of information, but as is the nature of social media and viral content, we tend to see a lot of the same information.

This e-newsletter is our best way to share information across our congregation. We don’t expect it to be viral, but we do trust that if you care about what is going on in our community, the information is here to keep you informed or give you the contacts to get in touch for any questions you have.

This week we have a lot of important information about our life together, and I hope you will take a few minutes for the updates regarding these topics among others:
  • Worship information, service bulletin, and classes -- there are many ways to connect and nurture our spiritual lives
  • Virtual Bible School & Youth info -- we hope all the kiddos can participate!
  • Treasurer’s Report & Giving
  • Sanctuary renovation
  • Ways to contribute to Outreach

Thank you for all you do for love of God and neighbor. We might look different wearing our masks, but our work remains the same. And our faithful work is needed now as much as ever.
Creative Ways to Be in the Church
We bishops in the Episcopal Church have been meeting via Zoom on an almost weekly basis as we try to determine some of the best ways for the church to move forward under such unusual circumstances. The meeting this week centered on worship. We heard presentations from an epidemiologist with a background in liturgical worship, as well as a professor of music at Virginia Theological Seminary.

The epidemiologist’s advice was to worship outdoors if at all possible. As he put it, “it is a thousand times safer outside than inside.” Fresh air is better than re-circulated air. For those times when people worship indoors, he felt that it was better to have more services and limit the number of attendees at any one service. If worshipping outdoors, more people can certainly be accommodated, provided that they socially distance themselves and understand that they are not to congregate before or after the service. He was comfortable in distributing Holy Communion in the form of consecrated Bread if everyone follows health guidelines and attendees remain masked.

The VTS professor said that a number of musicians’ groups have commissioned a new study on the spread of infectious diseases by singers. The study will look at such things as distance between people and the usefulness of masking while singing. This study is supposed to be completed by the end of July, with some results announced soon thereafter. In the meantime, she reminded us that it is essential that churches not have choirs or congregational singing, but instead use soloists (or quartets at a maximum) and keep singers very distant from anyone else.

Given the disparity in the number of Covid cases in our counties, it has been possible for a few congregations to resume in-person worship. I have been able to visit three such places: St. Peter’s in Tollville (which has since returned to long-distance worship), St. Francis’ in Heber Springs (which has been meeting outdoors when possible), and St. Mark’s in Crossett (where I received a person into the Episcopal Church). I hope to make more visits in places where it is safe to do so.

Naturally, the goal is to gather in person when we can do so safely. But for many of our congregations, online worship will remain the way that we “gather” for the foreseeable future. To help with such worship,  Randall Curtis  is working with some congregations on how to improve their online worship experience.

As we get more information on how best to gather the church, either virtually or in person, we will pass it along. In the meantime, please remember that we have been given an opportunity to be the church in ways far more creative than we ever imagined even a year ago. In doing so, we are learning a lot about the heart of Christianity, of what is essential in our call to follow the risen Christ. And what is essential is to love God and love our neighbors: practicing humility toward ourselves and compassion toward others.
Spiritual Practice: "Continue in the Breaking of Bread"
Need some ideas for contemplation and/or action? These are suggestions for you to do at home to stay connected to our religious tradition and nurture your spirituality.

Continuing in the “breaking of bread” might seem impossible right now, but that’s not the case. Do you/your family say grace before meals? Meals eaten with intention and with thanks given to God make meals more meaningful and appreciated. When food insecurity is so great, even in our region, it’s as important as ever to give thanks. Prayers for mealtimes can be found in The Book of Common Prayer on p. 835. They’re short and sweet.

Baking bread is a great way to participate in a family tradition, using a favorite family recipe. Apparently baking bread is so popular during the pandemic that King Arthur Flour is out of all types of flour except All Purpose! This Bread Recipe is what we used for the bread guild while I was in seminary at Sewanee. It offers a way to make a small loaf that my kids enjoy (they like any kind of homemade bread!), and when we are able to worship together again and share one bread, maybe you’d like to practice your baking skills to be ready to join the Bread Guild! You can also pull out your favorite recipe to bake bread as a sign of thanksgiving for all that is given, for the abundance of creation. Maybe even send your favorite recipe to your Prayer Buddy or friend?

Next week’s practice: “Continue in the Prayers”
Worship Information
This Sunday, Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (July 5th):
9am: Facebook Live on our All Saints’ Facebook page
  • Video will be uploaded to our YouTube channel as soon as it is completed, God willing and technology cooperating! (follow the channel to get notification)

July 5th bulletin HERE .

Services :
In English:
8am - Morning Prayer, Rt. II - Monday-Friday 
5pm - Evening Prayer, Rt. II - Saturday
9am - Holy Eucharist - Sunday; available on YouTube later 
En Español:
12pm - Oficio para el Mediodía - martes a viernes
9pm - Oficio de Completas - lunes a viernes
1pm - Santa Eucaristía - Domingo

*Spanish-speaking services will be shared on the All Saints’ page as they are available, including the 1pm Sunday service.

If you do not have The Book of Common Prayer at home for the Daily Office, you may arrange to pick one up from the church or access it online: .

You can access a guide to the Daily Offices (of which Morning and Evening Prayer are included), HERE
Adult Christian Education
Join us at 10:15 for coffee time, and our discussion/video will start at 10:30. Here’s the Zoom link to join . This Sunday the featured New Testament characters are “The Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan.”
From the Treasurer
Treasurer's Report - July 1, 2020
In the month of June we had only $6,765 of contributions. That puts us in a deficit position of $6,828 for the month. So far this year we are running a $10,867 deficit. We typically require $14,825 per month in contributions to cover our fixed monthly operating expenses. Operating expenses have decreased to some extent since the shut-down but as you can see the on-going fixed expense is still very substantial. Obviously, we continue to feel the stress from the shutdown.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that we keep our pledges and donations as current as possible to help us get through this difficult period. Contributions can be made either by check or on-line contribution. Our expenses don’t slow down to any great extent as a result of the shut-down and will continue at approximately $14,825 per month. I will continue to include information on how to contribute.

Thanks for all of your help. If you need to contact me you can do so at [email protected] or (361) 739-7567. - John Jones, Treasurer
Youth News - Virtual Bible School
Virtual Bible School begins Sunday, July 12th, at 3pm, and will continue for 5 weeks, each Sunday at 3pm. We’re super excited about Compassion Camp! Families who want to participate must sign up through our sign-up page or email Mandy ( [email protected] ) so that we have all the info we need to make sure your kiddos get all supplies. Materials for the program will be dropped off on July 10th; yep, you’ll get everything you need to follow and craft with us! Have questions or want to connect? Make sure Mandy has your contact info and join our All Saints’/Todos los Santos Youth private Facebook group.
Altar Flowers
Visit the SignUp Genius page to let us know when you would like to contribute the altar flowers for a Sunday service! Or email Brenda Zedlitz . This is a beautiful way to show your gratitude and/or honor the memory of a loved one. The altar flowers also make a lovely delivery to someone at home, so your generosity goes beyond Sunday’s service!
All Saints' Directory - Photos Needed!
Reach out to one another through the directory online ( ) or through the app: . If you would like a printed copy, please contact Sandi Lynn or Mother Sara . We would love to see more pictures of our members! Help us do this before we go seeking photos of you! Thanks for helping us stay better connected, which is so important especially now that we are not gathering in person.
Creation Care - July 1
“Give yourself permission to be human. When we accept emotions such as fear, anger, sadness or anxiety, we are much more likely to overcome them.” (Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, Project Happiness)

This week, I am asking our community to pray for the care of the human part of Creation. My heart, like many of yours’, is heavy with the emotions of the human spirit:
  • Sadness for people who have lost the battle with Covid 19, and for loved ones grieving their loss.
  • Anxiety for family members separated from each other at a time when hugs are desperately needed, for students and parents uncertain about safety issues as schools open, and anxiety about when a vaccine might be available.
  • Fear because so many people lack income, food and other resources needed to survive the pandemic;
  • And finally, the anger that results from uncertainty.
The following is an excerpt from Psalm 91 in Psalms for Praying, by Nan Merrill:
“Because you cleave to Me in love, I will deliver you;
I will protect you, who call upon my Name.
When you call to Me, I will answer you;
I will be with you in times of trouble,
I will rescue you so that you will know my Peace,
All through the years, will I dwell in your heart, as Loving Companion Presence forever.”
I don’t have any answers for my questions, but perhaps together, we can lift our hearts and voices to God. Blessings! - Jackie Bromley
Building Committee Update
What Do You Think?
It’s time to make some decisions and the Building Committee would like to hear from you.We’ve selected a laminate vinyl tile for the main floor of the Sanctuary, and narrowed it down to 2 colors:
Weathered Bronze:
or Misted Bronze:
The altar will be tiled with a vinyl tile polished to look like marble. This was only available in one color:
So what do you think?

The Weathered Bronze is on the left, the Misted Bronze on the right.The samples are available in the Parish Hall, if you’d like to take a look in person. Keep in mind that the colors may appear different in different lights.
Here is a link to vote. We want to hear from you! Please vote by Tuesday, July 7.
Interfaith Book Club and Chat
Our Interfaith Book Club is deep into The Lemon Tree, by Sandy Tolan. Please join us on  Facebook  for group discussion. All faiths are welcome and all locations, since we are meeting virtually. Join us on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm. 
Music at All Saints'
It is wonderful to have music with worship! If you have any questions regarding music at All Saints’ or want to get involved, reach out to Jayme at [email protected] .
Noon Bible Study - Tuesdays
Our social justice-themed Bible study continues now through video conferencing, thanks to Zoom. Here’s the link . All you need is a phone (you can just dial in), a smart phone, or a computer, and we can feast on the Word together.
Education for Ministry
If you are interested in learning more about Christianity, the Bible, theology, or your own faith journey, EfM could be right for you! Our Education for Ministry (EfM) course will continue this fall, meeting via Zoom until we are allowed to gather in person. Lori Snelgrove ( [email protected] ) and Mother Sara are co-mentors for the group. If you are continuing the program or want to know more about what’s involved, reach out! There are several EfM alumni among the All Saints’ congregation who would be happy to share more.
Democracy, Values, and the 2020 Election
A nonpartisan reflection guide can be downloaded here , thanks to Faith in Public Life and Interfaith Power and Light. Topics for reflection are relevant to our present moment and the upcoming election.

Follow this link if you need to request an absentee ballot (in Benton County). Here’s the general link to Voter tools . Be sure to verify your voter registration. We want everyone to be able to #votefaithfully!
Essentials Outreach
All contributions are helpful! Thanks to all who contribute to our neighbors. Here are items requested:
  • Toilet Paper
  • Shampoo
  • Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
  • Soap
  • Shaving Cream and Razors
  • Deodorant
  • Laundry Soap
  • Dish Soap
Check out  our Facebook page
Food insecurity is heightened during this time of increased unemployment and kids being home from school. If you know of someone who has a need, here are some Bentonville-based resources (plus St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Rogers). Here’s a link to the NWA Food Bank that has a list of closings because right now many resources are not available.
  • Christ the King, Wednesdays drive-up thru 2pm-3:30pm: they could use donations of paper goods and personal hygiene products
  • St. Andrew’s pantry is open on Tuesdays, 9am-11am: food distribution in the parking lot (no current needs expressed except for prayers for the effort and the health of all involved); St. Andrew’s also has a Little Free Pantry so you can donate non-perishable foods at any time
  • Little Free Pantry at Neighborhood Church on I Street: donate non-perishable foods at any time
  • Samaritan Community Center is still in operation (providing food for teachers, counselors, etc. to distribute to children and families) on Hudson in Rogers and has volunteer opportunities for those 18-61 years old. Find more information here.
  • Second Street Pantry (UMC, downtown Bentonville): drive-thru pick up open Tuesdays, 1-3pm

Do you know of a pantry that is open/needs donations? Let us know so we can share!
Discretionary Fund
Our discretionary fund is used to help those who call for assistance, typically for help with rent or utilities. Please know that this fund has been used to significantly help a few folks this month. You can contribute to the discretionary fund online (select discretionary fund from the drop-down menu) or by sending a check with “discretionary fund” in the memo.
Assist a Family
A single mother who tested positive for Covid-19 has been out of work. As a recent refugee, this family has already suffered much. If you can contribute financially, that would be greatly appreciated (fundraiser link here) . If you know of job openings in Fayetteville, she would appreciate a new job opportunity.
Prayers - Please Pray With Us For
Peter & Kate
Millions who are unemployed
All who grieve
Tommy & Elizabeth
Linda & Leigh
Those who are expecting: Michelle, Adina and Lauren
All patients and workers affected by COVID-19
Prayers for the departed: All who have died, especially Ethan (brother of Edward Stiglets), Adelso Castillo (uncle of Padre Guillermo Castillo), Jackie (cousin of Mandy Stiglets), Berkleigh (infant of Peter and Kate Oxford) , the 122,000+ who have died from covid-19, and all who have died at the hands of violence and injustice, especially Black and Indigenous people and other people of color (BIPOC) -- May they all rest in peace and rise in glory.
Ministry Leaders
It takes many people to support the ministries of All Saints'. Here are email links for leaders of lay ministries. If you have any questions or would like to help, please reach out. There is a place for you. Your participation is much needed and appreciated!

Acolytes -  Lou Honderich
Altar Guild -  Jennifer Stoner
Bread Guild -  Justin Snopko
Chalice Bearers and Lectors -  Lou Honderich  (Sunday)  Marj Bernhardt  (Saturday)
Diversity Representative -   Julie Collins
ECW -  Sandi Lynn ,  all women of the church are encouraged to attend!
Facebook -  Belinda Ostrowski , pictures are always appreciated!
Flower Guild -  Brenda Zedlitz  or sign up  online
Hospitality -  Geraldine Madsen  and  Sandi Lynn
Interfaith representative - to be filled
Member Relations -  Joe Delacruz Deb Shoemaker Kyle Schiller
Music -  Jayme Amonsen
Newsletter -  Sandi Lynn , feedback and suggestions are always welcome!
Rides to church -  Tom Morris
Theology Pub -  Sandy Wylie
Vestry -  Marty Esarte , Senior Warden
Youth Ministry -  Mandy Stiglets
Church Phone Numbers and Office Hours
Church phone: 479.802.0302
Office hours: Tues - Friday from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and other times by appointment.