News for the Week of:

February 25, 2024

Dear Friends,

Lent is a time for humility, for acknowledging our brokenness, where we've fallen short, and then to turn our hearts again to God. That sounds like a lot of effort, doesn't it? And, in some ways, I'm not really sure it's the right image.

This year we have a special focus on covenants and each week we hear about the covenants God makes with us, which we find impossible to live into, so God tries again, with a another covenant. Courtney preached beautifully about this last Sunday.

With each covenant we learn that no matter how we fall short, our God is faithful. With each covenant we learn that even when we turn away, God is always longing after us, calling to us.

That's a scriptural truth, part of our story as Christians, but it might not seem so apparent in our daily lives, and, yet, I know for certain that God is calling each one of us, is luring us on towards God, towards the Holy. I have invited a number of people recently to consider how in the past few days they have felt the tug of God, felt a slight turning in themselves towards God, or had an experience of the Holy, of God. Every single person can point to such a moment, sometimes multiple moments when invited to sit quietly and reflect on the work of God in their lives.

Turning to God doesn't require a Herculean effort because it is God who is doing all the work!

But God is often quieter than the noisiness of our lives, so to hear God, to feel God, requires that we slow down for a bit, get quiet, reflect. After all, "God's first language is silence" as the mystic St. John of the Cross wrote.

So, Beloved, in this Lenten time (well, in any time!) I invite you to take a few minutes (really, three minutes is enough time) of silence to reflect on how our faithful God is calling to you.

Faithfully, Suzanne+

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THIS EVENING: Friday, February 23

Kintsugi pottery

Repairing What is Broken: Soup Supper & Kintsugi Workshop

6:30 in the Parish Hall

This Lent we will consider the various covenants that have been made by God with us, how we break them, and how God repairs what we have broken. An image for this is the Japanese art of Kintsugi, which repairs broken pottery with gold, highlighting rather than disguising the brokenness and the repair. Objects are made stronger at the broken places.

Come for a soup supper and conversation, followed by a workshop practicing the art of Kintsugi.

Soup Supper provided.

Bring your favorite beverages and desserts to enjoy and share.

Please Register to help us provide enough soup supper!

Register for the Workshop

THIS SUNDAY: February 25


Newcomers’ Lunch

12:30 in the Parish Hall

Are you new to All Saints? Are you interested in meeting other newcomers and learning more about our community? If yes, please join us for our next Newcomers lunch. We’ll gather in the parish hall for a casual luncheon, conversation, and a chance to learn more about All Saints and ways to continue connecting with our community. 

Please register so we can plan food accordingly.

If you have any questions, please contact Courtney at [email protected]

Register for the Newcomers’ Lunch

United Power Action to Celebrate Reclaiming Chicago

Come join the United Power Action!

WHEN: Sunday February 25th, 4 PM - 5:30 PM

WHERE: Harmony Community Church, 1908 S Millard


All Saints Trouble Makers, we have made good progress in on our Reclaiming Chicago campaign! There are currently 71 homes in development across four neighborhoods. It is time to celebrate new homeowners, funders, supports and the progress we have made. We also want to commit to the next steps that will carry the Reclaiming Chicago campaign forward in 2024.


TO RSVP, click HERE.


All Saints will not have a bus to this action. If you need a ride, or can offer a ride please email Barbara Manley, [email protected]


Calling all singers and musicians!

Remember what St. Augustine once said: “The one who sings, prays twice!”

If you’ve ever thought about becoming a part of the music ministry at All Saints, we invite you to join us for Lent and Easter. No auditions necessary; the only requirement is a willing heart! if you play a string, woodwind, or brass instrument, we need you. Rehearsals dates are limited, but lots of fun!

For more information or to sign up, you can see Colin after services or email him at [email protected] 


 I Will With God’s Help

Lent has been a time when we, as a community of God’s People, remember, pray for, and spiritually accompany adults and children as they head to the waters of Baptism at Easter Vigil. Before they are baptized, they (or their godparents) make promises. Then we do, too. In the Episcopal Church, we renew our baptismal promises by responding to the questions posed in The Baptismal Covenant. 

Over the coming weeks of Lent we will be hearing more about covenants. In our first readings, we will listen to the stories of God’s covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, and the ancient Jews in captivity. And we will reflect on our own Baptismal Covenant. Stay tuned!

Read More about The Baptismal Covenant (PDF)


Scripture and Compline on Zoom

 Wednesday Evenings at 7:00pm

FEB 21, 28, MAR 6, 13, and 20

Deepen your understanding of scripture and spend time in prayer with others at All Saints. We will explore the Scripture for the upcoming Sunday using Lectio Divina and other meditative methods. We’ll close with the church’s “bedtime prayer” of Compline.

Scripture & Compline Resources

An Invitation to Weekday Morning Prayer at 8:30am on Zoom

Give this Small Group a try during Lent. This “small group” is a cross-section of All Saints folks from near and far, people who attend daily or once a week, who participate just before they start work, or when they wake up. Morning Prayer Resources, including Zoom, available below.

Morning Prayer Resources


Volunteer for Love on a Plate!

Cooking and delivering a meal to a fellow parishioner through the Love on a Plate ministry is a great way to meet new people in our congregation. It also helps make some of life’s challenging chapters — illness, grief, welcoming a new baby — a little easier and less lonely. Love on a Plate is looking for new volunteers to meet the needs of our growing community. Participation is simple:

1) Sign up as a volunteer by emailing Kelly McNees.

2) When a request comes to you via email, sign up for a date that works for you.

3) Cook and deliver a simple meal on your assigned date. No minimum required time commitment. Participate when you can, and help lighten someone’s load. 

Bake Auction

This Calls for Cake!


On Sunday, March 3, our annual Bake Auction returns

In-Person & Online

Last year, we raised over $27,000 in ONE SHORT HOUR.

Let's do it Again!

Hosted by students of our church school, this raucous, thrilling, and delicious All Saints event will fill our hearts and our bellies, as we buy each other’s baked goods at ridiculously generous prices. 

All the money we raise goes to much-needed essentials for our dear friends and partners in South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, and other Eastern African countries.

And you can still contribute your baked treats to the auction!

Would you like to put a fabulous treat made of sugar and butter in the Live or Silent auction? Email Polly Tangora ( In return you’ll receive logistical information, plus pure gratitude and joy.

Are you ready?!

Click the button below to get all the information you need for both In-Person and Online participation. And like last year, we'll have a Silent Auction online!

Bake Auction INFO (PDF)


RCS Volunteers

Ravenswood Community Services (RCS)

is looking for Tuesday Afternoon volunteers!

RCS is currently experiencing an historic increase in neighbors seeking assistance. If you've been thinking you might like to give volunteering with RCS a try, now would be a really great time. If you've tried volunteering in the past but were discouraged by full sign ups - please give us another shot! 


Here are links to our upcoming dates:

Feb 27

March 5

March 12

March 19

March 26

We're also looking for volunteers who would like to join our Tuesday Delivery Crew.

Every Tuesday between 12:30-2pm volunteers unload A LOT OF FOOD from pallets on the sidewalk to the Parish Hall for distribution. You should feel comfortable lifting 30-50 lbs and going up and down stairs. Those interested should reach out to Parker at [email protected]

THURSDAYS: After School Pantries

We're looking for volunteers for our After School Pantries on Thursdays. More information in the link: Thursday After School Pantry Sign Up 



Before The Streetlights Come On: Black America’s Urgent Call for Climate Solutions

Zoom webinar February 29

On February 29 from 6-7 pm CT, the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio's Creation Care and Environmental Justice Commission will host a Zoom webinar with author and climate activist, Heather McTeer Toney, to discuss her new book, Before The Streetlights Come On: Black America’s Urgent Call for Climate Solutions. The event is free but registration is required. Learn more.

The Philadelphia Eleven Online Premiere

March 8 at 7 pm Central

A new documentary about the Philadelphia Eleven will premiere online on March 8 at 7 pm Central, in honor of International Women's Day.

The film tells the story of eleven women ordained Episcopal priests on July 29, 1974 at Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia, two years before the ordination of women was approved by General Convention. A panel discussion will follow the online screening, featuring the Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward and the Rev. Nancy Wittig, two of the eleven, as well as Bishop Nedi Rivera, the first Hispanic woman to be ordained a bishop, and filmmaker Margo Guernsey.

Learn more and purchase tickets.


The vestry will be on retreat during the day on Friday, March 1 and Saturday, March 2. This is an annual retreat that occurs after the annual meeting as a way to come together with new vestry members and plan the business of the year.

A Note of Thanks

Charlie and Jennifer Simokaitis give great thanks to All Saints for celebrating the life of Charlie's father in a joy-filled funeral on Thursday, February 22. It meant the world to celebrate and grieve with their church family. Thank you to everyone who called, checked in, and showed up.

Serving This Sunday

8:00am Service
Altar Guild: Steve Larson

9:00am Service
Acolytes: Anderson Bergman & Jonah Kruse
Altar Guild: Margaret Dunn, Matthew Sanders, & Clarine Stephens
Chalice: Katie Nolan & Maggie Cassidy
Intercessor: Krys Springer
Lectors: Reader 1) Skip Yates; Reader 2) David Springer
Ushers:  Michael Mattson & Tony Swain
Vestry Announcement: Chad Bergman
11:00am Service
Acolytes: Ashley Gilmore & John Tyler
Altar Guild: Liz Morris & Gretchen Schlabach
Chalice: Bill McHugh & Liz Morris
Intercessor: Leila Fry
Lectors: Reader 1) Allison Loecke; Reader 2) Eileen Crowley
Ushers:  Nancy Kipnis & Jordan Olberding
Vestry Announcement: Ann McKenzie

Facebook Greeters at the 11:00am Service

Audio: Jacob Farmer

Camera: Josephine Koo

Facebook Greeter: Amy Healey

We Pray For

Those who suffer in mind, body, or spirit: especially for Ashley Johnson, Florence Gellman, Lauren, Diane H, Iranice Tavares, Eric Sorensen, Sarah Booten, and for those whose hurts, burdens, and fears go unspoken.

For those on our long-term prayer list: Anne Gellman, Carl Youngberg, Noel McGraw, Eugene Washington, Helen LoRusso, Jane Dobrowski, Chester Richard, Peg Deppe, Ken Reid, Kirsten Rehnberg, Debi Armstrong, Suzanne Shear, Ann J, James Guite, Nina Chinn, Jim Crandall, Lionel Edes, Clara Maddox, Kamila and Kathy.

For those around the world: the people of Gaza and Israel, the people of Ukraine and all affected by war; and our brothers and sisters in Cuernavaca, Mexico; Renk, Sudan; and throughout Latin America and East Africa.

For those who celebrate birthdays this week:

2/25 - Gretchen Schlabach

2/27 - Julia Ferguson

2/28 - Sandra DeAngelus, Suneer Maheshwary

3/01 - Juliette Futrell, Sloan Hoffman, Dylan Masterson

3/02 - Olivia Fergus-Brummer, Betty Fraga

3/03 - Steven Fraga, Alex Gee, Kirsten Hanson

For those who have died: Charles Simokaitis, father of Charlie Simokaitis, father-in-law of Jennifer Simokaitis; and Lark Syrris, cousin of Laura Hanna; Rose Murray, sister-in-law of Margaret Ferguson. May the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

If you'd like to have someone included in our community prayers, visit our website.

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