News for the Week of:

January 21, 2024

Dear Friends,


There’s a lot of energy buzzing around as we prepare for our All Saints Annual Meeting: The Eras Tour! I get to see “behind the scenes” as reports are filed for the Annual Report, the scripts get written, and photographs are collected, and I love that we are going to consider the various eras of All Saints. 

If you have any old photos of events and/or people (extra points for hairdos that capture a decade) at All Saints, we want them! We also would like some help with food for the meeting, along with help cleaning up. We’d love your favorite appetizers from your youth to represent the various eras at All Saints—go raid your mom’s old recipes! (Tell me I’m not alone in holding onto recipes just because they are in my mother’s handwriting—bacon-wrapped dates or hot crab dip, anyone? All we need is a chafing dish!) 

Our Annual Meeting is a ton of fun and is an “all hands on deck” experience, so please read below and sign up for how you can help.

And, of course, you definitely want to make a bracelet or two or three with words on it that represent All Saints to you; wear them to the meeting and be ready to SWAP! You can do this on your own or use the supplies we have in the Parish Hall and Reading Room—a great coffee hour activity.

Friends, we’ll do some serious things, too, of course. We’ll elect new vestry members and delegates to convention. We’ll take a look at the 2023 financials and present the 2024 budget. We’ll hear about some of our ministries during the meeting or read about them in the Annual Report. All of those things are, of course, the reason we HAVE to have an Annual Meeting (our By-Laws say so), but I don’t take for granted that our Annual Meeting is about more than the business of the church—it’s about joy and love and friendship and giving thanks for this great place. And, well, that seems like the business of the church, too. 

So, clear your schedules for January 28; in the meantime, I’ll see you in church this Sunday!

Faithfully, Suzanne+

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All Saints Annual Meeting:

The Eras Tour!

Sunday, January 28 at 10:00am

Annual Meetings at All Saints are joyous, festive affairs. Yes, we handle the business of the church—reviewing the past year, examining past financials, receiving the budget passed by vestry for the current year, electing members to the vestry and delegates to diocesan convention—but we also have fun sharing food and stories, and dreaming about the upcoming year. It’s sort of like the State of the Union but without partisan drama. Stay tuned for more, but plan to be there at 10:00am!


Please note: on Annual Meeting Sunday, we'll conduct services at 8:00 and 9:00am, but not at 11:00.

Annual Meeting: We Need Your Photos!

Every year at annual meeting, we have a year in review slideshow. We’ve got some great photos, but we’d love to add yours!

We ALSO need your photos from the various ERAS of All Saints! If you've got some photos from events at All Saints over the decades, please share them.

If you have photos from events at All Saints, especially our big events, please share them in this Google Photo Folder and make sure they have a clearly identifiable name like “All Saints Day” or “Christmas Pageant.” We’ll use as many as we can! 


Please submit photos no later than January 19!

Annual Meeting Food Contributions and Help Needed

Do you have a favorite family appetizer or small bite from an era past? Do you want to make a classic snack or dessert? Do you just want to make something delicious? Can you help with food setup or clean up? The Annual Meeting is your opportunity!

Please complete this form if you can help with the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 28 or in the future. There are many ways to get involved and contribute to this opportunity for fellowship as we reflect on our past and look ahead.

Questions? Contact David Wernette-Harnden.

Worship and Service

Help Craft the Prayers of the People for Lent!

Lent is a season of self-examination and repentance; of prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and of reading of and meditation on God's holy Word (BCP, p. 265). The readings for Lent this year explore the covenants God makes with God's people. Throughout the scripture, we see how God remains continually faithful, yet the people of God repeatedly break covenant. Still, God invites the people to return to the covenantal relationship again and again. Each Sunday in Lent, as we hear and reflect on the readings that recall God's covenants throughout history, we will respond together with penitential prayers that recall our own baptismal covenant. 

We invite you - the people of God - to join us for reflection and conversation via Zoom on Tuesday, January 30 at 7:00pm as we prepare to write the prayers of the people for this season. Where, as the body of Christ, have we broken the covenantal promises of our baptism? How is God inviting us to return? What does our communal prayer mean or do in this season of Lent - why does it matter? As we explore these questions, we hope to see where the Spirit is leading us - together - to return to our covenant with God. 


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 876 1608 2153

Coffee Hour needs you!

The warmth and welcome of Coffee Hour needs you! Please consider signing up to host coffee hour in January, February, or March. The sign-up can be found here.

Also, please remember that using your personal tumbler for coffee hour is fine! Bring them and use them so we can continue reducing the carbon footprint of hospitality.  

Please reach out to Chad Kruse at with any questions.  

Formation and Fellowship

A Discussion for Trans Folks:

Celebrate Who God Made You To Be

Sunday, February 4, 10:00am


Are you a trans or non-binary person who has or is planning to change your name and/or pronouns? Would you be interested in having your name or pronouns publicly affirmed by the All Saints community? Would you like to explore the connections between your trans identity and the promises made at your baptism? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we'ld love to hear from you!


All Saints is planning a renaming/repronouning as part of this year's Easter Vigil. As this is the first time we're trying something like this, we'd love to get input from people who'd like to be a part of it. Please join us in Suzanne's office on February 4 at 10:00am for an informational meeting to learn more.

Next Caregiver Connections meeting:

Monday, January 22 at 7:00pm

Due to the severely cold weather earlier this week, the Caregiver Connections meeting originally scheduled for January 15 has been moved to Monday, January 22 at 7:00pm. The meeting will still take place in the Reading Room.

Caregiver Connections is a monthly gathering for caregivers to share experiences, listen, vent, get a break, compare notes, and occasionally hear from experts on specific resources.

Please email Kelly McNees with any questions. All are welcome!

All Saints Nursery Family Gatherings

We're holding monthly meet-ups for families with children in our Nursery (ages 0-3) to build connections with one another, have fun times with our kids, and offer support to each other as parents during a very intense and hectic time.

Even if you don't send your child to the nursery, come spend time with us and meet other families with little ones! Reach out to John Dufour ( to be included in future communications.

The next gathering will be on Saturday, February 3 from 9:30-11:30am in the Parish Hall.

Outreach and Justice

Would you like to strengthen your cross-cultural skills?

Are you interested in befriending refugees in Chicago?


Members of the All Saints community are invited to attend a Cross-Cultural Training in Uptown. Training will be led by Exodus World Service, a refugee-serving organization that has enjoyed partnership with All Saints for many years. 


Cross-Cultural Training will be hosted by Missio Dei Church at Wilson Abbey on Wednesday, January 31 rom 6:30-9:30 PMHere's a link to the registration page.


Cross-Cultural Training is a prerequisite for serving with ExodusNew Neighbor program, but it is open to everyone. The training prepares participants to engage with refugee individuals and families, and will include in-depth learning and activities to broaden your understanding of who refugees are and how they get to the U.S., as well as what help they receive when they arrive. 

Contact Exodus with questions.

Volunteers Needed for January 2024: RCS After School Pantry 

RCS' After School Pantry is back for the 2023-24 school year and we are looking for additional volunteer help! Partnering with Brennemann, Goudy, and McCutcheon elementary schools in Uptown, these Thursday afternoon pantries are designed to provide families with kid-friendly staples over the weekend when school meals are not available. This school year, we've seen an overwhelming increase in participation, which means we need more help! If you have a flexible schedule and can be available for 60-90 minutes on a Thursday afternoon, sign up here for one or more of the available volunteer spots. Thank you!

Can you help veterans make their homes complete?

Once again, All Saints is collecting new or gently used kitchen items, especially flatware, utensils and anything needed for cooking and eating. The Midwest Veteran’s Closet in North Chicago helps Veterans and active Military transition from homeless to housed. Don't know what to donate? Check out this list here.

You can drop off items in the bin at the entrance to the church, or call Katie Nolan and Therese Stasik at 573-727-9164 to arrange a pick-up or ask questions. Please no texts. You can also email Katie at

All donated items will be transported to North Chicago from January 14 to February 18. All pick-up arrangements must be made by then.

Church Business


2024 Budget Meeting: Coffee Hour on January 21

Join us for noshes and numbers as our treasurer Margaret Ferguson gives an overview of the proposed 2024 budget. Ask questions, offer suggestions, and get informed for the Annual Meeting on January 28 when we'll receive the final budget passed by Vestry.

Thanks again for your generous donations in 2023 and your commitment to support All Saints' ministries in 2024. As we enter the new year, be sure to contact Edward at if you encounter any problems with online giving or need help updating your 2023 giving to your 2024 giving.

All Saints Annual Meeting Elections

We will send out a longer email with bios and photos, but here is a sneak peek of who the candidates are for the elections we will hold at our Annual Meeting:

Co-Warden: Ann McKenzie and Chester Jones (Vote for 1)

Vestry, Three-Year Term: Halley Hoffman, Josephine Koo, and Gretchen Schlabach (Vote for 3)

Vestry, One-Year Term: Tobias Lohse and José Sanchez-Perry (Vote for 2)

Diocesan Convention Delegates: Annie Logue, Jennifer Reft, and Skip Yates (vote for 3)

Diocesan Convention Delegate, Alternate: Lynn Bower (vote for 1)

Serving This Sunday

8:00am Service
Altar Guild: Pam Palmentera

9:00am Service
Acolytes: Owen Kasten & Chester Kelly
Altar Guild: Lynn Bowers & Tony Swain
Ushers: Josephine Koo & Lori Sweeney
Lectors: Therese Stasik & Maggie Cassidy
Intercessor: Mark Sweeney
Chalice: Maggie Cassidy & Michael Mattson
11:00am Service
Acolytes: Jenni Masterson
Altar Guild: Ashley Gilmore & John Tyler
Ushers: Amy Jacobson & Jordan Olberding
Lectors: Rachel Jacobs & Kuo-Lun Tye
Intercessor: John Williams
Chalice: Rachel Jacobs & Jenni Masterson

Did you know you can listen to All Saints sermons on Apple Podcasts?

We Pray For

Those who suffer in mind, body, or spirit: especially for Carol Griffith, Billy Auth, Sandy, Liz Lashmet, Mark Cornell, and for those whose hurt, burdens, and fears go unspoken.

For those on our long-term prayer list: Lark Syrris, Anne Gellman, Carl Youngberg, Noel McGraw, Ora & Eugene Washington, Helen LoRusso, Jane Dobrowski, Chester Richard, Peg Deppe, Ken Reid, Kirsten Rehnberg, Debi Armstrong, Suzanne Shear, Ann J, James Guite, Nina Chinn, Jim Crandall, Lionel Edes, Clara Maddox, Kamila and Kathy

For those around the world: the people of Gaza and Israel, the people of Ukraine and all affected by war; and our brothers and sisters in Cuernavaca, Mexico; Renk, Sudan; and throughout Latin America and East Africa

For those who celebrate birthdays this week:

1/23 - Betty Douglas

1/24 - John Williams

1/25 - Tina Chen

1/26 - Alison White, Daniel Barron

1/27 - Rich Futrell, Debby Maddox

For those who have died: especially for Mary Logue, mother of Annie Logue. May her soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

If you'd like to have someone included in our community prayers, visit our website.

Request Prayer

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