News for the Week of:
January 7, 2024
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Dear Friends,
Merry Christmas! It’s the last day of the season (12 drummers drumming!), and tomorrow is the Feast of the Epiphany, the day we celebrate that God incarnate was made known to the whole world, represented by three kings who come from foreign lands to meet the infant Messiah.
We will celebrate the Epiphany tomorrow with Bread, Wine, and Word at 6:00pm. We’ll gather in the church to share a meal and stories (we might even sing “We Three Kings”!). These are always such fun events—please come! Read more below and sign up so we order enough food.
Our celebration will continue on Sunday with the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord during which we will baptize one of our babies and renew our baptismal vows.
And then we keep going as next Saturday our children will have their Epiphany Camp ending with a brief celebration—all are invited! See the article below for more information.
This is a season where we learn more about God and how God shows up in the world, and don’t we all need that? In a world beset by war and violence, natural disasters and heartbreak, looking for God and hope is an essential spiritual practice. Let us seek and celebrate together.
See you in church!
Faithfully, Suzanne+
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Epiphany Bread, Wine, and Word: Saturday, January 6, 6:00-8:30pm
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Share your gift of a story over dinner in the sanctuary. In this season when we recognize God in our midst, where have you experienced the Holy or the miraculous in your life? When have you been hoping for everything to change… and it has? Or tell another story that would be a gift to share!
The point of gathering is to connect with one another, so your story should be real, your own, and focus on events and feelings rather than proving a point or teaching a lesson.
No pressure if you don’t want to tell a story, but if you do, stay within the 3-5 minute range and consider taking a risk. If you are new to storytelling, The Moth offers these great GUIDELINES.
Interested? Sign up here! Bring your favorite beverages and desserts to enjoy and share. Questions? Contact Colin Collette at
| Children's Epiphany Celebration | |
“People were wondering, so it just seemed right to make this.”
-- Beth, age 6.
On Saturday, January 13 from 2:30-5:30pm, children ages 6 to 12 are invited to celebrate the season of Epiphany, the time when the Church recalls the arrival of the Magi in Bethlehem.
Beginning in the All Saints’ Parish Hall, the afternoon will include reflections on prophecies of the coming Messiah and Gospel readings re-telling the birth of Christ, with candle decorating, singing, and simple crafts to reflect on the season. Older children (in the 9-12 group) will spend time in a candle lit labyrinth of greenery on the parish hall floor to represent the journey of the Magi. Parents and others interested are invited to join the children at 4:45 pm for a short celebration of Epiphany and the end of the Christmas season.
If your child would like to attend or assist, please RSVP by Sunday, January 7 to Polly Tangora ( so that we can plan for materials. This celebration is a project that requires more than just a few children, so knowing we have a sufficient number to make it work is important. Friends and neighbors 6-12 are also very welcome to join.
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The All Saints Annual Meeting:
Sunday, January 28 at 10:00am
Annual Meetings at All Saints are joyous, festive affairs. Yes, we handle the business of the church—reviewing the past year, examining past financials, receiving the budget passed by vestry for the current year, electing members to the vestry and delegates to diocesan convention—but we also have fun sharing food and stories, and dreaming about the upcoming year. It’s sort of like the State of the Union but without partisan drama. Stay tuned for more, but plan to be there at 10:00am!
Please note: on Annual Meeting Sunday, we'll conduct services at 8:00 and 9:00am, but not at 11:00.
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Annual Meeting: We Need Your Photos!
Every year at annual meeting, we have a year in review slideshow. We’ve got some great photos, but we’d love to add yours!
If you have photos from events at All Saints, especially our big events, please share them in this Google Photo Folder and make sure they have a clearly identifiable name like “All Saints Day” or “Christmas Pageant.” We’ll use as many as we can!
Please submit photos no later than January 19!
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De-Greening the Church
This Sunday, January 7 (following our 11:00am service)
Stick around after our 11:00am service this Sunday, January 7 or just come over at 12:30pm as we mark the end of yet another Christmas season by "de-greening" the church. A light lunch will be provided.
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Episcopal 101 & 102:
Belonging, Becoming, and Believing
Wednesday, January 10
Are you new here at All Saints? Been coming for a while, but still have lots of questions about what this “Episcopal” church is all about? Would you like a deeper understanding of our worship and why we do what we do? If so, then Episcopal 101 is for you! If you've already participated in Episcopal 101 but want to go deeper, please join Episcopal 102; if you want a review, then take 101 again!
Our next Episcopal 101 and 102 will meet on Wednesday, January 10 from 7:00-9:00pm. Both groups will start in the parish hall and center their conversation on the topic of becoming. How do the Episcopal traditions of prayer and spirituality inform our understanding of becoming. What does it mean to “become” Episcopalian? We will gather as one group at the start of the evening then separate into 101 and 102 groups for more reflection and learning. We will end our time with prayer.
Sign up here. The sign-up form includes a place to note topics or questions you want to make sure we cover in the class.
Please note: if you've already signed up for Episcopal 101 or 102 last fall, there's no need to sign up again.
Are you an Adult Interested in being Baptized?
Come to an informational meeting on
Sunday, January 14 at 12:30pm in the Reading Room
The Easter Vigil is the traditional time for adults to be baptized. If you haven’t been baptized but would like to be, come to this informational meeting. Please RSVP so we can plan for lunch.
Questions? Contact Suzanne at
Small Group for Educators
Are you an educator? Being an educator hasn't been easy lately, and it can often feel like you're living on an island.
A number of your fellow educators at All Saints have expressed an interest in getting together for a little social time with someone else who "gets it." The holidays are always super busy, but a social event before returning from winter break might just be a great way to start this group off. This could be an opportunity to commiserate, debrief, and mentally prepare yourself for the months ahead.
All educators are welcome to join, including school leaders, teachers, tutors, support aides, psychologists, speech therapists, etc. - essentially anyone who works in the PK-12 realm.
Please share your interest by contacting Joe Wernette-Harnden at
Marques Garrett at
St. Paul and the Redeemer:
January 13
The Church of St. Paul & the Redeemer in Hyde Park is hosting a free, day-long workshop with Marques Garrett, editor of the new, indispensable Oxford Anthology of Music by Black Composers, a 2023 publication which centers the non-idiomatic music of Black composers. All are invited to join this day-long event on Saturday, January 13 to learn about the composers featured in this anthology.
More info:
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Save the Date:
All Saints Youth Group is heading to the cinema!
On Sunday, January 14, the ASYG will meet at the Davis Theatre in Lincoln Square to see Wonka!
IMPORTANT: All Saints is in conversation with the Davis about our group, but they won't have the exact showtimes for that day until this Tuesday. We'll confirm the film and start time that day, or we'll let you know as soon as possible if this plan has to change!
The movie runs two hours, and we're hoping for a start time as close as possible to our normal youth group start time of 3:30pm. Assuming all goes to plan, let us know you're coming and All Saints will take care of the tickets and some popcorn.
For now, mark your calendars, let us know if you'd like to come, and be on the lookout for waivers to sign and bring with you to the Davis.
See you soon, and happy new year!
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Volunteers Needed for January 2024: RCS After School Pantry
RCS' After School Pantry is back for the 2023-24 school year and we are looking for additional volunteer help! Partnering with Brennemann, Goudy, and McCutcheon elementary schools in Uptown, these Thursday afternoon pantries are designed to provide families with kid-friendly staples over the weekend when school meals are not available. This school year, we've seen an overwhelming increase in participation, which means we need more help! If you have a flexible schedule and can be available for 60-90 minutes on a Thursday afternoon, sign up here for one or more of the available volunteer spots. Thank you!
Next Caregiver Connections meeting:
Monday, January 15 at 7:00pm
Caregiver Connections is a monthly gathering for caregivers to share experiences, listen, vent, get a break, compare notes, and occasionally hear from experts on specific resources. Their next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 15 at 7:00pm in the Reading Room.
Please email Kelly McNees with any questions. All are welcome!
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Can you help veterans make their homes complete?
Once again, All Saints is collecting new or gently used kitchen items, especially flatware, utensils and anything needed for cooking and eating. The Midwest Veteran’s Closet in North Chicago helps Veterans and active Military transition from homeless to housed. Don't know what to donate? Check out this list here.
You can drop off items in the bin at the entrance to the church, or call Katie Nolan and Therese Stasik at 573-727-9164 to arrange a pick-up or ask questions. Please no texts. You can also email Katie at
All donated items will be transported to North Chicago from January 14 to February 18. All pick-up arrangements must be made by then.
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LCDC Fundraiser: Support our Friends in Lawndale!
On January 19, you're invited to a joyful and powerful tribute commemorating LCDC’s 37-year history during the same week commemorating the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The LCDC will honor his work and vision for racial equity and economic justice. Enjoy an evening of inspiration, music, and great food, helping them reach a $250,000 fundraising goal to execute their “Plan for Hope.”
For tickets, follow this link!
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2024 Budget Meeting: Coffee Hour on Sunday, January 21
Join us for noshes and numbers as our treasurer Margaret Ferguson gives an overview of the proposed 2024 budget. Ask questions, offer suggestions, and get informed for the Annual Meeting on January 28 when we'll receive the final budget passed by Vestry.
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Thanks again for your generous donations in 2023 and your commitment to support All Saints' ministries in 2024. As we enter the new year, be sure to contact Edward at if you encounter any problems with online giving or need help updating your 2023 giving to your 2024 giving. | |
8:00am Service
Altar Guild: Steve Larson
9:00am Service
Acolytes: Willem Kapteyn Dekkinga, Clare Kasten, Dale Patton
Altar Guild: Bryan Matias
Ushers: TBD
Lectors: TBD
Intercessor: TBD
Chalice: TBD
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11:00am Service
Acolytes: Joshua Harris & Bruce Harris
Altar Guild: Frances Thomas & Alexandra Sandin
Ushers: TBD
Lectors: TBD
Intercessor: TBD
Chalice: TBD
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Those who suffer in mind, body, or spirit: especially for Liz Lashmet, Mark Cornell, Ken Herceg, Christopher Allen Brown, Kim Stoval, and for those whose hurt, burdens, and fears go unspoken.
For those on our long-term prayer list: Lark Syrris, Anne Gellman, Carl Youngberg, Noel McGraw, Ora & Eugene Washington, Helen LoRusso, Jane Dobrowski, Chester Richard, Peg Deppe, Ken Reid, Kirsten Rehnberg, Debi Armstrong, Suzanne Shear, Ann J, James Guite, Nina Chinn, Jim Crandall, Lionel Edes, Clara Maddox, Kamila and Kathy, Mary Logue
For those around the world: the people of Gaza and Israel, the people of Ukraine and all affected by war; and our brothers and sisters in Cuernavaca, Mexico; Renk, Sudan; and throughout Latin America and East Africa
For those who celebrate birthdays this week:
1/8 - Gregory Knapp, Liz Bartels
1/9 - Casey Reidy, Vincent Wiggins, Nina Wilfred
1/11 - Robert McNees
1/12 - Nancy Kipnis, David Gee, Christopher Schilling
For those who have died: especially for Alvaro Araica, priest of our diocese, and Henry Thomas, brother of Frances Thomas. May their souls and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
If you'd like to have someone included in our community prayers, visit our website.
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