News for the Week of:

June 11, 2023

Dear Friends,


After a few months of intense worship—the long contemplation of Lent, the intensity of Holy Week, the resurrection joy of Eastertide, and the mystery and exuberance of Pentecost and Trinity/Youth Sunday—we are entering into what some refer to as “Ordinary Time.” The color for this season is green because this is an ordinary season of growing in faith after all the dramatic seasons and events that come before it. 


I love all the seasons but am always relieved when we come to the slower pace of Ordinary Time with a quieter, shorter service and time to reflect on the daily movement and teachings of Jesus.


This green season, we will experiment with some changes to Sunday morning. You’ll note that more of the service is said, there will be a little more quiet, Church School is on break, and we will use a contemporary version of the Lord’s Prayer.


You’ll also notice that we are experimenting with our bulletins. For the last nine months, we’ve used full-content bulletins—every word of the liturgy, every reading, all the hymns have been in the bulletin. This is a lovely thing—it means no juggling of bulletins and books and is friendly to new folks. Unfortunately, it is also very expensive! 


So, this summer we’re trying a new format—a new bulletin each week but without the full text of the readings and hymns. If you want the full text of the readings, there will be some copies available from the ushers. And, of course, you could always bring your Bible! You will need to pick up the blue 1982 Hymnal and the red LEVAS (Lift Every Voice and Sing); hymns not in those hymnals will be in the bulletin.


As we try out some new ways of doing things, please do share your experience with us! And though we are in Ordinary Time for a long stretch, remember that this community and our God are anything but ordinary.


See you in church!

Faithfully, Suzanne+

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Worship and Service at All Saints

An invitation to Lily's Rainbow Garden

Parishioner Lily Shambrook is being remembered with a lovely garden at St. Chrysostom’s, outside the doors of the day school where her mom Kate Snow is a teacher. 

You are cordially invited to the dedication and blessing of this garden on Thursday, June 15 at 1:00pm in St. Chrysostom's Church Courtyard (1424 N. Dearborn Parkway).

RSVP by visiting this link or emailing Kacky Fetzer.

Thank You: In Honor of Lily Shambrook

Last week on Youth Sunday, you generously gave $800 in memory and honor of Lily Shambrook, which will be donated to Bike Lane Uprising. Thank you.

Clyde Propst: Funeral and Reception

We will remember Clyde and commend her to God on Saturday, June 17 with a funeral at 11:00am at All Saints, followed by a reception in the parish hall.


Please plan to join us that day to honor and celebrate Clyde and her faithfulness to and love of All Saints and our children.

All Saints Bread Makers

Baking communion bread is a great way to serve the All Saints community… and there's nothing like the smell of freshly baked bread filling your kitchen!

We are in need of additional breadbakers and two people who would like to coordinate this ministry. If you’re interested in serving as a ministry leader, please contact Courtney.

If you’d like to try out bread-making this summer, you can sign up here. Please choose a signup slot that works for you and make sure to include your mobile number. You can find our communion bread recipe here and at the link at the bottom of the All Saints website homepage. 

Please make sure your bread is baked, bagged and dated, and in the church freezer by the first Sunday of the month you've chosen. Thank you very much for participating in this important ministry at All Saints'!

Formation and Fellowship

Are you new to All Saints in the past six months?

Please join us at our next newcomers lunch on Sunday, June 18 from 12:45-2:00pm at All Saints. We hope you'll join us for a light lunch and conversation about All Saints, upcoming events, and ways to connect with others. 

We know it’s also Father’s Day, so we promise not to take up too much of your day. It'll be a great chance to meet other newcomers as well as members of our vestry (elected leaders).

Sign up here.

Are you in a caregiving season?

Caregiver Connections, a monthly gathering for caregivers to share experiences, listen, vent, get a break, compare notes, and occasionally hear from experts on specific resources will hold its first meeting Monday, June 19 at 7:00pm in the reading room. Please join us!

Please email Kelly McNees with any questions.

All Saints Book Club,

Summer 2023 Meeting Schedule

The All Saints Book Club is now supporting the book sanctuary initiative. We plan to include at least one banned book each year in our 2023 reading plan. 

The All Saints Book Club meets on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm on Zoom. If you are not a regular attendee, email Mike Burke at [email protected] for a meeting invite/


For the summer, we're reading three books tied to the "Black Lives Matter" initiative: 

July 13, 2023: The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee

August 10, 2023: Deacon King Kong by James McBride

September 14, 2023: Three Girls from Bronzeville by Dawn Turner

Outreach and Justice

All Saints Listening Session: Come Share Your Passion, Your Story 


Come join an All Saints Listening Session in the Parish Hall on Sunday June 11 from 12:30-2:00pm to share and hear each other’s personal stories. Injustice makes us angry, upset, and sad. But you're not alone, and together we have the power to make a change. 


Listening Sessions are an important part of our social justice and community organizing (United Power) work and ministries. Our stories help us identify community problems so that we can bring systemic change to our community AND they deepen our relationships with each other. 


Won’t you join us? PIZZA WILL BE SERVED! Sign-up here.

Questions? Contact Courtney or Barbara Manley ([email protected] or 312-953-8802).

Two announcements about the Revive Christmas Basket Program

After many years of faithful leadership, Jacqueline WayneGuite is passing the coordination of the ReVive Christmas Basket program off to Katy Kelsey-Morgan. Katy's looking for a second person to work on this program and she's hoping to add a gift-wrapping party on the Saturday afternoon before boxes are due. If you're interested, email her or Courtney.

ReVive is also looking for volunteers on specific Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays in June and July to register participants at their office (1668 W. Ogden Ave.). Only basic computer skills are required and training will be provided. Morning, afternoon, and evening shifts are available. Individuals and groups can sign up on ReVive's website or by completing the Google form here.

Ever wonder what 20 clarinets would sound like at All Saints?

On Sunday, June 18 at 2:00pm, All Saints will host the Lakeside Pride Clarinet Choir as they celebrate Pride Month, performing works by LGBTQIA+ composers - their first concert in over three years! Admission is free and all are invited! 

Did you know you can listen to All Saints sermons on Apple Podcasts?

Bill Card, 1949-2023

With sadness, we grieve the passing of Bill Card, former parishioner and friend, who died over the weekend. He was a member of the Cathedral in the 90's before becoming a member of All Saints; later he and his husband David Lewis were members of St. John’s before retiring to Indiana. Read the obituary HERE

We Pray For

Those who suffer in mind, body, or spirit: especially for Eugene Washington, John and Matthew, Crystal Vines, and for those whose hurt, burdens, and fears go unspoken.

For those on our long-term prayer list: Jane Dobrowski, Chester Richard, Peg Deppe, Ken Reid, Ashton Christy, Kirsten Rehnberg, Debi Armstrong, Mickey Safranek, Suzanne Shear, Ann J, Peter Donalek, James Guite, Nina Chinn, Jim Crandall, Juleigh Ruby, Lionel Edes, Clara Maddox, Kamila and Kathy, Paul, Mary Logue

For those around the world: the people of Ukraine and all affected by war; and our brothers and sisters in Cuernavaca, Mexico; Renk, Sudan; and throughout Latin America and East Africa

For those who celebrate birthdays this week:

6/11 - Caty Norman-Burke

6/12 - Daniel Hoard, Audrey Hoesley

6/13 - Michele Means

6/14 - Brian Donlan, Patrick Guyon, Jeannine Singleton, Douglas Renkenberger,

Leo Herman

6/16 - Bruce Merrill

6/17 - Paula Mauro, Katharine McJimsey

For those who celebrate anniversaries this week:

6/13 - Anne Schuette & Dan Hornung

6/16 - Jack & Andrea Garland, Martin & Polly Tangora

For those who have died: especially Bill Card, former parishioner. May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

If you'd like to have someone included in our community prayers, visit our website.

Request Prayer

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