News for the Week of:

March 31, 2024

Dear Friends,


Today we contemplate the mystery of the cross.


It reminds us how we fall short, how we fail. It is a reminder of death and pain, shame and vulnerability. A reminder of all that is wrong in our lives and in the world.


We might rather skip this day and head straight to Easter. The world certainly does, preferring springtime hope and cuddly bunnies.


But the cross also promises us that we have a God who knows suffering and is with us in it. That, no matter how deep our pain, we are never alone.


So, don’t skip the cross.


For the cross tells us that despite ourselves, despite the worst that we or the world offers, God can do more. God in Jesus took in all the worst--our pain, our selfishness, our sorrow, our cruelty--and transformed it, declaring us free and forgiven, changing our pasts and our futures with this universe-altering act of forgiveness and love.


We don't want to look at the cross. But it's the only hope we have.


Today, gaze upon the cross and allow your heart to be broken open, just as God's heart and Son were broken on the cross.


And, then, come Easter, you’ll be ready.

Faithfully, Suzanne+

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Friday, March 29: Good Friday

12:00pm Stations of the Cross

The church will be open for personal prayer until 3:00pm. 

7:00pm Service with Meditation on the Cross

Music, prayers, and contemporary reflections on the Passion,

leading to meditation on the cross.

Please consider making a donation to The Episcopal Church

Good Friday Offering

Creating new relationships in and among the Christians of the Middle East

Learn about the places impacted by your donation:

  • Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City provides critical medical care to all people, in peacetime and wartime alike. 
  • St. George’s is the only Anglican church in Iraq, serving local Indigenous communities and displaced people through worship, schools, and medical care. 
  • Christ Church in Aden, Yemen, serves as the grounds of Ras Morbat Eye Clinic, providing critical medical care for all in a war-torn country. 
  • The Christian National Kindergarten at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Nablus, in the West Bank, provides high-quality early education to all kindergartners, regardless of religion. 


Saturday, March 30: Holy Saturday


Service of the Day

Keep the solemnity of the service - the quietest day of the year - with this prayer service. Stay after to help prepare the church for the Easter Vigil.


The Great Vigil of Easter

with Great Fire, Salvation Storytelling, 

Baptism, Blessing, and First Eucharist of Easter

Join us for Christianity's holiest of nights when we experience light piercing the darkness as we light the new fire, hear the story of God's salvation, baptize and renew our baptismal vows, and celebrate Christ's triumph over death!

Sunday, March 31: Easter Sunday

Services at 8:00, 9:00, and 11:00am

Our Easter celebration continues!. 

Dress up in your Sunday best--bow ties and fun hats welcome! 

Easter eggs

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, March 30 at 10:00am

The All Saints’ Annual Saturday Egg Hunt is this Saturday!

Ages 0-8 (those 9+ are welcome as helpers) Hope you will plan to join us. BYOB (bring your own basket) or BOOO (borrow one of ours)

There will be crafts from 10 to about 10:30 in the parish hall. The egg hunting will begin promptly at 10:45 and lasts about 15 minutes.  

Then feel free to enjoy a few snacks (carrots, cheese sticks, chips and juice boxes) in the parish hall while opening the eggs found.

It would be very helpful to know of you are coming and the ages of egg hunters.

There is no charge for this event though return of the plastic eggs is appreciated.

Contact Polly at:

Easter eggs

Church Clean-Up

Saturday, March 30: 10:00am-12:00pm

Join us to make the church sparkle for Easter! Meet in the sanctuary.


Plant Care Needed during Eastertide.

Let’s keep the Easter plants thriving!

Looking for a few folks to water plants in the church during Eastertide.

Contact Colin to join this group;

Communion Bread Bakers Needed

Baking Communion bread is a terrific way to help out All Saints from your kitchen! As our community continues to grow, we are in need of more bread-bakers. Volunteers bake fresh bread at home and deliver it to the church on the day of the month they have signed up for. 

The recipe is simple, and kids love to help and taste-test. 

Interested in signing up, contact Courtney (


Episcopal 101

EPISCOPAL 101 & 102

3 Wednesdays in April

April 10, 17, 24 from 7:00 - 8:30PM


Are you new here at All Saints? Been coming for a while, but still have lots of questions about what the Episcopal church is all about? Would you like a deeper understanding of our worship and why we do what we do?

Episcopal 101 / 102 provides an introduction to the history and culture of All Saints, the Episcopal Church, and Anglican Communion; how we worship and why; and our approach to scripture, theology, sacraments, and social issues.

Confirmation & Reception

The class also serves as preparation for adults seeking to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church which will occur on Sunday, May 5 during the Bishop’s Visitation to All Saints.




Saturday, April 20 & Saturday, May 18

This spring, we want everyone at All Saints to come to one of our community conversations to get to know one another, share our hopes for our lives together at All Saints, and to dream about our future.

Be on the lookout for your invitation to one of these conversations. If you can't make the date to which you are invited, you can come to the other one.

The All Saints Book Club

Thursday, April 11 at 7:30pm

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures by Anne Fadiman.

“Superb, informal cultural anthropology–eye-opening, readable, utterly engaging.” ―Carole Horn, The Washington Post Book World.


Caregiver Connections

April 15 at 7:00pm

Caregiver Connections is a monthly gathering for caregivers to share experiences, listen, vent, get a break, compare notes, and occasionally hear from experts on specific resources.


Watch this space & SAVE THE DATES

The All Saints Green Team is planning a series of events to bring awareness and joy to our faithful stewardship of creation.

Upcoming events include:

All of April: Sock Collection for Smartwool Second Cut project.

The Green Team is offering All Saints an opportunity to recycle your old socks, whether they are worn thin, unmatched or simply too garish to wear. They must be clean, and of any normal sock material. They should not be folded or clipped together. Please put your sock offerings in the marked box at the back of the church any Sunday in April. If you have questions, you can email Caroline Moore at

Sunday, April 21: Earth Day liturgy and festive coffee hour; trash clean-up in neighborhood after the 11am service.

More to come.

Save The Date! 

United Power Action April 21 at 3PM

11801 S Indiana Ave. (In the Roseland neighborhood on the far south side.)

There will be a ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of a home. We are also at a crucial moment to assess the progress with the Mayor and Alders in the City Council to move the next phase of lots and secure commitments from our state allies during the legislative session.

Come make good trouble together!

For more info, contact Barbara:

RCS Volunteer Day

All Saints volunteers at the Mobile Pantry

Saturday, April 13, 8 -11:30 AM

Join us as we volunteer as a group for RCS Mobile Pantry on Saturday, April 13. The volunteer time is from 8:15-11:30am, and in that time volunteers unload pallets of groceries from the Greater Chicago Food Depository, set up the pantry, and distribute groceries. This pantry operates, rain or shine, so volunteers are encouraged to come prepared for the weather.

Volunteers of all ages are welcome (volunteers who are 17 y/o and under must be accompanied by an adult.) It’s a terrific way to connect with other All Saints members and to support our neighbors in need. 

You can sign up here. 

We can only bring 15 volunteers so please sign up early. 


RCS Volunteers

Ravenswood Community Services (RCS)

is looking for Tuesday Afternoon volunteers!

RCS is currently experiencing an historic increase in neighbors seeking assistance. If you've been thinking you might like to give volunteering with RCS a try, now would be a really great time. If you've tried volunteering in the past but were discouraged by full sign ups - please give us another shot! 


Here are links to our upcoming dates:

April 2

April 9

April 16

April 23

April 30

We're also looking for volunteers who would like to join our Tuesday Delivery Crew.

Every Tuesday between 12:30-2pm volunteers unload A LOT OF FOOD from pallets on the sidewalk to the Parish Hall for distribution. You should feel comfortable lifting 30-50 lbs and going up and down stairs. Those interested should reach out to Parker at

THURSDAYS: After School Pantries

We're looking for volunteers for our After School Pantries on Thursdays. More information in the link: Thursday After School Pantry Sign Up 

2024 RCS Race

Our Neighborhood 5K is fast approaching!

Sunday, April 28

The 28th annual Ravenswood Run is just around the corner! On Sunday, April 28th, our neighborhood will once again come together for this great community 5k event, which serves as a crucial fundraiser for RCS' food pantry and community kitchen.

Sign up to race HERE


There are opportunities to participate as a runner, as a volunteer, or both, and whatever you choose directly supports RCS' mission of providing nourishment and assistance to those in need within our community. This event relies on lots of volunteer power and local support in order to raise as much money for RCS programs as possible.

Here are the ways you can help!

Pre-race: Post Tree Signs 4/20

Pre-race: Packet Pick Up 4/26 and 4/27

Race Day: Help with Race Operations 4/28


Access Contemporary Music (ACM) Presents

Meditative Mondays

The first-ever Meditative Monday is at All Saints

Monday, April 15 at 6:30 - 7:30pm

$20 donation suggested

Ethereal Gratitude

Guided Meditation by Hannah Grove

Music performed by Seth Boustead

ACM invites you to take a moment to pause, breathe, and reflect on the things we’re thankful for. This mindfulness practice involves intentionally focusing on appreciating the good things in life, whether big or small.  



The church office will be closed Monday April 1 & Tuesday, April 2.

If you have a pastoral emergency, such as a death or hospitalization, you can contact Suzanne at 773-724-1352.

SAVE THE DATE: The Bishop will visit All Saints on Sunday, May 5.

Interested in being confirmed or received? Come to Episcopal 101 / 102 in April (see above) and / or talk to Courtney or Suzanne.

Serving This Sunday

8:00am Service
Altar Guild: Pam Palmentera

9:00am Service
Acolytes: Willem Kapteyn-Dekkinga, Bryan Matias, Julia Sweeney
Altar Guild: Eric Swiecki
Chalice: Raquel Flores-Maki, Bryan Matias, Krys Springer
Intercessor: Jennifer Christy
Lector: Reader 1: Krys Springer 2: José Sanchez-Perry
Ushers:  Josephine Koo & Alice Wozniak
Vestry Announcement: José Sanchez-Perry
Vestry Easter Greeters: John Dufour, Halley Hoffman, José Sanchez-Perry
11:00am Service
Acolytes: Ashley Gilmore, John Tyler, Jacqueline WayneGuite
Altar Guild: Margaret Dunn & Alexandra Sandlin
Chalice: Rachel Jacobs, Liz Morris, Jacqueline WayneGuite, Skip Yates
Intercessor: Lorraine Langer
Lector: Reader 1: Caroline Moore 2: Rachel Jacobs
Ushers: Amy Jacobson & Bill McHugh
Vestry Announcement: Skip Yates
Vesty Easter Greeters: Ann McKenzie & Gretchen Schlabach

Facebook Livestream Team at the 11:00am Service

Audio: Jacob Farmer

Camera: Josephine Koo

Facebook Greeter:

We Pray For

Those who suffer in mind, body, or spirit: especially for Gwendolyn Graham, Mike Burke, Sarah Booten, and for those whose hurt, burdens, and fears go unspoken.

For those on our long-term prayer list: Sandy, Anne Gellman, Carl Youngberg, Noel McGraw, Eugene Washington, Helen LoRusso, Jane Dobrowski, Chester Richard, Peg Deppe, Ken Reid, Kirsten Rehnberg, Debi Armstrong, Suzanne Shear, Ann J, James Guite, Nina Chinn, Jim Crandall, Lionel Edes, Clara Maddox, Kamila and Kathy.

For those around the world: the people of Gaza and Israel, the people of Ukraine and all affected by war; and our brothers and sisters in Cuernavaca, Mexico; Renk, Sudan; and throughout Latin America and East Africa.

For those who celebrate birthdays this week:

3/31 - Logan Means, Erin Ruffolo, Anne Zender

4/03 - Nick Klensch, Kathryn Nolan, John Sattelmaier

4/04 - Katy Kelsey-Morgan

4/05 - Andrea Garland

4/06 - Dennis Smith

For those who celebrate anniversaries this week:

4/04 - Steve Larson and Jack Zibert

For those who have died: May the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

If you'd like to have someone included in our community prayers, visit our website.

Request Prayer

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