News for the Week of:
October 22, 2023
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Dear Friends,
As we watch the unfolding violence in Gaza and Israel, there is not much we can do from here but pray. But prayer IS essential. Pray for peace. Pray that all people let go of the need for vengeance, focusing instead on justice and compassion. I commend this prayer from Contemporary Way of the Cross: A Liturgical Journey along the Palestinian via Dolorosa:
Loving God of all the earth, we pray for those who perpetrate injustices in the Holy Land, regardless of their motives; we pray that you will change their hearts and fill them with the spirit of mercy. Teach us all the pathways of peace and forgiveness. Spirit of comfort whose glory covers the face of our earth, comfort the oppressed, give shelter to those who have lost their homes, and let your peace dwell in every heart. With thankful hearts we pray in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Another way we can act is to support Episcopal Relief and Development, which has people on the ground ready to help, and to learn more about the situation, especially about the Anglican presence. There is an article below about the Anglican hospital that was bombed a few days ago and ways to support their important work.
There is no good way to transition from news of war and the urgency of peace to news of pledge campaigns and fundraisers, so let me just say that I am grateful to all of you who make All Saints the fabulous place that it is. If you have already pledged, thank you! If you have not yet pledged, please do (see below). The “pitches” you wrote last Sunday capture who we are: All Saints walks the talk. Our neighbors know they can get a hot meal and groceries here. Our worship is joyful and grounded. You belong here no matter when you show up or what your background is. We care about our neighbors, next door and far away. And, perhaps my favorite: we leaven it all with “moderate irreverence”!
Finally, I’ll be at Spirits of Ravenswood TONIGHT raising money for our food pantry and having lots of fun! I hope you’ll join me—see the blurb below for more information!
Faithfully, Suzanne+
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"You’re gonna start getting sad, and mushy, and complicated."
- Weird Barbie
When Barbie begins, it seems like the numerous Barbies live in a state of permanent utopia. Everything’s working as it should, everyone’s peaceful, and everything is pastel, just as it seems it has been for years and years.
And then comes the moment upon which all the action on the movie hinges. In the middle of a dance number, Barbie asks: “Do you guys ever think about dying?” Her existential moment prompts a society-wide record scratch, everything comes to a stop, and that Barbieland perfection develops a crack right down the middle.
Now, our world was far from ever being Barbie-pastel-perfect, but the events of the last few weeks in particular make it hard not to dwell upon the existential for a beat, just as Margot Robbie did. Events in Israel and Palestine, national government dysfunction, and our city grappling with incoming migrants seem all-consuming and so broken. It feels like only God can fix these conflicts that defy easy solutions. In the midst of that, our church community is something of a refuge, and a small way we can start to heal these cracks in our world.
I’ve personally been looking through the wonderful pitches to “sell” the church that we collectively developed at church last Sunday, and a common thread shone through: that this place means so much to so many of us because it provides a home to turn to in times of crisis, and because we collectively work in a model of sharing and support to make the world a better place.
It is just when we are sad, and mushy, and complicated when confronted with the crises of the world and our lives that the church becomes such a beloved part of our lives. As this pledge campaign draws to a close, we hope that you will consider making a pledge to All Saints to help this community do its part to keep healing ourselves and the world. Thank you to everyone who has already committed to supporting All Saints. If you have not yet made a pledge, you may submit it here.
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TONIGHT: Friday, October 20, 7:00-11:00pm
Ravenswood Event Center, 4025 N. Ravenswood
Great party, great cause! Come join us at this year’s Spirits of Ravenswood as we raise money for the food pantry and community kitchen that operate out of All Saints.
This party features samples from local breweries and Koval, great food, games, tarot card readings, a prize wheel, music, dancing, an open bar, and great company in a cool neighborhood spot surrounded by vintage cars and classic Chicago neon. Don’t miss it!
Get your tickets now!
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Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Escalates Rapidly:
Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Sends Urgent Call for Support
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ABOVE: Destroyed home of Ahli Hospital Medical Director, Dr. Maher Ayyad, post-aerial strike of the Al Rimal area of Gaza. Three staff members of Ahli Hospital have lost their homes during the bombardment of the Al Rimal area. Displaced community members are using the Ahli Hospital and the United Nation Relief and Work Agency’s (UNRWA) schools as a shelter. © Episcopal News Service | |
“At this stage, our only hope is in God for a miracle in the midst of this scenery of death.” - Suhaila Tarazi, Director of Ahli Hospital
American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ), in partnership with Al-Ahli Arab Hospital and the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, sound an urgent call for support.
Ahli's doctors and nurses continue to work non-stop, persevering in impossible conditions, to serve Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians civilians (1.1 million of them children) caught in the crossfire of the war between Hamas and Israel.
The ongoing crisis demands Ahli’s critical attention and your generous support, as all patients during war are treated at no cost. Humanitarian first, Gaza’s only independent, Christian-led medical facility treats all people 24/7, regardless of gender, race, or religion.
You can make donations to support Ahli Hospital using this link, or by sending a check to: AFEDJ, 25 Old Kings Highway North, Suite 13, Darien, CT 06820.
Full article available here.
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Worship and Service at All Saints | |
On Sunday, November 5, as part of our annual celebration of the Feast of All Saints, we'll remember loved ones who have died. We invite you to make prayer flags for your beloved dead. Colored paper is available at the back of the church. You may also email names to
And if you'd like to help out, we'll gather at 6:00pm on Friday, November 3 for a time of prayer, hanging of flags, and pizza. At 7:30pm, all are invited to join us for a brief service of prayer and song to honor the sacred work of remembering the dead.
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November 2023 Baptism Preparation
Baptism will be offered on our celebration of All Saints' Day, Sunday, November 5, at both the 9:00 and 11:00am services. If you're interested in baptism for yourself or your child, please let us know by visiting this page and filling out a Pre-Baptismal Form.
Preparation sessions are also offered and little ones are absolutely welcome! If you have any questions, please email Suzanne.
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Assistive Listening options
We have options for folks who need assistive listening help with hearing the spoken word in the sanctuary. Interested folks can connect with Eileen Krause on Sundays to get more information on systems. Find her in the back by the AV station.
You can also email her for information at
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Newcomers Lunch: Sunday, October 29, 12:45-2:00pm
If you are new to All Saints in the past six months, please join us at our next newcomers lunch on Sunday, October 29. We'll enjoy a light lunch and conversation about upcoming events and ways to connect with others. It'll be a great chance to meet other newcomers as well as members of our vestry (elected leaders).
Sign up here.
| The hills are alive with the sound of… |
What's better than a Sunday in the park with George than a Wednesday in the All Saints courtyard with our music director Colin? Join us for the social event of the season: a show tune sing-along with live musical accompaniment. The fun starts Wednesday, October 25 at 7:00pm with beverages and mingling. If it’s chilly, we'll light a fire in the fire pit and make s’mores. Feel free to bring a hot and/or adult beverage!”
Got a favorite song you can't wait to belt out? Just let Colin know!
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Episcopal 101 & 102:
Belonging, Becoming, and Believing
Are you new here at All Saints? Been coming for a while, but still have lots of questions about what this “Episcopal” church is all about? Would you like a deeper understanding of our worship and why we do what we do? If so, then Episcopal 101 is for you! If you've already participated in Episcopal 101 but want to go deeper, please join Episcopal 102; if you want a review, then take 101 again!
Our next Episcopal 101 and 102 will meet on Wednesday, November 8 from 7:00-9:00 pm. Both groups will start in the parish hall and will center their conversation on the topic of belonging. How do we experience belonging in our lives and at church? When we say, we belong to a faith community, what does that mean for us? The 101 group will begin with our own backgrounds of church (or no church), take a broad look at the Christian church, and then explore in more detail how the Episcopal church understands its mission and the ways it is organized to fulfill that mission. The 102 group will take a deeper dive into the polity and structure of the Episcopal Church. We will end our time with prayer.
Sign up here. The sign-up form includes a place to note topics or questions you want to make sure we cover in the class.
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All Saints Youth Group: Fall Plans
All Saints Youth Group meets from 3:30-5:30pm on the Sundays below. We welcome youth ages 12 and older, and you can email with any questions.
October 22: Pumpkin Carving
November 12: History of the Bible
December 10: Cookie Decorating
Hope to see you at our next meeting!
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All Saints Book Club
Autumn 2023 - Winter 2024
The All Saints Book Club meets on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm on Zoom. If you're not a regular attendee, email Mike Burke at for a meeting invite.
This year, the club continues to support the book sanctuary initiative by including at least one banned book in its reading plan. Our next meeting will be on November 9 to discuss The Good Nurse by Charles Graeber.
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Celebrating the life of Patrick Doran
All are welcome to join us as we celebrate the life of Patrick Doran, husband of Judith, father of Diane, and grandfather of Elinor and Ansel, on Saturday, November 11, 10:00am at All Saints. In honor of Pat’s truest nature, ONLY CASUAL CLOTHING PLEASE! Although he could pull it off, suits were never his jam.
Veterans and feeding people were two of his greatest passions. In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that if anyone would like to make a donation, please feel free to contribute to one of the following in his memory: Wounded Warrior Project or Ravenswood Community Services.
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Volunteers Needed: RCS After School Pantry
RCS' After School Pantry is back for the 2023-24 school year and we are looking for additional volunteer help! Partnering with Brennemann, Goudy, and McCutcheon elementary schools in Uptown, these Thursday afternoon pantries are designed to provide families with kid-friendly staples over the weekend when school meals are not available. So far this school year, we've seen an overwhelming increase in participation, which means we need more help! If you have a flexible schedule and can be available for 60-90 minutes on a Thursday afternoon, sign up here for one or more of the available volunteer spots. Thank you!
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Two Plays, Two Directors, Two All Saints’ Parishioners!
Two of our parishioners—Lou Contey and Chad Eric Bergman—are directing plays this fall. Please support theater and our fellow All Sainters!
Lou directed A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller, a Shattered Globe Theatre production. Performances are at Theatre Wit (1229 W Belmont) through October 21. Go HERE for more information. It’s getting great reviews!
Chad directed Peter Malmö by Raúl Dorantes and Mark Litwicki, a Colectivo El Polo and Akvavit Theatre Production. Performances are at Raven Theatre (6157 N Clark) through October 29. Go HERE for more information.
Making Good Trouble:
All Saints’ United Power
and Social Justice Ministry
All Saints has been working with other institutions for social justice through United Power since 2019. Much of this work is done through public actions with our elected officials to keep pressure on them to support our work.
This past year, members of All Saints participated in two city-wide actions focused on Mayor Johnson’s support for the Reclaiming Chicago campaign to build 2000 homes on the west (North Lawndale) and south sides of Chicago. All Saints also turned out to support a stabilization housing pilot at the Diplomat Hotel on Lincoln Ave.
We've also begun the hard work of listening and discerning what issue we need to address for our community here at All Saints. During our first listening session in June, we heard about anger and concern for crime and safety, housing and homelessness, the rise in hatred/discrimination, and the climate. We'll continue this work in the months ahead.
Read more here about how All Saints got started in this work, the progress and impact being made, what’s next, and how you too can help us change the world as it is.
Contact: Barbara Manley, 312-953-8802,
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Did you know that last fall, a group of All Saints parishioner started a Creation Care Committee (a/k/a “Green Team”)? In keeping with the Episcopal Church’s Creation Care Pledge, we drafted a proposal for our community that outlined specific actions we could take to protect and renew God’s creation. We grouped these actions into four main categories:
• Christian Formation;
• Buildings, Grounds, and Energy;
• Waste Reduction; and
• Advocacy.
Click HERE to read the proposal - a work-in progress. With the approval of our leadership and some budget help, we launched the waste reduction initiative at our 2023 annual parish meeting.
Since then, all plates, cups, napkins, bowls and utensils we use at All Saints have been fully compostable. That's right! We're just about a year into our commitment to waste reduction and plastic elimination. By our count, we have sent more than 2,000 cups, plates, bowls and utensils to be composted instead of to a landfill! These will come back to us in our bucket from WasteNot in the coming weeks as finished compost for our garden. Well done and thank you, All Saints community!
This is an ongoing effort, so let’s please remember to put our “waste” where it belongs:
• Food waste, compostable plates, napkins, utensils go in the compost bucket.
• Paper, glass, and cans go in the blue recycling bins.
• Plastics (for now) and everything else goes in the trash bins.
We can do more with your help to further develop and implement each part of the proposal. Join the All Saints Green Team. Help with working on particular initiatives. Offer your suggestions and feedback. We would love to hear from you!
Contact us or speak to one of our team members: Terry DeLisio, Trisha Diamond, Barbara Dufford, Allison Loecke (Chair), Josephine Koo, Chad Kruse, Liz Morris, Kathryn Nolan, Kuo-Lun Tye, and Jacqueline Wayne-Guite.
Stay tuned for more news in the coming weeks!
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The All Saints Pollinator Garden is finished!
You can see it on the south side of our next-door 3-flat at 4546 N. Hermitage. The garden was designed by our own Stephen Christy (Landscape Architect) and features native plants like liatris, coneflowers, butterfly weed and foxglove.
The new plants are very small now, but they'll take off next year and spread out a lot as they mature. We'll need help next spring to water, weed and nurture the garden as it grows and blossoms.
Anyone interested in helping out can contact Mark Ortlieb at
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Please consider hosting Coffee Hour!
Back to church school means back to hanging out with your All Saints friends in the parish hall after the 9:00am and before the 11:00am services. Please consider taking a Sunday over the next three months to host Coffee Hour. The sign-up for October, November and December can be found HERE.
The Coffee Hour crew works to make the effort minimal. And the gratitude of your fellow parishioners is an ample reward. Please reach out to Chad Kruse with questions or to review the guide to hosting.
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8 AM Service
Altar Guild: Steve Larson
9am Service
Acolytes: Anderson Bergman & Jonah Kruse
Altar Guild: Emily Feldhake & Nick Hatzis
Ushers: Mike Mattson & Tony Swain
Lectors: Skip Yates & Nina Wilfred
Intercessor: Raquel Maki
Chalice: Skip Yates & Nina Wilfred
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11am Service
Acolyte: Ashley Gilmore & John Tyler
Altar Guild: Liz Morris & Gretchen Schlabach
Ushers: Amy Jacobson & Jordan Olberding
Lectors: Susie Griffith & Jo Thomas
Intercessor: Douglas Matteson
Chalice: Liz Morris & Gretchen Schlabach
Media Ministry: Kuo Lun-Tye (Audio), Mark Piroch (Camera), TBD (FB Announcement), and Lelia Fry (FB Greeter)
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Those who suffer in mind, body, or spirit: especially for Shelly House, Phyllis, Wendy, Andrew, Larry, Jayla, Arline, Bret Morris, Toni Armitage, and for those whose hurt, burdens, and fears go unspoken.
For those on our long-term prayer list: Noel McGraw, Ora & Eugene Washington, Helen LoRusso, Jane Dobrowski, Chester Richard, Peg Deppe, Ken Reid, Kirsten Rehnberg, Debi Armstrong, Suzanne Shear, Ann J, James Guite, Nina Chinn, Jim Crandall, Juleigh Ruby, Lionel Edes, Clara Maddox, Kamila and Kathy, Mary Logue
For those around the world: the people of Ukraine and all affected by war; and our brothers and sisters in Cuernavaca, Mexico; Renk, Sudan; and throughout Latin America and East Africa
For those who celebrate birthdays this week:
10/23 - Bryan Matias, Aaron Newman, Nora Lumsden
10/25- Steven Kismohr, Rohan Thiruvathukal
10/26 - June Coyne
10/27 - Isaac Summers, Jim Statler
For those who celebrate anniversaries this week:
10/23 - Alison & Matt Mankowski
10/28 - Courtney Reid & Pam Palmentera
For those who have died: may the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
If you'd like to have someone included in our community prayers, visit our website.
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