News for the Week of:

September 17, 2023

Dear Friends,

In my sermon last Sunday I compared the Church, our church, to the Thorne Rooms at The Art Institute. While not perfect or behind glass, we are meant to be a model of love and forgiveness for the world. We point to God’s dream of Beloved Community in how we treat one another, how we act in the world, and in our worship. After all, in worship we practice things like saying “I’m sorry” (that’s the Confession), reconciliation (that’s the Peace), and being generous and thankful (the Offertory). 

We also practice love and concern for ourselves and others and trust in God every time we pray. The Prayers of the People differ from our personal prayers and are structured so that we always pray for big categories: the whole church, its leaders and members; our nation and all in authority; the welfare of the world; the concerns of the local community; those who suffer or are in any trouble; and the departed.

During each of those general petitions, though, there is space for very specific prayers—YOUR prayers. Please know that when the person leading the prayers invites prayers from all of us gathered, you are encouraged to share prayers as you like. You may whisper them, you may pray in silence, and you may pray loudly, inviting the whole assembly to pray for your concern. You can be formal (“I bid your prayers for . . .”) or casual (“Please pray for . . .”), specific (“Pray that Mary, my sister, will heal swiftly after her appendectomy”) or general (“For a friend who is ill”). 

And there is much to pray about! In the world, we pray for those suffering and those who have died after the earthquake in Morocco and the flooding in Libya. In our city, we pray for an end to gun violence and for those without homes or enough food. In our own church and families, we pray for those who are ill or struggling in some way and we give thanks for our blessings. 

Sometimes our prayers inspire us to act, and sometimes there is nothing we can do but pray, trusting only God can handle things.

Whatever is happening in your heart and your life, bring yourself and your prayers to church this Sunday. Share your blessings and concerns in this beautiful, imperfect, loving, and joyful community. We’ll have a great time at Start Up Sunday and get to practice Beloved Community together. See you in church!

Faithfully, Suzanne+

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We'll celebrate the “start up” of the program year with a celebratory coffee hour and an “All-Parish Photo” taken at 10:55 am in front of the church! 

Worship and Service at All Saints

Start-Up Sunday Multi-Generational Choir!

Practice THIS September 16. 9 - 10 am

As we start another program year at All Saints, we'd like to commemorate the occasion with a multi-generational choir. If you sing or play a musical instrument, we need you!

We'll gather on Saturday, September 16 from 9:00-10:00am for a rehearsal, then perform on Sunday, September 17 at the 9:00am service.

For more information, you can contact Colin.

Interested in serving as an Acolyte?

Acolytes - adults and youth ages 9 and up - serve an important role in our 9:00 and 11:00am liturgies. Acolytes help lead our processions in and out of the sanctuary and serve at the altar as we prepare for Holy Communion. 

We'll hold a training for those wishing to be ADULT acolytes THIS Saturday, September 16 from 9:00-10:30am in the church. 

Training for YOUTH interested in serving as acolytes will be on Saturday, September 30 from 10:30am - 12:00pm and again on Thursday, October 5 from 4:30-6:00pm. 

Please sign up here. Contact Courtney with any questions.

Fall Clean Up Day! THIS SATURDAY! 10:30 - Noon

We'll provide the cleaning supplies, lists of tasks, and lunch. All we need is YOU! Join us on Saturday, September 16 beginning at 10:30am in the church. We'll clean until about 12 and then have a quick lunch.

Please RSVP to Courtney if you plan to attend so we have enough sandwiches. 

We Need YOU!

Altar Guild Training: Saturday, September 16. 10:30 am - Noon.

Altar Guild is one of the most important ministries at any church; without it, Sunday services wouldn’t happen. Altar Guild members make sure that we have the correct readings at the lectern; set up all the items needed for the Eucharist; clean up after services, and more. This is a meaningful, even prayerful, way to serve the church and one another and is especially good for folks who like order, beauty, and working behind the scenes (plus, you get to participate in all the sacristy chit-chat!).

We have relied on a small, faithful group of folks to make sure that worship happens Sunday after Sunday, and we need more folks to ensure this work continues. 

Serving on Altar Guild requires arriving 30 minutes before the service and staying 20 minutes after the service. Ideally, members serve roughly every four weeks. 

Interested? Plan to come to the Altar Guild training on Saturday, September 16 from 10:30-Noon. Can’t make that training? We’ll be glad to provide an individual training for you! 

Contact Suzanne at [email protected] to RSVP or for more information.

Calling all percussionists!

As part of our worship services this fall, we'll be singing a spirited new setting of Glory to God which would only benefit from the addition of percussion. If you'd be willing to play percussion, please either stop by and see Colin after services on the weekend or send him an email.

Formation and Fellowship

Church School is Back! New 3- to 6-year olds this Saturday.

If you’re the grown-up of a child who'd like to join our Church School, register for our free program and learn more by emailing Polly Tangora, Children’s Formation Coordinator.

Classes started Sunday, September 10 at 10:00am for returning and older students in Atrium I (3 to 6 years old), Atrium II (6 to 9), and Atrium III (9 to 12).

New 3- to 6-year-olds (and their grown-ups) should join us THIS weekend, Saturday, September 16 from 9:30–11:00am, for snacks and a gentle orientation to Atrium I.

All Saints Youth Group: Fall Plans

All Saints Youth Group meets from 3:30-5:30 on the Sundays below. We welcome youth ages 12 and older, and you can email [email protected] with any questions. We hope to see you at our next meeting! 

  • September 24: Board Games and Crafts
  • October 8: Scavenger Hunt at the Lincoln Park Zoo (more details about transportation and permission forms to follow)
  • October 22: Pumpkin Carving
  • November 12: History of the Bible
  • December 10: Cookie Decorating

Save the Date: Parables at the Annex!

Wednesdays at 7 pm: September 20, September 27, and October 4

All Saints’ Annex, aka O’Shaughnessy’s Public House (corner of Ravenswood & Wilson)

What does economic justice look like? What does it mean to love our enemy? This three week series will dive deeper into the power of storytelling to help answer these questions. We will consider some of the most provocative parables of Jesus, locating them in the rich history of Jewish storytelling and within the vibrant context of the New Testament gospels. Join us as we consider together what scholar Amy-Jill Levine has called "The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi," and ask what they might have to say to us today.


Our conversation will be led by Olivia Stewart Lester, who is Assistant Professor of New Testament/Early Christianity at Loyola University Chicago. Her research specializes in prophecy and gender. When she's not teaching, she loves enjoying the Uptown neighborhood with her spouse, 3-year-old daughter, and rambunctious hound dog. 

Lunch for Adults Considering Baptism:

Sunday, September 24 at 12:30pm


If you would like to learn more about how adults prepare for baptism here at All Saints, please join us for lunch in late September. This is a chance to learn about the history and theology of baptism and the process of preparing to be baptized at the Easter Vigil here at All Saints. This is a no-pressure meeting—come to lunch for fellowship and learning.


Interested? RSVP HERE.

2023-24 Church School Events

Events calendars for the 2023-24 school year can be found in the church school wing. Or stay informed using our private, grown-ups-only All Saints Atrium Facebook group (email Polly if you’re not yet a member).

All Saints Book Club

Summer 2023

The All Saints Book Club meets on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm on Zoom. If you're not a regular attendee, email Mike Burke at [email protected] for a meeting invite.


Our next meeting will be on September 14 to discuss the last of three books tied to the "Black Lives Matter" initiative: Three Girls from Bronzeville by Dawn Turner.

The All Saints Book Club supports the book sanctuary initiative. We plan to include at least one banned book each year in our 2023 reading plan. 

Outreach and Justice

Help refugees in Chicago!

Refugee Community Connections reports that refugees are arriving every day and that bedding remains in high demand! If you can, please order items from the Amazon wish list.

Before you know it, these arrivals will need winter coats too. If you have clean children's winter coats, let Annie Logue know.

Your help so far has been incredible! Almost 300 backpacks were distributed to help kids get back to school, in part due to your amazing generousity!

Church Business

The 2024 Pledge Campaign is Coming . . .

And we need some Polaroid cameras! Have one we can borrow? Let Suzanne know and / or drop them off in the Sacristy with your name and contact information. Thank you!

Vestry Report: Summary of August Meeting and June Minutes

The All Saints Vestry met on August 15, 2023. Chad Eric Bergman, John Dufour, Margaret Ferguson, Susie Griffith, Katrina Kasten, Ann McKenzie, Courtney Reid, Jacqueline Wayneguite, Suzanne Wille, Skip Yates, and June Cloyne (clerk) met in person with Craig Maki and Gina Shropshire joining on Zoom.

The following business and discussion items were discussed:

  • The vestry discussed a survey sent to ministry leaders to better understand needs and future planning. Next steps include meeting with ministry leaders for in-person discussions about increased ministry participation and support.
  • There were updates about the upcoming Pledge Campaign. The vestry discussed possible topics and events to support the campaign.
  • The vestry shared about continued one-on-one conversations. Many shared having positive and engaging discussions with various people in the community, and plans were made for future one-on-ones.
  • Margaret Ferguson provided the treasurer's report. We are in a good financial position, and work will begin on the 2024 budget.
  • New opportunities for All Saints were presented including possible partnerships in Guatemala and a gift to update the kitchen attached to the reading room to make it more useful.

Vestry Minutes: June 2023

Serving This Sunday

8 AM Service
Altar Guild: Clergy

9am Service
Altar Guild: Nick Hatzis
Ushers: Nick Hatzis and Josephine Koo
Lectors: David Springer and Paula Contey
Intercessor: Chet Kelly
Chalice: Gretchen Schlabach and Skip Yates
11am Service
Acolyte: Jenni Masterson
Altar Guild: Lexy Sandin
Ushers: Amy Jacobson and Nancy Kipnis
Lectors: Rachel Jacobs and Douglas Matteson
Intercessor: Amy Jacobson
Chalice: Rachel Jacobs and Jenni Masterson
Media Ministry: Megan Turnquist (Audio), Mark Piroch (Camera), Amy Healey (FB Announcement), and Dan Hornung (FB Greeter)

MC: Jacqueline WayneGuite

Did you know you can listen to All Saints sermons on Apple Podcasts?

We Pray For

Those who suffer in mind, body, or spirit: especially for T.J. Sherman, Jenna Rabideaux, Crystal Vines, Helen Johnson, Susan, Mashell Gellman, Emilie & David Rizer, Brett, Kelly, Matthew, Jeffrey, and for those whose hurt, burdens, and fears go unspoken.

For those on our long-term prayer list: Noel McGraw, Ora & Eugene Washington, Helen LoRusso, Jane Dobrowski, Chester Richard, Peg Deppe, Ken Reid, Kirsten Rehnberg, Debi Armstrong, Suzanne Shear, Ann J, Peter Donalek, James Guite, Nina Chinn, Jim Crandall, Juleigh Ruby, Lionel Edes, Clara Maddox, Kamila and Kathy, Mary Logue

For those around the world: the people of Ukraine and all affected by war; and our brothers and sisters in Cuernavaca, Mexico; Renk, Sudan; and throughout Latin America and East Africa

For those who celebrate birthdays this week:

9/17 - Laila Fawley

9/18 - Aesha Engeldinger, Lorraine Langer

9/19 - Lucy Jenkins

9/20 - Steve Larson, Pam Palmentera, Georgia Port

9/21 - Nancy Kaszak

For those who celebrate anniversaries this week:

9/17 - Chad and Lacey Kruse, Dennis and Sally Smith

9/18 - Jennifer and Peter Moore

9/19 - Anne Zender and Eric Sinclair

9/20 - Kim and Zach Belton, Craig Berry and Mauren Kupstas

9/21 - Jenni and John Masterson

9/22 - B. A. Church and Dennis Pabich

For those who have died: May the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

If you'd like to have someone included in our community prayers, visit our website.

Request Prayer

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