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Tell a friend or family member about AnShen Veterinary Acupuncture and we'll give you $10 off your next appointment or herb order. It's our way of saying thank you!
Time For A
Tune Up?
Follow-up maintenance visits keep our animal companions healthy. Treating them when the seasons change balances the body to help prevent disease. | |
Check out our new website!
608-333-7811 |
Dear Friends and Clients,
AnShen now has laser!
Laser therapy stimulates cellular activity that improves the speed and quality of healing. Laser acupuncture shines the laser light into acupuncture points instead of needles. Wavelengths of 780-980 nm (used in Class 3B lasers, which is the cold laser that AnShen uses) allow acupuncture without needles for those animals who are sensitive. Our Respond laser has 2 different sizes and wavelengths which are used for pain management, healing infections, treating sprains, fractures, arthritis(including navicular disease), neurological problems such as weakness and vestibular disease, gingivitis, ulcers, oral infections, post operatively for knee and other surgeries and for most of the same indications as acupuncture.
Molly, a 20 year old Holstein cow, has a history of arthritis, chronic wounds and abscesses. Laser treatment has healed her deep skin wounds and abscesses and helped her joints to feel more comfortable.
Ruby, a 11 year old mixed breed spaniel first came to AnShen with chronic kidney failure and no appetite. Fear of the vet after many blood draws and catheters made needle-less acupuncture easy for her. One laser acupuncture treatment got her to start eating again, and her energy, comfort and appetite have continued with regular laser acupuncture treatment.
In cool, crisp fall weather, our lungs and large intestines are prone to drying out and becoming cold. To prevent respiratory infections and constipation, feeding our carnivorous friends sardines and all of our animal companions aloe vera juice for human consumption can help by moistening these sensitive organs. George's Aloe Vera for human consumption has no odor or flavor and can be mixed with food. If stools become too soft, give a lower dose.
Valley of the Kings
Sanctuary & Retreat
Valley of the Kings Sanctuary and Retreat provides a permanent home to over 50 large cats and other animals. They depend on donations and volunteers to care for lions, tigers, leopards, cougars, bears, horses, cows and foxes. They are always in need of fresh or frozen meat to feed their large felines, including an elderly cougar who will be receiving acupuncture for his arthritis. This time of year they are especially in need of your old blankets and comforters. Check out their wish list here to see the many ways you can help! |
With Best Wishes,
Drs. Andrea and Jody |