Alaska * Alberta * British Columbia * Idaho * Montana * Oregon * Saskatchewan * Washington
The Northwest Campanologist
Vol 13. No.1 January 2022
Did You Know?
Over the holidays, my husband and I listen to a stack of CD's of holiday music. I happened to read the jacket to one of them that used a handbell choir for the instrument accompanying the singing. It had a write-up about PT Barnum bringing English handbells to America, only he dressed the ringers in Swiss Alpine dress and promoted them as Swiss bell ringers. Did you know? I didn't. My husband, ever the researcher, googled this and found a site with a really great article about the history of handbells, which included PT Barnum's contribution! You'll never guess where?!!?!? Handbell Musicians of America!!!!! There is so much on that website that we really should be taking advantage of. Maybe I'm the only delinquent who hasn't read as much as she should, but I doubt it. Check it out.
With Christmas behind us and a new year begun, we can start looking forward to the line up of Spring events. I think everyone is holding their breath to see if the Omicron variant is going to allow us to meet in person. The Bells of the Cascades Annual Spring Festival has been cancelled. They are still planning to host their Read & Ring in late summer. I'm still planning to attend as many spring events as I can. Fingers crossed. I hope to see you there - somewhere.
Please continue to be cautious and stay safe and healthy.
Happy New Year!
Joann Wallenburn, editor
20th International Handbell Symposium, “Out of Many, One”
Aug 1-6, 2022; Nashville, Tennessee USA
For more information go to:
To join an AREA Pick-Up choir contact Ellie Hodder—Area 10 Membership Chair
Snake River Handbell Conference
February 4-5, 2022
Central Elementary Gym
1415 6th Street S
Nampa, Idaho
Carol from Heitz Handbells will be there with lots of merchandise!
Come and join many other handbell musicians ringing six great pieces under the direction of Matthew Compton. The pieces are level 2-3 incorporating various music styles, techniques, and seasons. Cost is $55 per person postmarked on or before December 10, 2021 and $65 after December 10.
Matthew Compton is Bells of the Cascades’ music director. He is also the director of music ministries at Salmon Creek Church in Vancouver, Washington where he directs the handbell ensemble, choir, and praise team. A Colorado Springs native, he has been composing, arranging, and conducting music for handbells since 2007 when he was in the eighth grade. He had his first composition published at the age of 15, making him one of the youngest ever published handbell composers. Matthew has numerous compositions and arrangements in print or in the publishing process.
Friday-Sunday, March 25-27, 2022
Special Class, Thursday evening, March 24
Concert, Sunday afternoon, March 27
Site: Monarch Hotel and Conference Center
12566 SE 93rd Avenue, Clackamas, OR 97015
Free onsite parking, convenient to I-205 and MAX light rail
It has been a long wait for us to be back together again but 2022 is our year. Thank you for being safe and being patient as the world does its best to unravel from chaos.
2020 REPERTOIRE will be retained for 2022, Music selections include a belltree processional by Louise Frier, a new arrangement by Carmen Medina Jimenez of Puerto Rico (a ton of fun to ring!), a setting Toto’s “Africa” arranged by Julie Turner (she added an SATB choir part just for us!!), a tribute to the late, great Cynthia Dobrinski, and many other exciting compositions.
The event site has moved to Clackamas, Oregon, a suburb of Portland on I-205 and Clackamas Town Center shopping mall, the southeast end of the MAX transit line. The Monarch Hotel and Conference Center is walking distance to shopping and a wide variety of restaurants.
Event coordinator, Kim Bible, has retired! We salute her excellent leadership as we welcome a new team this year headed by Vanessa Blake, event coordinator and Pamela (P.L.) Grove as registrar. P.L. will kick off the weekend with an optional workshop “To Weave or Not to Weave, When is the Question!” on Thursday, March 24, 2022.
Rehearsals begin Friday morning with bells from the itty bittys to the buckets. The weekend culminates in a concert on Sunday afternoon at 4 pm.
If you are looking to make Coppers Classic part of an extended vacation, check out access to skiing, wine country, the Oregon Coast and much more.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference
April 29-30, 2022
Fascinatin' Rhythms
Guest Conductor: Tim Waugh
Join us in Ashland for a weekend of ringing and workshops focusing in on rhythms. Ring arrangements and original compositions with fascinatin’ and fun rhythms and participate in workshops that help you learn to master rhythms beyond a straight 4. Barb Walsh will be conducting the Bronze Conference Choir offering ringing opportunities to those who can never get enough ringing.
Participation in the BCC is by application
Event Registration is $80/person before March 1st; after March 1st it will be $85/person
Tim Waugh, an internationally acclaimed conductor, composer, and performance arts educator. He is well known in many performance mediums, including handbell, choral, church music and musical theatre. Early in his career he became noted for his work in conducting and teaching children and youth, and he is excited to continue those pursuits while working with children of all ages! He is a tireless champion for performance arts in the church, classroom and community. Now retired from the classroom, Tim currently is the Artistic Director and Founding Conductor of Charlotte Bronze Handbell Ensemble, a professional community choir, based in uptown Charlotte, NC.
Barb Walsh, has been the Northern Nevada/Eastern Sierra Regional Coordinator for Handbell Musicians of America since 1993, and was a public school music teacher in the Reno/Sparks, NV area for 33 years, receiving Educator of the Year Award from the Nevada Music Educators Association in 2014. She has developed handbell programs ranging from elementary school children to the adult community group, Tintabulations, known for their high energy, innovation, and musicianship. When not teaching, directing or ringing, Barb plays flute/piccolo in local orchestras and shares backcountry adventures with her husband, dog and horses.
Big Sky Handbell Festival
April 29-30, 2022
Sentinel High School
Missoula, MT
Clinician: Michael Glasgow
Stay tuned for more details.
AREA 10 Biennial Conference
ONLY 18 MONTHS! until the AREA 10 Biennial Conference in June 2023
WHEN: June 16-18, 2023
WHAT: Exciting educational opportunities and a chance to ring under a couple of very dynamic conductors
WHO: Brenda E. Austin and Marquise Usher will direct Division Ringing Sessions, A Bronze Conference Choir and Massed Ringing Sessions
WHERE: CenterPlace Regional Event Center in Spokane Valley, Washington
For All Reasons -For All Seasons
Call Us!
Malmark Ambassadors
Marlene M. Anderson
Consultant - Clinician- Conductor.
Cell 206-390-0931
Wes Anderson
Maintenance Guru
Cell 206-390-8789
22515 6th Ave. S. Unit 504
Des Moines, WA 98198
Tie-dyed gloves, T-shirts, CDs, and DVDs available for purchase on-line.
Click on the gloves to go shopping.
The Raleigh Ringers
8516 Sleepy Creek Dr
Raleigh, NC 27613
Featuring music for:
Handbell solo, 8-bell Ensemble,
Handbell choir, 12-bell Ensemble,
Piano and more!
Our small-ensemble music is fully reproducible and available for immediate download!
All titles come with permission to live-stream and broadcast!
Visit us at
Follow us online:
Use coupon code "Area10" for 10% off your order
A full service handbell store with music and accessories:
gloves, gifts, binders, mallets,
maintenance items,mallets, bell tree items, Malmark products
Visit us at
7209 Morgan Ave S
Richfield, MN 55423
Area 12 Conference July 2-5, 2022
Las Vegas, Nevada
Registration opens January 15, 2022
Advertising Rates
All ads are $5 per issue
There are two options:
1. An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels x 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will be hyperlinked to your website.
2. An ad approximately 1.5 X 3.5 inches which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.
Send ad or text with picture to Joann Wallenburn with how many issues you would like. An invoice will be sent to you.
Area 10 Board of Directors
There are many ways you can help with Area 10 Administration