For All Reasons - For All Seasons - Call Us! Marlene M. Anderson Consultant - Clinician- Conductor. Cell 206-390-0931 Wes Anderson - Maintenance Guru - Sales Representative Cell 206-390-8789 Serving ALASKA - IDAHO- MONTANA - WASHINGTON 22515 6th Ave. S. Unit 504 Des Moines, WA 98198 |
 A full service handbell store with music and accessories: gloves, gifts, maintenance items, binders, mallets, bell tree items, Malmark products Visit us at 612-208-1741 1-877-426-3235 6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S Richfield, MN 55423 |
1414 W Garland Ave,
Ste 109
Spokane, WA 99205
The Raleigh Ringers
8516 Sleepy Creek Dr
Raleigh, NC 27613
Advertising Rates
All ads are $5 per issue
are two options:
1. An ad designed and formatted by you that is 150 pixels x 450 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. It will be enlarged to fill the space. The ad will be hyperlinked to your website.
2. An ad approximately 1.5 X 3.5 inches which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.
Send ad or text with picture to
Phyllis Tincher
with how many issues you would like. An invoice will be sent to you.
Deadline for articles and events to be included in the March issue of the Campanologist is
February 22. Information can be sent to Phyllis Tincher,
3301 Seminole Dr
Nampa, ID 83686.
Please update your profile/email address following the link at the bottom of the newsletter. This will give you the opportunity to select various regions of our area so we can send you information about events and concerts close to home. You may change this information at any time.
The Northwest Campanologist
What do you love about handbells and handchimes? Getting together with other handbell musicians is a great way to relieve stress and have some time doing something you love. There are many opportunities for you as an individual as well as your entire choir to get together with others this spring. If you have never attended a conference/workshop, give it a try! Information on each is in the articles below.
- February 2 & 3, Snake River Handbell Conference, Nampa, Idaho, with Michael Glasgow.
- March 3, Youth Handbell Festival, Beaverton, Oregon, with Ellie Hodder and Shayla Bailey.
- March 23 & 24, Inland Northwest Handbell Workshop, Clarkston, Washington, with Ron Mallory.
- April 27 & 28, Big Sky Handbell Festival, Hamilton, Montana, with Jason Wells.
- May 4 & 5, Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference, Ashland, Oregon, with Barb Walsh and Ellie Hodder.
- May 18 & 19, Greater Puget Sound Handbell Festival, Everett, Washington, with Brian Tervo and Colin Walker.
Please forward this newsletter to your choir members and to anyone else who would be interested in all the concerts and events. Encourage them to subscribe to the newsletter. Click "Join our mailing list" at the bottom of the left column or click the newsletter link on our website,
. With permission, I can also add names and addresses.
Phyllis Tincher, Communications Chair
Notes from the Chair ...
Festival time is upon us! How many of you love going to festivals? I know I do. There are six festivals scheduled in Area 10 before the end of May. I hope you are able to take in at least one of them. Festivals are such a great experience: new friends, new music, new conductor, so many chances to learn!
This got me thinking: how do we prepare to attend a festival? It's a little different than preparing for a concert, and certainly different than preparing for ringing in Sunday worship. I think there may be two scenarios that affect how we prepare. I'll share what I can on both.
1. My whole choir is going
First of all, how great for you! With people's crazy schedules, it is hard to get 10-15 people to commit to being in the same place at the same time. Enjoy the blessings of committed ringers! That being said, how do you get 10-15 people together to rehearse extra music? Ugh. Some thoughts:
- Directors - Order the festival music early, I mean way early, if at all possible. Most festivals program music that your choir can use throughout the year. Use this to your advantage. If you make these pieces part of your regular year, you won't have to hold special rehearsals.
- Directors - Use festival pieces in regular rehearsal. Even if not in your own programming, use them for warm-up, practice in sight reading, etc.
- Directors - Have sectional practice. Getting 4-5 people together to rehearse outside the normal time is easier than all 10-15!
- Ringers - Practice festival music on your own! Your director will love you for it! There will no doubt be a time crunch to get pieces learned. Put in a little extra time on your part. See below for thoughts on this.
2. Only a few of us are going
Do not despair! Think of the fun you will have getting to know these people better. Besides, with mass ringing, all the parts are covered. Maybe you could ring some different bells for a change? A small group does present some preparation challenges, however. Some thoughts:
- Directors - assign ringers parts next to each other. I know, everyone has "their" bells. But unless you want to hog every case just for three ringers, make them stand next to each other. It makes rehearsal easier and they will be better ringers for it.
- Directors - Demo recordings are your friend! Well, yes and no. Recording tempos are often too fast for the first several rehearsals. But after a bit, it really helps to "rehearse with" a whole choir. Between publisher's sites and YouTube, you can usually find a recording with a tempo that is reasonable. Use a good speaker so that everyone can hear the recording.
- Ringers - Demo recordings are your friend! See above! You can even practice on your own at home!
- Ringers - Be willing to rehearse outside of the normal schedule. It's inevitable. The more you can practice on you own, the less of this you'll have.
3. No matter what
- Mark, mark, mark - New room, new sound, new conductor - you will forget things.
- Don't stress - Of course, be as prepared as you can be. But if you just can't get that bell change in ms. 37, don't let it ruin your experience. It is mass ringing; someone else in the room will probably get it!
- Go to the festival! - Even if you may not feel completely ready, go anyway. You will learn so much from other ringers and from a new clinician. And just to hear your instrument being played by 50, 100, 200, ringers - there is nothing like it.
I hope some of these thoughts have helped and I hope to see you at a festival this spring!
Diane Hould
Snake River Handbell Conference
Friday & Saturday, February 2 & 3
Central Elementary Gym
1415 6th Street South, Nampa, Idaho
linician: Michael J. Glasgow
Last minute plans allow you to come? Call Phyllis Tincher at 208-989-2811 or email her at and she will find a spot for you to ring in.
$65 after December 1
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
2018 Youth Handbell Festival
Saturday, March 3
Murray Hills Christian Church
15050 SW Weir Road, Beaverton, Oregon
Clinicians: Ellie Hodder & Shayla Bailey
Shayla Bailey is our Tins clinician. Shayla grew up ringing first handchimes, then handbells and gaining the attention of the director of Youth Choirs at the 2016 International Handbell Symposium in Vancouver, B.C. She will be an inspiration to our musicians who so often look to the podium for role models.
Click here for a flyer with all the details: where, when, repertoire, etc. Please do take a look and jot me a note if you have any questions. Early bird deadline is February 1.
If you have youth choirs:
- Please come! Youth handbell festivals are a great way to build community and inspire your musicians.
- If you have small youth choirs and welcome one or two from other churches and school, please let me know right away so we can let folks know there's a place in the choir!
- If you have one or two (or three . . . ) young ringers but need a spot for them, please let me know so I can match you. I have one and will be looking for a spot where he night be welcomed.
Don't have a youth choir?
- Please pass the information along to churches, schools and home school organizations in your neighborhood.
- Come to the concert (5 pm) and bring parents and young people who might catch the excitement if they see what is possible.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Inland Northwest Handbell Workshop
Friday & Saturday,
March 23 & 24
**New location**
United Methodist Church
of Clarkston
1242 Highland Ave
Clarkston, WA
Clinician: Ron Mallory
Early bird deadline is February 1.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference
Plays Well with Others II
Friday & Saturday,
May 4 & 5,
Ashland Middle School, Ashland, Oregon
Guest Conductor:
Barb Walsh
Bronze Conference
Choir Conductor:
Ellie Hodder
Show Case performance by
Tintabulations Handbell Ensemble
Barb Walsh, artistic director and conductor
The conference opens with a Massed Ringing Rehearsal on Friday, May 4th at 7pm followed by the Show Case concert. BCC rehearsals begin Friday at 4pm. Early bird registration is $70/person before March 1st, after March 1st registration is $80/person. Tables and pads may be rented for massed/division ringing at $10/table.
There are 2 Division Ringing groups, Siskiyous and Cascades and Massed, chose which ever set of music best fits your group. There is a great line up of classes to help you continue to develop your skills and musicality.
Questions or for more information contact Diane Barnes
with your e-mail information.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Greater Puget Sound Handbell Festival
Friday & Saturday,
May 18 & 19
Everett, Washington
Clinicians: Brian Tervo and Colin Walker
Mark your calendars! The Greater Puget Sound Handbell Festival will be coordinated by Emerald City Ringers this spring. This event will be geared toward ensembles of all skill levels, and will feature a day of ringing under the direction of clinicians Brian Tervo and Colin Walker.
The event is scheduled for May 18-19, 2018 in Everett, convenient to handbell ensembles in the north end of Puget Sound, and just a short drive away from the Mukilteo ferry dock for groups coming from the Olympic Peninsula.
for more information. Registration open soon - $65/person for Handbell Musicians of America Members, $85/person for non-members.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Big Sky Handbell Festival
Friday & Saturday, April 27-28
Hamilton High School, Hamilton, Montana
Clinician - Jason Wells
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.
18th International Handbell Symposium -
Rogue Ringers International 2018!
We have a few spots for AD HOC ringers in our choir. The event will be held in Cairns, Australia August 6-11.
This is a great opportunity to explore a world heritage site (the Great Barrier Reef) and ring with a host of international ringers making new friends along the way. The exchange rate is favorable--$0.80 US = $1.00 AUD. Contact Diane Barnes at
for more information or to join the choir.
Area 10 Facebook Page
Did you know Area 10 has a Facebook page? Please search for "Handbell Musicians of America - Area 10" and like the page. If you want an event added, please send the information to Phyllis Tincher at A picture for the event can also be added.
National Office contact information
The national office is a virtual operation!
To contact by phone: 937-438-0085. Please note the 1-800 number is no longer in service.
All check payments for membership renewal and other services should be sent to:
PO BOX 221047
All other correspondence should be sent to:
Handbell Musicians of America
201 E. 5th Street, Suite 1900-1025,
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Alaska Events
Your event or concert could be listed here!
Idaho Events
Friday & Saturday, February 2-3
- 4th Annual Snake River Handbell Conference with clinician Michael J. Glasgow, Central Elementary Gym, Nampa. See article above for details.
Registration Form
Saturday, February 3 - 6:30 pm, Final Concert, Snake River Handbell Conference, Central Elementary Gym, 1415 6th Street S, Nampa.
Montana Events
Friday & Saturday, April 27 & 28 - Big Sky Handbell Festival, Hamilton High School, Hamilton. Clinician: Jason Wells. Repertoire, Invitation, Registration Form, Director's Notes, Schedule, Hotels, Food. |
Oregon Events
Saturday, March 3
- 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. 2018 Youth Handbell Festival,
Murray Hills Christian Church,
15050 SW Weir Road, Beaverton. Clinicians: Ellie Hodder and Shayla Bailey. Flyer and Registration Form.
Saturday, March 3 - 5:00 pm. Closing Concert for the 2017 Youth Handbell Festival,
Murray Hills Christian Church,
15050 SW Weir Road, Beaverton.
Friday & Saturday, May 4 - 5 - Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference, Ashland. See article above for details.
Washington Events
Friday & Saturday, May 18 & 19 - Greater Puget Sound Handbell Festival, Everett. Clinicians: Brian Tervo and Colin Walker.
Music List. For additional information, contact
Colin Walker.
Canada Events
Your concert or event could be listed here!
Please remember to send information for the March issue to me by February 22.