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Alaska * Alberta * British Columbia * Idaho * Montana * Oregon * Saskatchewan * Washington

Vol. 6, No. 3                                                                                      March 2015

In This Issue
Board of Directors
From the Chair
Clyde and Seamore
Oregon Handchimes
Washington Handchimes
Community Groups
Handchime Loan Program
Snake River Conference
Siskiyou Summit Conference
Greater Puget Sound
Bell Trees Workshop
Youth Festival
Big Sky Conference
International Symposium
National Office Contacts
Alaska Events
Idaho Events
Montana Events
Oregon Events
Washington Events
Canada Events
Thank you to
 our advertisers!
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Concerts in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Maryland


Heitz logo


A full service handbell store with music and accessories:

gloves, gifts,

maintenance items, binders, mallets, bell tree items, Malmark products


Visit us at





6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S

Richfield, MN  55423

Bell Buggy Express
1414 W Garland Ave,
Ste 109
Spokane, WA  99205
Conference Music for
Area 10 events
in stock:
Snake River Conference
Youth Festival
Big Sky
Siskiyou Summit
Greater Puget Sound


Marlene Wes Anderson


For All Reasons -

For All Seasons -

Call Us!


Marlene M. Anderson

 Consultant - Clinician- Conductor.

Cell 206-390-0931


Wes Anderson - Maintenance Guru - Sales Representative

Cell 206-390-8789





22515 6th Ave. S. Unit 504

Des Moines, WA 98198


Board of Directors

Chair - Diane Barnes

   479 Drager

   Ashland, OR  97520
Chair Elect - Diane Hould
   142 3rd St S
   Shelby, MT  59474
Secretary - Cyndy Patterson
   4080 Carlton Ave
   Central Point, OR  97502
Treasurer - Brian Parrott
   PO Box 80933
   Portland, OR  97280
Past Chair - Brian Tervo
   15504 NE 52nd St
   Redmond, WA  98052
Alaska Chair - open
Idaho Chair - Barbara Mix
   1729 Dora Dr S
   Twin Falls, ID  83301
Montana Chair -Tomi Kent
   6120 SkyviewDr
   Missoula, MT  59803
Oregon Chair - Shosh Meyer
   10390 SW Canyon Rd
   Beaverton, OR 97005
Washington Chair -
   Micki Mennet-Martin
   PO Box 116
   Asotin, WA  99402
Education Coordinator -
   Wendy McPhetres
   6073 Sycamore Ln
   Bremerton, WA  98311
Youth Coordinator -
   Ron Mallory
   Maple Valley, WA
Membership Chair -
   Ann Pomazal
   7848 SE Cypress Ave
   Milwaukie, OR  97267
   503-534-1336 (home)
   503-539-4546 (cell)
Communications Chair -
   Phyllis Tincher
   3301 Seminole Dr
   Nampa, ID  83686
Webmaster - Rod Lloyd

   74430 Laurel Wood Rd

   Rainier, OR 97048


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All ads are $5 per issue 


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1. An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels x 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will be hyperlinked to your website.
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 Phyllis Tincher
with how many issues you would like. An invoice will be sent to you.




Deadline for articles and events to be included in the April issue of the Campanologist is
March 22. Information can be sent to Phyllis Tincher, 
3301 Seminole Dr
Nampa, ID  83686.
Please update your profile/email address following the link at the bottom of the newsletter. This will give you the opportunity to select various regions of our area so we can send you information about events and concerts close to home. You may change this information at any time.
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The Northwest Campanologist Area 10 vert logo

     Wow! We had a wonderful FIRST Snake River Handbell Conference February 6-7 with Jason Krug as clinician. Those attending had a marvelous time and worked hard polishing seven pieces. Hopefully all of us will remember the key word - subdivide! A few pictures are in the article below.


     There are many other exciting opportunities this spring to get together with fellow handbell musicians. Check out Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference in Ashland, Oregon; Greater Puget Sound Handbell Conference in Auburn, Washington; Bell Trees in Worship and Concert Workshop in Portland, Oregon; Youth Handbell Festival in Bellevue, Washington; and Big Sky Handbell Conference in Helena, Montana. Information and registration forms can be found in the articles below about each conference.


     Please forward this to your choir members and to anyone else who would be interested in all the concerts and events. Encourage them to subscribe to the newsletter. Click "Join our mailing list" at the bottom of the left column or click the newsletter link on our website, With permission, I can also add names and addresses. 

 Phyllis Tincher, Communications Chair 

From the Chair's computer ...


     I have just returned from a ringing filled weekend at Distinctly Bronze West in Portland, ringing under the direction of Dr. Bill Payn. The weekend was like a big family reunion, but where the family is related through ringing, coming together to do what we love and catch up since the last time we saw each other. So, I am recovering from a very inspiring, fulfilling, fruitful but exhausting weekend. Over the weekend I was asked by many Area 10 ringers, who were in attendance, what was happening with the Area in 2016, since the international Symposium is in Vancouver BC, our "back yard and Area". So, in answer to their questions and probably yours, below are the plans for 2016:

  • Area 10 will not hold a 2016 Conference, the Area conference will move to 2017 and then remain on the "odd" numbered years.
  • Area 10 will facilitate with the organization of "pick-up" choirs for Area 10 orphan ringers who would like to attend the 2016 International Handbell Symposium in Vancouver, BC. Details will be shared when we know more from the committee organizing the 2016 Symposium.
  • Area 10 will be holding the usual regional ringing events: Big Sky, Greater Puget Sound, Snake River Handbell Conference and Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference. If you normally only participate in the Area Conference check them out; their ringing and educational opportunities are first class, offering a closer to home alternative to across area travel.
  • The 2nd annual "Coppers' Classic" intermediate ringing only event modeled after Distinctly Bronze will be held in October 2016.

     Please contact me if you have any questions, suggestions about ringing activities in Area 10 from now through 2016. Happy ringing.

Diane Barnes

Clyde and Seamore 

by Ron Mallory, Area 10 Youth Coordinator


     Last summer, I visited Sea World in San Diego as part of a family vacation. (What does that have to do with handbells? Read on!) In the morning, we attended the park's Sea Lion Show, which had a television theme. First, the park's two seals, Clyde and Seamore, joined their human trainer in acting out scenes from "CSI." Next came a series of TV commercial spoofs. One segment led seamlessly into another until we were treated to a segment called "Dancing with the Pinnipeds," which culminated in a group of walruses, seals, otters, and humans together re-creating the famous music video of Psy's "Gangnam Style." It was a blast!


     After lunch, we went to the Shamu Show. The great orcas leapt from the water, then swam over and splashed part of the audience. They leapt from the water again, and swam over to splash a different part of the audience. And then they did the same thing again. And again. All this was accompanied by a pre-recorded musical backtrack.


     Thinking back on both these presentations at the end of the day, I realized that, while the Shamu Show is what Sea World is most famous for, the Sea Lion Show was actually much more fun and engaging. Why? Both did a great job of showing off what these intelligent animals were capable of. But the Shamu Show did so simply as a sequence of one "trick" after another, whereas the Sea Lion Show displayed the animals' abilities in the context of a story-and that made the presentation much more engaging.


     I also realized that most handbell concerts I've attended have been much more like the Shamu Show than the Sea Lion Show. We play a piece of music, talk a little, play another piece of music, talk a little more, and repeat. Maybe there's a "theme" to the concert which loosely connects everything together, but it's basically just a series of "tricks" presented one after another.


     Are there more effective ways we can present our music to engage with our audiences? Maybe we can learn a thing or two from Clyde and Seamore and find ways to create a story with our music, or to incorporate choreography, costumes, and staging into our shows. As you plan your spring performances with your community, church, or school handbell choirs, I encourage you to think creatively about ways to give your audience a little something extra!

Lincoln City church appreciates loan of handchimes
Congregational Church of Lincoln City members under the direction of Georgia Roelof playing "Awake to Love and Work" on Oregon's Area 10 Malmark loaner chimes.

     After a long wait for Oregon's Area 10 newly refurbished Malmark loaner chimes, Georgia Roelof and ringers from Congregational Church of Lincoln City are enjoying these beautiful and fun instruments. This congregation is one of two 2014-2015 recipients of our loaner sets. Congregational Church has a vibrant music program with organ, piano and vocal choir. A year ago they started a handbell ensemble thanks to the gracious loan of an available 3 octave handbell set belonging to a neighboring church. Now that Congregational has had opportunity to experience both bells and chimes, they are ready to start planning fund raising to purchase a 3 and 1/2 or 4 octave Malmark handbell set - new or used.


     George has lots of experience with handbells. She served for 27 years as a volunteer teaching beginning handbells at Katonah Presbyterian Church, Katonah, New York. After that she was hired as Handbell Director at Convent of the Sacred Heart in Greenwich, Connecticut. She brings not only her directing skills to the Oregon Coast, but great enthusiasm and a dedication to our art form.


     If you know of a set of Malmark handbells that have been abandoned to a storage closet and would like a new home, contact Georgia,

by Shosh Meyer, Oregon State Chair

Washington handchime set adding to worship

     Clarkston United Methodist Church has been enjoying one of the area's handchime sets. We play once a month for our church services, and we have used the chimes several times for this. The picture is from the warm-up session before we played February 22. We played a beautiful arrangement of "As a Deer", in which we all used the chimes. Our congregation really enjoyed it--we got many comments after the service. The chimes add a wonderful new dimension to the enjoyment of handbells. Before we return the chimes this summer, we hope to use the chimes for classes for the older kids in our vacation bible school. Thank-you so much.

Barbara Dertinger, director of Bells of Praise

at Clarkston United Methodist Church

Community Groups 

     In 1990, a group of church music directors in Portland got together with the idea of starting a handbell choir outside the church setting. They wanted to ring music that couldn't be rung in the traditional church setting. Without the pervasiveness of the Internet (it wasn't popularized until 1994), the founders of Bells of the Cascades (BOC) didn't realize that community groups were forming throughout the United States: Bells of the Sound was founded in 1989, Raleigh Ringers and Sonos in 1990, and AGAPE Ringers in 1992. Twenty-five years later, community groups are popular throughout the country, and the Area, providing an additional opportunity for musicians to ring.


     I first picked up a handbell in 1993 in a community group. Then, when I moved to Oregon in 1997, I started ringing with Bells of the Cascades, another community group. Despite never being a member of a church group, one of the things that has stood out over the years is how intertwined the church bell choir and community bell choir are within the greater handbell community and our local communities. Most ringers get their introduction to handbells in churches. Community groups often perform and rehearse in churches. Many ringers in community groups also ring or direct in church groups.


     Despite the close connection between church and community groups, often the underlying purposes of church and community group are different.   In addition, many community groups are self-sustaining and rely on concert proceeds and donations for their funding. This necessitates more of a focus on performing and they often seek places outside the church to perform. However, these differences actually support the church musician as well. Just as the skills learned in a church choir can be used in a community group, the increased focus on performance can also enhance musicians in the church group.


     Handbell Musicians of America strives to support handbell musicians regardless of where they ring. The success and influence of community groups within the greater handbell community is celebrated at the Handbell Musicians of America Pinnacle Event being held July 15-18, 2015, in Dallas, TX. While the event has a professional/ community slant, its focus is to help all handbell musicians reach their personal best in performance. For more information on Pinnacle visit


     Speaking of performing, the number of performances at Pinnacle is greater than at other national events. Rather than having to travel around the country to see top handbell performing groups, you can go one place and see several. In addition, this year, you get the chance to go "inside" three very different community handbell groups: Sonos, Raleigh Ringers and Agape Ringers. For those of you interested in the inner-workings of community groups, you'll have the opportunity to spend four hours learning how the particular organization operates.


     But, you don't have to go to Dallas to get involved in community groups. Area 10 has over 16 community groups, at least one in every state in the Area. These community groups exist for a myriad of reasons and include ringers at all levels. Even if you're not interested in ringing with a community group, community groups are often looking for volunteers to help with events, management, publicity, and any number of other things. As you support your local community group the handbell community as a whole strengthens. Even if it's just to attend a concert, I encourage you to seek out the community groups in your area and support them in whatever way you can.

Brian Parrott

Treasurer, Area 10 (

President, Bells of the Cascades (

Handchime Loan Program
handchimes Area 10 has seven 3-octave sets of handchimes that are loaned to schools for a school year. There is also curriculum and music with each set. Please help spread the word to music educators about this wonderful program. If you have any questions about the handchime loan program, please contact Area 10's Education Coordinator, Wendy McPhetres, at Applications are due June 1.
2015 Snake River Handbell Conference


     Forty-eight handbell musicians from around the Treasure Valley/greater Boise area (plus Rigby, ID) spent Friday evening and Saturday, February 6 & 7, rehearsing seven pieces in the classic 85-year old gym at Central Elementary School in Nampa, ID.

Judi Russell & Lisa Hinman - score study!



Jason Krug, guest clinician


"Ask the Composer"






This event was sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.


2015 Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference



May 1-2, 2015

Ashland Oregon

Guest Clinician: Larry Sue

"Water Music"


      Larry will conduct the Massed Ringing and both The Siskiyous and Cascades groups. Ellie Hodder will once again conduct the Bronze Conference Choir. Bronze Conference Choir is by application; rehearsals will begin Friday afternoon at 4pm.   


     Registration for the event will be $65/person if registered by March 1st, after March 1st registration will be $75/person. Registration materials will be available beginning January 1st, space is limited so register early. If you wish to receive your registration materials electronically please contact Diane Barnes at with your e-mail contact information.


 Music Repertoire 


2015 Greater Puget Sound Handbell Conference


May 15 & 16, 2015
Green River Community College
Auburn, Washington

Clinician: Michael Glasgow




     Registration is now open! The 2015 Greater Puget Sound Handbell Conference will be held May 15-16, 2015 at Green River Community College in Auburn, Washington. We are excited to welcome Michael Glasgow as our primary clinician - he brings energy and musicality to the podium and is a treat for ringers to work with!  The event will start Friday evening with rehearsal for the Rainier Choir, a Bronze-level conference choir requiring a separate application. Saturday will be filled with division and massed rehearsals, classes, and vendor shopping opportunities, and will end with our final concert showcasing all our hard work.


     The Greater Puget Sound Handbell Conference is open to full choirs, partial choirs and individuals. If you don't have a full choir - or don't have a choir at all - you can still participate. We can place individual ringers in choirs with openings.  We also invite your ensemble or choir to perform in the Final Concert on Saturday. This is a great opportunity to showcase your group and perform in front of the best audience you could ever hope for - your fellow handbell ringers!


     If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Micki Mennet-Martin at


 Registration Packet 

Music Repertoire  

Rehearsal Notes

Rainier Choir Rehearsal Notes


This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America. 

Bell Trees in Worship and Concert


Creativity with Bell Trees - Whitechapels included! 


     A Bell Tree workshop on Saturday, March 7 in Portland, Oregon will center on creative ways we can use bell trees in worship and in concert. The clinician, Barbara Brocker, has extensive experience teaching and performing at national and international events with the bell tree "keyboard." However, the experience she brings to this workshop is based more on the years she has used bell trees in various settings.


     Barbara will teach the basics of bell tree ringing - including set-up, malleting techniques and music selection - and will discuss some of the many ways she has incorporated bells trees in her performances. There will also be an opportunity for participants to share their ideas of what has worked well for them.


      A special feature of this workshop is the addition of Whitechapel bells to the bell tree world. Anne Stevenson and Peery Products have designed a bell tree clip that allows the stiff-handled Whitechapel bells to be strung into a bell tree.


     The 10:00am - 3:00pm workshop will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1624 NE Hancock Street, in Portland and the cost is $25. Additional details can be found on the registration form below. You can also email Anne Stevenson, bell director at Westminster, if you have questions:


Registration Form 

This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.


Pacific Northwest Youth Handbell Festival


Ron Mallory


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Westminster Chapel

Bellevue, WA

Guest Clinician: Ron Mallory



     Calling all youth: Join the Emerald City Ringers on Saturday, March 21, 2015 at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue for a day of ringing and learning with clinician Ron Mallory.  The registration form says early bird deadline is February 1, but it is extended to February 7 if you mention you saw this announcement in the Campanologist.

     Contact Colin Walker,, for more information.

Music Repertoire

Registration Form

This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.

2015 Big Sky Handbell Conference



  April 24 & 25, 2015

Carroll College

1601 N Benton Ave

Helena, MT


Clinician: Lee Afdahl


  Music Repertoire 

Rehearsal Notes 

(There are score corrections included in the notes.)


Registration Form


Driving Directions



This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America. 

17th International Handbell Symposium

Click here for basic information.
Click the image for all the details.
National Office contact information



The national office is a virtual operation!


To contact by phone: 937-438-0085. Please note the 1-800 number is no longer in service.


All payments for membership dues, contributions, and other invoices should be sent to our lockbox:

Handbell Musicians of America

PO Box 145400

Mail Location 521

Cincinnati, OH 45250


All other correspondence should be sent to:

Handbell Musicians of America

201 E. 5th Street, Suite 1900-1025,

Cincinnati, OH 45202


Staff emails are in Overtones and at 

Alaska Events 


Your event or concert could be listed here! 
Idaho Events 


Saturday, March 28 - 3:00 pm, Phyllis Tincher, handbell soloist, and Sean Rogers, pianist/organist, in concert at Community Presbyterian Church, 5391 E. Main Street, King Hill. This concert is sponsored by the Presbytery of Boise.

Montana Events 
Ring Praise Music Ministry (Phyllis Tincher, handbell soloist, and Sean Rogers, pianist/organist) concerts (freewill offering at each):
Tuesday, April 21 - 7:00 pm, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 603 S Main Street, Kalispell.
Wednesday, April 22 - 7:00 pm, Mountain Lakes Presbyterian Church, 3292 Hwy 83 North, Seeley Lake.
Thursday, April 23 - 7:00 pm, First Presbyterian Church, 235 S 5th Street W, Missoula.
Sunday, April 26 - 7:00 pm, First Baptist Church, 215 3rd Ave North, Cascade.
Friday & Saturday, April 24 & 25 - 2015 Big Sky Handbell Conference, Carroll College, 1601 N Benton Ave, Helena. See article above for additional information.
Oregon Events 


Thursday, February 26 - Sunday, March 1 - Distinctly Bronze at the Hilton Portland with Dr. William Payn.


Sunday, March 1 - 4:00 pm, Distinctly Bronze Final Concert at the Hilton Portland, 921 SW 6th Ave, Portland. Dr. William Payn will be conducting.


Saturday, March 7 - Bell Trees in Worship and Concert workshop with Barbara Brocker, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1624 NE Hancock Street, Portland. See article above or contact Anne Stevenson, 


Sunday, April 26 - 3:00 pm, Trinity Church, Cottonwood Road in Sunriver. Bells on Broadway presented by the Bells of Sunriver. Love Broadway tunes? Come hear some of your favorite songs performed like you've never heard them before! This free event features ensembles, bell trees and full choir pieces including Les Mis�rables, Phantom of the Opera, Annie, Memory, If I Were a Rich Man, Edelweiss, Surrey with the Fringe on Top and more. Information: 541-593-1635.


Friday & Saturday, May 1 & 2 - Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference, Larry Sue, clinician, Ashland. See article above for additional information.  

Washington Events 


Saturday, March 21 -  Emerald City Ringers presents the 2015 Pacific Northwest Youth Handbell Festival. Join clinician Ron Mallory and youth handbell choirs from around the Northwest at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue.  See the article above. Contact Colin Walker,, for more information.


Friday & Saturday, May 15 & 16 - Greater Puget Sound Handbell Conference, Michael Glasgow, clinician. Green River Community College, Auburn. See article above for additional information. 

Canada Events 

July 26-30, 2016 - International Handbell Symposium, Vancouver. See article above or visit website

     Please remember to send information for the April issue to me by March 22.
Happy Ringing,
Phyllis Tincher
Area 10, Handbell Musicians of America