A full service handbell store with music and accessories: gloves, gifts, maintenance items, binders, mallets, bell tree items, Malmark products Visit us at www.heitzhandbells.com 612-208-1741 1-877-426-3235 heitzhandbells@yahoo.com 6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S Richfield, MN 55423 |
The Raleigh Ringers
8516 Sleepy Creek Dr
Raleigh, NC 27613
For All Reasons - For All Seasons - Call Us! Marlene M. Anderson Consultant - Clinician- Conductor. Cell 206-390-0931 Wes Anderson - Maintenance Guru - Sales Representative Cell 206-390-8789 Serving ALASKA - IDAHO- MONTANA - WASHINGTON hookedonhandbells.com grandy-a@comcast.net 22515 6th Ave. S. Unit 504 Des Moines, WA 98198 |
Gives you opportunities to connect and form life-long friendships with other handbell musicians.
Provides you with unparalleled access to opportunities for learning from the most innovative, talented and knowledgeable people in the art.
* Makes you an integral part of an organization that is THE principal voice of the handbell/handchime art form and is dedicated to advancing the art through education, community and communication.
Advertising Rates
All ads are $5 per issue
are two options:
1. An ad designed and formatted by you that is 150 pixels x 450 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. It will be enlarged to fill the space. The ad will be hyperlinked to your website.
2. An ad approximately 1.5 X 3.5 inches which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.
Send ad or text with picture to
Joann Wallenburn
with how many issues you would like. An invoice will be sent to you.
Deadline for articles and events to be included in next month's issue of the Northwest Campanologist is the 22nd of this month.
Information can be sent to Joann Wallenburn at
Please update your profile/email address following the link at the bottom of the newsletter. This will give you the opportunity to select various regions of our area so we can send you information about events and concerts close to home. You may change this information at any time.
Spring is in Full Swing
There are still many events throughout Area 10 yet to come this spring - and it's still winter! There are so many reasons to attend a local event. Meet new people - people like you who enjoy (love?!!!) to ring handbells. Work under a different director and break the mold a bit. Try out new music. Try it! You'll like it!
 Spring is also the time to
register for National Seminar, which is in Orlando this year. Registration is now open. The first full day begins Friday, July 17th. If you've never been, I highly encourage you to go - at least once. Registration fees include, among a lot of other things, 15 classes over a 4 day period. I just counted - there are 62 different topics to select from!
Next year, National Seminar will be in Phoenix and 2022 will be combined with the international Symposium in Nashville, NT.
We encourage you to share this newsletter with all of your ringer friends and urge them to sign up to receive their own copy. It's FREE!
to Subscribe to the Northwest Campanologist
Events and concerts are added to our website between newsletters, so be sure to check the Events Page frequently.
Notes from the Chair
Greetings from sunny but cool NW Oregon. We were in the Medford, OR area last weekend celebrating a granddaughter's birthday. We were able to move the party to the patio where it was sunny and almost 70 degrees. What happened to winter?
This month I need to remind those of you who are Handbell Musicians of America members to VOTE. The National Board has spent a lot of time bringing the National Bylaws up to date, passing them past an attorney skilled in non-profit organization and then ratifying them as a Board. A good explanation of the changes can be found in current Board President P.L. Grove's column in the latest Overtones or at
Besides ratifying the bylaws in this election we are also voting for a President-Elect and two At-Large Members of the board. Again the candidates bios and vision statements can be found in the current Overtones or at
. Voting is on line at
and must be completed by March 15, 2020.
To vote you will need your HMA member number.
Area 10 will be having elections later this year and I plan to talk more about that in subsequent columns.
As you read through this newsletter you will see that we are in the middle of the season for workshops and festivals. Which one (or more) are you and your choir signed up for? I personally will be attending Coppers Classic here in Portland and Siskiyou Summit in Ashland. I hope to see many of you there.
Finally, my wife and I are signed up to attend this year's National Seminar taking place in Orlando, FL, July 16-20. We had such a good time last year in St. Louis, taking classes taught by experts, meeting composers whose music we regularly ring, going to concerts given by top notch handbell groups or just socializing with other bell ringers. An added plus this year is that one of the featured concerts will be given by Area 10's own Bells of the Cascades. YOU should consider attending! If not this year, I believe next year is in Phoenix, AZ.
One last addition, remember Distinctly Bronze/West friends, signup date is March 4th for this year's event in November.
All for now, enjoy our spring events,
6th Annual Snake River Handbell Conference
6th Annual
Snake River Handbell Conference
Friday & Saturday, February 7 & 8, 2020
Central Gym
1415 6th Street South
Nampa, Idaho
Clinician: David Harris
I had the pleasure of attending the Snake River Conference this year. Being from Raleigh, NC, I love all things Raleigh Ringers! David Harris has a fun wit and demeanor when working with large groups and it's amazing how just a slightly different move of his baton can make the whole room change how they're playing. Wish I could have videotaped his directing moves, 'cuz I sure could use them!
Thank you Phyllis and David for an experience worth driving 20 hours.
Mt. Hood Ringers
A Beginning Adult Handbell Ensemble Experience
Brought to you by Pacific Ringers * Ellie Hodder, Artistic Director
Calling all Curious-About-Handbells and Rusty Handbell Musicians.
Pacific Ringers is launching Handbells 101 with Mt. Hood Ringers. This is a four-week workshop experience to help you learn basic handbell skills and to dust off your pre-existing knowledge. We will meet for four Saturday mornings to learn and make music together.
WHO: Anyone interested in learning about handbells.
REQUIREMENTS: Musicians with active curiosity about handbells and beginning skills at reading music. Previous handbell experience optional.
WHEN: Saturdays, Feb 29, Mar 7, 14, 21 * 9-11:30 am
WHERE: Milwaukie Lutheran Church (3810 SE Lake Rd, Milwaukie)
COST: $30 (binders and music loaned for the duration)
Inland NW Handbell Workshop
Inland Northwest Handbell Workshop
March 27 & 28, 2020
Central Church
1124 Stevens Drive
Richland, WA 99354
Clinician: Shirley Lindberg
Come join ringers from around the Inland Northwest ringing for a weekend of fun, learning, and beautiful music under the direction of Shirley Lindberg. Ringers of all levels are welcome to this event: there is a Tins track for beginning and less experienced choirs/ringers and a Coppers track for those who are more advanced. The weekend begins with late afternoon set-up Friday, March 27th. The workshop will start at 6pm with classes, followed by a massed ringing rehearsal. The Saturday program will include separate morning and afternoon rehearsals for Tins and Coppers choirs as well as an additional rehearsal for the combined massed choirs, all with Shirley Lindberg. While each track is rehearsing, the other will be able to take classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The workshop will conclude on Saturday night with a concert for the community that begins at 7pm.
Registration is $50.00 per person before January 31, 2020 and $60.00 after that. Registration includes all workshop activities plus morning and afternoon coffee, tea and snacks, and lunch on Saturday.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Coppers Classic 2020
Coppers Classic 2020
March 27-29, 2020
Monarch Hotel
Clackamas, Oregon
Registration has closed and bell assignments have been given.
You are invited to attend the closing concert on Sunday, March 29th at 4:00 pm at the Monarch Hotel and Conference Center.
12566 SE 93rd Avenue, Clackamas, OR
Check out the
repertoire and consider joining us for this year's concert and ringing with us next year.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
2020 Big Sky Handbell Festival
April 24-25
Sentinel High School
901 South Ave W, Missoula, MT
Come join us in Missoula, Montana for the 39th Annual Big Sky Handbell Festival! We are excited to have Michael J. Glasgow from Raleigh, North Carolina as our clinician! Rehearsals will begin at 7:00 pm Friday, April 24 and continue Saturday, April 25, culminating with a 7:30 pm concert.
Registrations are due by March 27.
On Friday, April 24 at 1:30 pm, Michael Glasgow will present a seminar
"How Am I Supposed to Ring THAT?" for directors and others.
This class will address creative "outside the box" solutions to common ringing challenges in beginning-level to mid-level choirs.
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.
Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference
May 1-2, 2020
Ashland Middle School
100 Walker St, Ashland OR
Fascinatin' Rhythms
Guest Conductor: Tim Waugh
BCC Conductor: Ellie Hodder
It is not too late to sign-up to attend Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference May 1-2, 2020. The focus is on Rhythms-in the repertoire and in the workshops.
The workshops this year will be:
Beyond the Quarter Note: Making rhythmic notation count-instructor Robert Train Adams; Get Your Rhythm On! and Playing with Balls-instructor Diane K. Barnes.
These classes will cover what rhythmic notation is and how to decipher it, what rhythms feel like and different ways we can physically get into our rhythms.
Click Here learn more about the
Greater Puget Sound Handbell Festival
May 16, 2020
Save the date for the 2020 Greater Puget Sound Handbell Festival! Details are being finalized, but the event will be held Saturday, May 16, 2020 at a venue in the north end of the Puget Sound region. Your clinicians, Emerald City Ringers Music Director Brian Tervo and Managing Director Colin Walker will lead ensembles in the following repertoire:
Maestoso Fanfare - Mazzatenta
(AGEHR Publishing - AG35383)
Carol of the Bells - Sherman
(AGAPE/Hope - HP2375)
Breath of Heaven - Eithun
(AGAPE/Hope - HP2764)
Joyance - Mallory
(AGEHR Publishing - AG35361)
Rainbow Connection - Tervo
(Red River - RRBL5089)
Milele - Krug
(Red River - RRBL5087)
Registration materials will be available soon!
Montana Events
Friday & Saturday, April 24 & 25 -
Big Sky Handbell Festival, Sentinel High School Gym, Missoula, MT Clinician: Michael J. Glasgow Repertoire
Oregon Events
Saturdays, February 29, March 7, March 14, March 21, 9-11:30 am, Mt Hood Ringers, a 4 week introduction to handbell ringing. Milwaukie Lutheran Church (3810 SE Lake Rd, Milwaukie) Additional info: info@pacificringers.org
Sunday, April 19 - 6:30 pm,
Ring Praise Concert
with Phyllis Tincher, handbell soloist, and Sean Rogers, pianist;
Presbyterian Church, 45682 Tutuilla Rd, Pendleton. This concert is sponsored by the Presbytery of Eastern Oregon, PCUSA.
Friday-Saturday, May 1-2,
Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference, Ashland, OR
Washington Events
Friday-Saturday, March 27 & 28,
Inland NorthWest Handbell Conference,
Central Church, 1124 Stevens Drive, Richland, WA
Ring Praise Concerts
with Phyllis Tincher, handbell soloist, and Sean Rogers, pianist (
) There will be a free will offering at each concert.
Monday, April 20 - 6:30 pm,
Our Redeemer Church, 172 Ivy St. SE, Ephrata.
Tuesday, April 21 - 7:00 pm,
Riverview United Methodist Church, 4012 W Court St, Pasco.
Wednesday, April 22 - 7:00 pm,
Faith Presbyterian Church, 200 S Kentucky Ave, East Wenatchee.
Thursday, April 23 - 7:00 pm,
Cheney United Methodist Church, 204 4th St, Cheney.
Saturday, May 16, Greater Puget Sound Handbell Festival. Details coming soon.
Area 10 Facebook Page
Did you know Area 10 has a Facebook page? Please search for "Handbell Musicians of America - Area 10" and like the page. If you want an event added, please send the information to Joann Wallenburn at campanologist.area10@handbellmusicians.org. A picture for the event can also be added.
National Office contact information
The national office is a virtual operation!
To contact by phone: 937-438-0085. Please note the 1-800 number is no longer in service.
All check payments for membership renewal and other services should be sent to:
PO BOX 221047
All other correspondence should be sent to:
Handbell Musicians of America
201 E. 5th Street, Suite 1900-1025,
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Please remember to send information for the April 2020 issue to me by March 22.
Please forward this newsletter to your choir members and to anyone else who would be interested in all the concerts and events. Encourage them to subscribe to the newsletter. Click "Join our mailing list" at the bottom of the left column. With permission, I can also add names and addresses.