A full service handbell store with music and accessories:
gloves, gifts,
maintenance items, binders, mallets, bell tree items, Malmark products
Visit us at
6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S
Richfield, MN 55423
The Raleigh Ringers
8516 Sleepy Creek Dr Raleigh, NC 27613 919-847-7574
For All Reasons -
For All Seasons -
Call Us!
Marlene M. Anderson
Consultant - Clinician- Conductor.
Cell 206-390-0931
Wes Anderson - Maintenance Guru - Sales Representative
Cell 206-390-8789
22515 6th Ave. S. Unit 504
Des Moines, WA 98198
* Gives you opportunities to connect and form life-long friendships with other handbell musicians.
* Provides you with unparalleled access to opportunities for learning from the most innovative, talented and knowledgeable people in the art.
* Makes you an integral part of an organization that is THE principal voice of the handbell/handchime art form and is dedicated to advancing the art through education, community and communication.
Advertising Rates
All ads are $5 per issue
There are two options:
1. An ad designed and formatted by you that is 150 pixels x 450 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. It will be enlarged to fill the space. The ad will be hyperlinked to your website.
2. An ad approximately 1.5 X 3.5 inches which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.
Send ad or text with picture to
Joann Wallenburn
with how many issues you would like. An invoice will be sent to you.
Deadline for articles and events to be included in next month's issue of the Northwest Campanologist is the 22nd of this month. Information can be sent to Joann Wallenburn at
Please update your profile/email address following the link at the bottom of the newsletter. This will give you the opportunity to select various regions of our area so we can send you information about events and concerts close to home. You may change this information at any time.
Help! I Need Somebody. Help!
Part of Area 10's communication package is a Facebook page. While I'm pretty computer savvy, I am the first to admit that I am Facebook-challenged, as my daughter will strongly attest. So many other social media options are out there, too. If you are a social media guru and would like to help Area 10 communicate via social media, please contact me.
Actually, I also need all of you. ConstantContact, our newsletter publishing firm, is forcing this old dog to learn new tricks. They are retiring their legacy editor in favor of a new third generation editor. I have enjoyed the ease of working with the design that Phyllis Tincher passed to me, but I guess it's time for a new look. If you have ever thought, "it sure would be nice if..." related to this newsletter, please share with me. I'll be starting with a blank page.
I have added a new event calendar category: virtual events. Location doesn't matter except for connecting at the right time for your time zone.
This newsletter is available - FREE - to everyone. Please share with any of your fellow ringers. They can click Here to subscribe for themselves.
Events and concerts are added to our website between newsletters, so be sure to check the Events Page frequently.
Notes from the Chair
This month I am pleased to announce that we have a new Alaska Chair. Caroline Valentine of Anchorage has agreed to join our Area 10 Leadership team. She is currently the director of the Northern Lights Ringers at First Congregational Church in Anchorage as well as the organist and accompanist at that church. During COVID times her group has continued to rehearse, spread out in her garden, and have made a number of recordings to support her church's worship program. When not ringing or directing, Caroline is the owner of the Camai Bed and Breakfast. Look it up on the internet, it looks like a great place to stay the next time you visit Anchorage.
In other news I attended a National Leadership Meeting (via Zoom) this past month. The overall topic was "getting back together". Area leaders from around the nation talked about strategies for reopening rehearsals, performances and conferences. A highlight was Area 12's virtual one-day conference. Classes were presented in 45 minute streamed blocks each followed by a 15 minute panel discussion which included the speaker and other Area leaders who answered questions submitted (via "chat") during the presentation. Break times were scheduled so participants could socialize. The main take-away I got from the meeting was that handbells in this COVID time are ideally positioned to come to the forefront in providing music for church and other services. With vocal choirs being asked not to sing together, streamed performances by handbell groups can help fill that void. I know a number of you have already discovered that and are providing quality music for your parishioners.
Finally we still have some vacancies to fill in our Area Leadership team. We are looking for one more candidate to run for Area Secretary so we can get our bi-yearly election under way. This is a 4 year term whose duties are typical for a board secretary. Secondly, we need an Idaho Chair, a two year (renewable once) appointed position. This position works with our Membership Chair to know and support the ringers and activities within their state. If you would like to step into one of these Area leadership roles let me know and I'll send you a formal job description. I pray that you are all staying well and I am looking forward to the day when we all can ring together again.
Chimes in Cooke City School, MT Lara Belice
Unfortunately, the students and I had only begun to use the handchimes, when the school closure occurred, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Cooke City students' initial introduction to the handchimes was through exploration. I (the teacher) posted several questions to guide the students' investigation: What do you notice about the length and diameter of the handchime vs. the sound produced? Why are some handchimes a different color? Can another material be used to create the same note as the striker attached to the handchime? Can you think of a genre of music or a specific song that would transition well to the handchimes?
The students and I share a common playlist of songs, as we spent many hours in the school van listening to music, while driving to swimming lessons at the beginning of the school year. For the students' second-day introduction, I selected YouTube videos, demonstrating the various uses of the handchimes. Again, I asked the students to think of a song they would be interested in learning to play with the handchime instruments. We came up with a list and then listened to the songs, discussing how the song may need to change when using the handchimes. We completed a short list but did not have the opportunity to learn the songs.
Back to Bells Safely in the Fall of 2020
The Pacific NW Handbell Directors/Musicians Forum has been a fixture in handbell education in Area 10 since 2005. Ellie Hodder founded the event and has passed the bell to Pacific Ringers as a spotlight on its role/mission in arts-specifically handbell-education.
Each fall, a daylong workshop has been held on one of the first Saturdays in September. The morning sessions are taught on a variety of topics by gifted teachers in the region and the afternoon is a read 'n' ring after a yummy lunch.
This year, the event will be held virtually on Saturday, October 3, 9-noon. It will include -
a session outlining best practices for ringing during COVID as researched by Handbell Industry Council
educational videos on how to ring these 4ih techniques: shelley, ring/push and British/Japanese
several examples of 8-16 bell pieces played by members of Pacific Ringers
Music lists will be available provided by vendors
We will provide time in the middle and end to interact and answer your questions.
BYO coffee and snacks. ☺
The event is free. However tax-exempt donations will be gratefully accepted. Pacific Ringers is a 501(c)(3) arts organization, a proud member of Handbell Musicians of America and the Oregon Cultural Trust.
REGISTER including your full name, email, cell phone at info@pacificringers.org. Information on how to connect to the Zoom event will be emailed to you on October 2. We will try to monitor late registrations the day of but make no guarantees. Consider signing up and dropping rather than waiting.
Questions? Contact Ellie Hodder, artistic director 503-730-9311 www.pacificringers.org
Bell Tree with Handbell Choir Composition Contest
Good News!!!!! The deadline has been extended into 2021.
New deadline to be announced.
The bell tree ringers from Into the Forest are sponsoring a composition contest for bell tree with handbell choir music. Deadline is August 15. Prize is $2000. The bell tree community is seeking music to help move bell trees from the periphery into the mainstream by seeing more bell trees playing with handbell choirs in concerts, church services, and other venues. We are defining the mainstream as handbell choirs who play level 2+ to 3 music and have 3 to 5 octaves of bells and probably chimes. We are seeking more music for this range. See attachments for more information.
Inland Northwest 2021
March 19 and 20, 2021
Central Church
Richland, WA.
Clinicians: Shirley Lindberg and Bryant Wilkie
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America. |
Coppers Classic 2021
Coppers Classic 2021 March 19-21, 2021 March 18 (mini-workshop)
Monarch Hotel & Conference Center
12566 SE 93rd Avenue
Clackamas, Oregon
Stay tuned for registration information.
Check out the repertoire and consider joining us for next year's concert and ringing with us next year.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Siskiyou Summit RESCHEDULED!
April 30-May 1, 2021
Ashland, OR
Fascinatin' Rhythms
Guest Conductor: Tim Waugh
The 2020 Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference has been rescheduled for 2021. Tim Waugh will be the conductor and we will be using all the same repertoire from 2020 and offering the same classes plus a couple of others. Watch this space for details later this year. Contact Diane Barnes if you have any questions.
Virtual Events
Saturday, October 3, Pacific NW Handbell Directors/Musicians Forum, 9 - noon PDT, 10 am - 1 pm MDT, 8 am - 11 am AKDT. Check the article above for more info. |
Washington Events
Friday & Saturday, March 19 & 20, 2021 - Inland NW Handbell Conference, Central Church, Richland, WA
Area 10 Facebook Page
Did you know Area 10 has a Facebook page? Please search for "Handbell Musicians of America - Area 10" and like the page. If you want an event added, please send the information to Joann Wallenburn at campanologist.area10@handbellmusicians.org. A picture for the event can also be added.
National Office contact information
The national office is a virtual operation!
To contact by phone: 937-438-0085. Please note the 1-800 number is no longer in service.
All check payments for membership renewal and other services should be sent to:
PO BOX 221047
All other correspondence should be sent to:
Handbell Musicians of America
201 E. 5th Street, Suite 1900-1025,
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Please remember to send information for the October 2020 issue to me by September 22.
Please forward this newsletter to your choir members and to anyone else who would be interested in all the concerts and events. Encourage them to subscribe to the newsletter. Click "Join our mailing list" at the bottom of the left column. With permission, I can also add names and addresses.
Stay Safe. Stay Home. Stay Healthy.
Happy Ringing - soon, we hope,