On The Air...
March 2014
Save the Date - It's Mixer Time Again!

Mark your calendars now for our upcoming Spring Networking Mixer.


The event will be held on Tuesday, March 18th at the Concourse Athletic Club Grille, from 5:30pm-8:00pm.


Watch your inbox later this week for your personal invitation to this not-to-be-missed networking opportunity.


Or beat the rush and get in on the early bird registration HERE!

Atlanta Technology Leaders Features Jim Berryhill with DecisionLink and Sidd Ahmed with VDart
On Thursday, February 20, 2014, BusinessRadioX�'s Atlanta Technology Leaders, sponsored by Band of Coders, sat down with Jim Berryhill from DecisionLink and Sidd Ahmed from VDart to talk about their involvement in the tech community.

Check out this conversation with two dynamic Atlanta business leaders...
ASTD Atlanta SIGs and GIGs Learning Insights


On February 5, 2014, co-hosts Lee Kantor and Stone Payton of Learning Insights, sponsored by TrainingPros, welcomed to the studio Florida Starks, Chrissy Derrer and Eric Langley, members of ASTD's Atlanta Chapter.


ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the world's largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals.  The Greater Atlanta Chapter is one of the largest ASTD Chapters in the country and recognized as a thought leader with multiple awards.


These guests are all involved with ASTD SIGs (Special Interest Groups) and GIGs (Geographic Interest Groups). Learn more about these groups that are considered the heartbeat of the Chapter.

Tim Quinn
Atlanta Business Radio Features the HoneyBaked Ham Corporation

On February 27, 2014, co-hosts Lee Kantor and Stone Payton of BusinessRadioX�'s Atlanta Business Radio sat down with Tim Quinn from HoneyBaked Ham to learn more about their retail sales strategies.


Tim Quinn joined the HoneyBaked Ham Corporation in 2004 and was responsible for the sales, execution and operations of retail stores for most of the company's territory. Since then, he has served a number of roles, including Senior Director of Franchise and Business Development, Director of Business Development, and Director of Sales. In 2011, Quinn took on the role of Read More...

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Testing the Experts Spotlights Safety Net Recovery

Co-hosts Wes Warrington and Tracy Youngblood-McDaniel of BusinessRadioX�'s Testing the Experts sat down in the Gwinnett studio with Steven Herndon and Taylor Hagin from Safety Net Recovery to talk about rehabilitation for men struggling with addiction.


Steven Herndon, Executive Director, and Taylor Hagin, Program Director, operate Safety Net Recovery, a 60 bed facility for men seeking sober living. They provide support, structure and instruction to each client, giving them the best opportunity to learn and practice spiritual principles of recovery.


Safety Net has tailored programs for men with tracks for Young Adults (Age18-26), Adults (Age 27-60), Older Adults (Age 61 and Older) and their Healthcare Professional Program. According to Herndon, "We requires a 6 month commitment at admission with a maximum stay of 18 months if a long term situation is Read More...

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