November 3, 2023

From Our Pastor

A potpourri communique today...

* Don't forget to turn all your manual analog clocks back at 2am on Sunday morning (I had an aunt who actually did so at that exact time).

** If you are looking for a Sunday school opportunity, consider the new Sojourners Class. We met for the first time this past week but you need not worry about missing the initial one---it is a come as you are able to kind of thing. This week we explore the cover article of this month's issue of Sojourners, "Good News About Money,"

*** Our annual Walk of Faith is this Sunday. Please prayerfully consider the pledged amount you or your family are able to commit to in support of the 2024 budget or Plan for Ministry. Every year we walk the aisle as an act of worship and place in the basket our pledge cards which indicate an anticipated dollar amount to financially assist our funding as a congregation. I hope during this season you've prayerfully given thought to your pledge and perhaps, if possible, to an increased amount to fund our ministries in 2024.

**** Our service this week features the Bell choir, Chancel choir, celebration of communion, and my homily " Harmony." 

I had Jury Duty on Tuesday, Halloween don't ya know!, at the Chatham County Courthouse in Pittsboro; I wasn't selected for the jury (the case was dropped after our lunch break) but was present for all of the juror questioning. The plaintiff's attorney asked would-be jurors the typical questions one would expect given the nature of the civil suit (damages from a car accident), but I found this question curious: "Can you describe for us what you consider to be 'the Diamond' in your life?"  The first respondent said, "Huh?" The lawyer then clarified: "At the end of the day what brings you the most meaning?" Answers would not have surprised you: family, children, faith, etc. But one guy said: "At my age just waking up and having a life that hasn't ended yet is my diamond."

Jesus likened the Kingdom of God to a pearl of great price (sorry, no diamonds), and how when one finds it, she gives her all so she can be a part of it. If I had been asked that question by the attorney I had my answer ready...likely I'd not have been selected.

See you Sunday.

With much affection for you,

Your Pastor


This Sunday at Binkley!

Through November 19: The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of Reproductive Rights: A Spiritual Approach to the Abortion Issue. Led by Nancy Davis in the Lounge. There will be discussion and readings on the issues, as well as self-exploration of the feelings and myths surrounding abortion. Bring your authentic self and join us. (There will be no right or wrong answers to the final exam. Please note: we will not meet November 5


Through Advent: Sojourners Class: Led by Marcus McFaul in the Library. Continuing this Sunday at 9:45 am in the Library you have an opportunity for small group learning, fellowship, and relationship building in the form of a new Church School class, Sojourners. Our senior minister, Marcus McFaul, will facilitate this time of study and reflection for those interested in forming connections around Bible, contemporary issues (political/social), and the gospel. The magazine, Sojourners, will serve as a kind of curriculum for the class. Those who've attended Dr. McFaul's "Bible and the New York Times," will be familiar with the outlook for the class. More importantly, this group is designed particularly for those Binkley members and friends who've wanted a regular, on-going, opportunity for learning, friendship, and support over time. You are welcomed!

Ongoing: Mindful Parenting: Facilitated by Joey Powell and others in the Chapel. At each weekly in person meeting, the group discusses ideas about parenting from current resources. Novice and experienced parents and caregivers – all are welcome to share laughter, support, and hope in the journey of parenting.

Children & Youth Activities

November 5

Children: Chapel @ 9am;

Sunday School, 9:45 am, Sunroom;

Worship, 11 am

Youth: Chapel @ 9 am; Sunday School, 9:45 am, Pocket Room; Worship, 11 am;

Youth Group, 5 pm, Pocket Room

November 12

Children: Chapel @ 9am; Sunday School, 9:45 am, Sunroom;

Worship with Children, 11 am

Youth: Chapel @ 9 am; Sunday School, 9:45 am, Pocket Room;

Worship, 11 am; Bolin Creek Cleaning, 2-4 pm

Contact Amy Armstrong for more information.




11 am

In-Person and Livestream

View the 11 am Service Order
View the 11 am Service from Home

We will livestream the service at 11 am on our website, Facebook, and YouTube. You choose which platform works best for you. After the livestream has ended, you can view the service at your leisure on Facebook or YouTube.

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The Binkley 411



Pledge Sunday!

We will observe our annual “Walk of Faith”

as we consecrate our pledged planned giving

for the 2024 Program of Ministry budget.

Pledge Cards will be available in the bulletin.


Support Hope Flowers School as a Voice for Peace

Latest News and Reflection from Director Ibrahim Issa

"Since the outbreak of war between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza, the Israeli settlers' and soldiers' attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank have escalated. The Israeli army has imposed a very strict closure on the West Bank. Children and schools have been heavily affected by the movement restrictions, military operations and settlers' violence.”

“The intensity of this situation imposes additional difficulties on Hope Flowers School as especially many children are traumatized by weapon firing, detention of youth or parents, settlers' attacks and harassment on the way to school. Sleeping is impossible now as the sound of Israeli aircraft overhead goes on all night. I feel so sad because I know they are shelling Gaza and civilians."


"Unfortunately, the escalation in violence in the West Bank and in Israel continues to produce more victims and more wounds of war. The majority of victims are children between 0-14 years. Symptoms of trauma are manifested in emotional, behavioral and eating disorders as well as psychosis and risk-taking behaviors."

"Personally, MY BIGGEST FEAR now (is) that many of these traumatized persons would develop anger and strong revenge feelings which could be the catalyst for the next wave of violence, a matter that would only destroy the social fabric, leave more painful social memories and create more physical, emotional and psychological wounds."  

“Hope Flowers Schools wish (is) to provide much needed support for Palestinian children, youth and parents to cope with their trauma. We are praying for peace in our area and will continue to work to build peace between Palestinians and Israelis. OUR BATTLE FOR PEACE CONTINUES!"

How can YOU help?

  1. Call Congress (202-224-3121) and the White House (202-456-1111) to demand an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian aid to Gaza. Ask to lift the siege on Bethlehem and other towns in the West Bank so that they can have access to livelihood including work, school, food and medical supplies.
  2. In this time of great need make a check payable to Binkley Baptist Church with HFS in the memo.
  3. Alternately, donate online through US Friends fiscal sponsor: 

University Place Update

The long-awaited work on the Multi Use Path is scheduled to be started on November 6. The timeline is 1 – 2 weeks for completion pending weather. 


The work on the new retaining wall on the Harris Teeter side of our property will also begin in the next few weeks. It will not create any road closures. The actual start date will depend on final materials to be delivered. 

University Place is also planning to send several potential sign mock ups for us to react to and amend as needed. Church leadership is informed of this upcoming information. 

Chick-Fil-A has submitted plans for their building permit. University Place estimates that they start work early in the new year. Chick-Fil-A is also responsible for removing trees to add the fence between our properties. It is anticipated this will also be in early 2024 also. Whenever possible University Place will try to keep us informed of Chick-Fil-A activities. 

Thanks to everyone for your patience as we await these new additions near our church.

 - Janet O'Neal & Charles Coble

The program will be hosted by the Orange County Community Remembrance Coalition (OCCRC). The OCCRC formed organically in the summer of 2018 in response to the opening of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice at the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery AL, led by nationally known social justice advocate Bryan Stevenson. The mission of the Coalition is to recognize the five men from Orange County who are known to be victims of racial terror lynching, as well as the unnamed and unknown victims. Our work is to disrupt and overcome the detrimental systems and mindsets that have plagued America for generations, and to help usher forth a future of humanity, equity and justice for all of us. These goals are carried out in partnership with the Equal Justice initiative and with Coalition members, including Olin T. Binkley Baptist Church. 


Joining us for the evening will be Renée A. Price. Rep. Price is a Member of the House of Representatives within the North Carolina General Assembly, representing House District 50.


We still need dessert bakers to sign up, email Karin & Linda, if you can bring something sweet.

An Invitation to Join the Conversation


from Diane Eubanks Hill

Interim Minister of Senior Adults


Whether you’re a senior adult, love a senior adult, or plan one day to be a senior adult, you’re invited to join the conversation about our ministry with senior adults at Binkley. We will gather next on Thursday, November 9 at 10:30 am in the Lounge at Binkley. Coffee will be hot!


We will focus on the needs of our senior adults, including connections in the church and community, as well as opportunities for learning, for fun, and for ways to invest in our gifts as seniors. Your experience, ideas and visions will add to the synergy of this group! Please join us.

Senior Adult Gathering for Jeopardy and Lunch on October 26. 

Binkley Alternative Gifts Fair

Sunday, November 26


 The AGF is an opportunity for you to give Christmas gifts by contributing to or buying things from charitable organizations. You simply make a donation to participating organizations in honor of people on your Christmas list. Sometimes you get a product in recognition of your donation. Gifts are generally tax deductible. This year the AGF will be small, as it was last year. There will be tables either inside the narthex or immediately outside following the 11 am service.


Please bring cash or a check book as

credit card shopping is rarely available.

Our Wider Community

Click the links for more information

Support Binkley Preschool

Click HERE to learn the various ways you can support Binkley preschool through linking loyalty cards, purchasing from specific merchants, and purchasing holiday greenery.

Staff Directory
Share a Pastoral Care Need
November Newsletter

Publication Deadlines

Submissions for the November

Newsletter are due by:

November 20

Submissions for the weekly bulletin and Friday Update are due by:

Wednesday Noon

Please read our publicity guidelines before submitting:

Publicity Guidelines

Office Hours


9 am - 4 pm; Friday

9 am - 2 pm

Email the office


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The Olin T. Binkley Memorial Baptist Church
 919.942.4964 | [email protected] |
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