February 28, 2020
This Sunday at Binkley
March 1, 2020
Communion Sunday
Morning Celebration
9:00 am, Lounge

Sunday School
9:30 am

11 am, Sanctuary
Marcus McFaul preaching
Bell Choir
4:30 pm, Choir Room

Youth Group
6:30 pm, Osborne Home
From Our Pastor
This Sunday I begin a lenten sermon series on the Human Journey. The pilgrimage we begin at birth moves in successive age stages with both predictable and unpredictable patterns. Lent, a season of self-examination, is an opportunity to explore the ways we understand our own lives and the lives of others.

Childhood and adolescence is the focus this week. I hope you'll include our Sunday worship service in your weekend plans, particularly parents with children.

Be aware that beginning Sunday we will not "pass the peace" in our usual way out of precaution for various health reasons including cold and flu season. And, signing the doxology resumes on Easter Sunday (April 12th).

To prepare for Sunday, here's a poem I share with you.

Creator God, I pray for the children--
the children who skate
the children who dance
the children who sing
the children who are busy
every day of the week.
I pray that somewhere,
sometime, somehow
they will be given grace
the grace to rest in your love
the grace to gaze at the stars
the grace to listen to a birdsong.

I pray for the parents
so that they will see
how important it is
for their children
not to be scheduled
all day, every day.

I pray that parents and children
will find the time to be together
to share a snack--cookies and milk--
to read a book, to watch a movie,
to talk, to laugh, to cry, to cuddle,
just to be.

Help us, God, as adults,
to be available for our children
and for other children
to recognize them as precious
as gifts from you
to be cherished.
© 2017 Maria Mankin and Maren C. Tirabassi, from A Child Laughs: Prayers for Justice and Hope

With much affection for you,
Your Pastor,
Tickets will be available
at the door for $25
The Binkley 411
Sunday School Offerings for Adults
Lent Term Sunday School begins this week
These classes will be offered March 1-April 5

Spirituality for Activists (and all who care!) with Cate Alexander, Sunroom. For those who work to make our world a better place, this is an especially unnerving and exhausting time. Daily attacks on the most vulnerable, on our beloved creation, and on democracy leave us wondering: What is ours to do now? How do we nurture ourselves to avoid burnout? Can we find spiritual grounding for strength and renewal? How can we support each other in community? In this interactive class we’ll explore these questions. We’ll also explore Joanna Macy’s “Work that Reconnects,” a paradigm for personal support and collective action that uses spiritual practices to renew one’s energy from a place of compassion. Leading our discussions will be John Honor, Margaret Herring (Community Church), Susan Ketchin, Charles Coble, Ashley Nissler, Dick and Ginger Clifford, Alice Glover, Linda Bourne and Karin Mills, Micheal Palmer, Kimberly Brewer, and facilitator, Cate Alexander.  On March 1 , Binkley member John Honor will speak on issues of social justice, environmental action and democracy--all urgent matters, and yet we also remember that "arc of the moral universe," invoked by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Three Sheroes of Faith, Justice, and Compassion with Collins Kilburn, Room 17. The class will explore the lives and religious views of three fascinating and inspiring women. First, Harriet Beecher Stowe, who with her pen galvanized massive anti-slavery sentiment prior to the Civil War and planted seeds of social gospel, liberation, and feminist theology; then, Frances Perkins, FDR’s secretary of labor, a devout Christian who was the woman behind the New Deal; and finally, Fannie Lou Hamer, Mississippi sharecropper, who became one of the brightest lights of the Civil Rights movement and leader of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic party. 

Mindful Parenting (with Megan & Miles Highsmith, in the Lounge): Each week, the group discusses ideas about parenting from current resources. Novice and experienced parents, grandparents, and more alike share laughter, prayer, and support, in the journey of caring for a child/teen. 
Worship with Children
Children ages 4-5 th grade are invited to follow Stephanie Ford out of the Sanctuary to the Sunroom. Claudia will lead a lesson about children both in the Bible times and in the present who have helped other adult children of God. Your child(ren) can be picked up there after Worship.
Wednesday Night Series
March 5, 5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall
The Hayti Heritage Center in Durham is a cultural arts organization tasked with promoting not only the rich legacy of this historic community, but also with advancing the African-American experience through the arts. Six years ago, Angela Lee, daughter of our own Lillian and Howard Lee, became the Executive Director. Enjoy a warm and engaging conversation with Angela, and learn more about this local jewel. Check ‘Event’ in the Friendship Register or contact the office by NOON on Monday to make your reservation. Dinner is $7 for adults, $4 for children.
Weaving Beauty into Our Lives:
Binkley Women's Retreat, April 24-26, 2020
Plan to join new and old friends at our annual retreat, this year in a new spot: Blowing Rock Conference Center. We'll enjoy the mountains in spring, while reflecting on ways that nature, art, music, poetry, and more bring the healing and hope we all need. See Stephanie Ford for details. Registration forms at Stephanie’s office door.
Health Ministries Sponsored Blood Drive
Thursday, March 5, 2-6:30 pm, Fellowship Hall
Visit redcrossblood.org and use sponsor code ‘Binkley’ to make your appointment.
The Enneagram:
A Map for Understanding Ourselves & Others
Sat., March 7, 9:00-2:30, Lounge
Facilitated by Marilyn Wolf, M.Ed.
This workshop is for the beginner as well as for those with a basic understanding of the Enneagram who want to learn more about some core elements and how they combine. Lunch is included with the registration cost. Register by emailing Stephanie Ford .
Cost: $50
Click here for more details.
Celebrating Kyle
The Music Committee will sponsor a reception in the narthex following worship on Sunday, March 8, to celebrate Kyle’s one year anniversary at Binkley. Please plan to join us for some light refreshments and conversation, and have the chance to greet Kyle on this happy occasion. 
Faith Connections On Mental
Illness Hope & Healing
Conference 2020
Faithfully Practicing Community Inclusion
Friday, March 13,
McKimmon Conference Center, Raleigh

Keynote Speaker: Father Gregory Boyle, S. J., Founder and Director of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, CA, the largest gang intervention program in the USA. He and two of the Homeboys will relate their powerful experiences
in addressing marginalization, gang violence and mental health conditions that often lead to hopelessness, violence and incarceration. For registration and information on additional speakers visit: fcmi-nc.org.
War, Peace, and Justice in a Time of Climate Change
Mark Douglas, Professor of Christian Ethics at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia, will lead a 3.5-hour workshop on issues of conflict and climate change on Saturday, March 21, 2010, from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m., at United Church of Chapel Hill, 1321 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 This event is co-sponsored by Binkley Earth Ministry.

Register here . No payment is due when registering. Voluntary contributions for this event of $0 - $15 may be made at the door. If you have questions, contact Herman Greene.
Celebrating Dale
Dale’s final Sunday at Binkley is March 22. After worship that day, we will celebrate his 27+ years of ministry and friendship with a joyful and meaningful reception. Please join us.
Ways you can help:
  • Spread the word. We want to spread the word to all who know and love Dale. If you know of someone who does not receive Binkley communications but should be invited to the reception, please send their contact information to Jane Walters: majjic@earthlink.net. You can also share and invite friends to the Facebook event.
  • Send us your photos of Dale. Please send your photos digitally to office@binkleychurch.org or drop printed photos by the office with your name printed on the back. We are especially looking for photos from before 2015. Submissions due by March 15.
  • Write a card. You will have the opportunity to leave written well-wishes for Dale and his family at the reception.
  • Contribute to the love offering. A love offering will be collected for Dale and his family in gratitude for his decades of service. You may contribute online (binkleychurch.org/give), place a check in the offering plate, or bring your contribution by the office by March 20.
Service of Jubilee
Launch & Discussion: March 29
Service of Jubilee: May 3

Plan to gather on March 29 after the worship service for lunch (provided) and small group discussions to share your ideas about ways to encourage Binkley folks to become more involved in the ministries and programs at Binkley. These discussions and reflections will prepare us for a Service of Jubilee on May 3, where the entire campus will be transformed into a celebration of our ministries, and where all of our members and friends can learn about and become connected to ministries where they feel led to serve. Stay tuned for details. For more information, please contact Tonya Hamm: tonyasusan@aol.com.
Sunday, March 29, 2 pm,
Carrboro Town Commons

Beginning March 1st, there will be a table in the narthex after 11 am services every Sunday where you can sign up to sponsor a walker, donate directly and/or buy a tee shirt. Online donations are preferred. Please check your March newsletter or Friday Update for information on how to donate online. One quarter of the donations go to the IFC for food programs and three quarters go to Church World
Service for hunger relief. Questions? Email Karen Long: kemplong@bellsouth.net
Our Wider Community
Click the links below for more information on each event.
Friday, March 6, Morning and evening services, see flyer for details.
Sponsored by Church Women United. “Rise: Take Your Mat and Walk” (Program written by the WDP Committee of Zimbabwe).

Weds., Mar. 11, 7:30-9 am, Church of the Holy Family
Please consider attending this important event and investing in the development of a new cohort of effective community leaders in Orange County. Details here .

Fri., March 13, McKimmon Conference Center, Raleigh
Speakers from the Durham Nativity School, Rebound, Recovery Communities of NC, and Reintegration Support Network will present how engagement and support creates a healthier community. Early Bird rates end 2/28/2020. For registration and more information visit fcmi-nc.org

Fri., March 13, FRANK Community Gallery at University Place
A pop-up art benefit for Eyes Ears Nose and Paws (EENP). Details here .

Link your grocery store loyalty cards to BPS. Here's how .
Revised November 2016
Church Office Hours

8:30 am - 4 pm

8:30 am - 3 pm
Publication Deadlines

Submissions for the April
Newsletter are due by:

March 16

Submissions for the weekly bulletin and Friday Update are due by:

Wednesday Noon
The Olin T. Binkley Memorial Baptist Church
 | 919.942.4964 | office@binkleychurch.org | binkleychurch.org