February 14, 2020
This Sunday at Binkley
February 16, 2020
Morning Celebration
9:00 am, Lounge

Sunday School
9:30 am

11 am, Sanctuary
Dale Osborne preaching
Church-in-Conference to approve 2020 Budget
Post-worship, Fellowship Hall

Humanitarian Crisis Work Group Meeting
~12:45 pm, Fellowship Hall

Bell Choir
4:30 pm, Choir Room

Youth Group
7:00 pm, Osborne Home

From Our Pastor
On this Valentine's Day, our hearts are filled to overflowing with love for our friend and Pastor, Dale Osborne. As you are aware, after 27 (that's TWENTY SEVEN!) years as one of the ministers at Binkley, Dale has decided to step away to pursue other opportunities. In his letter to the congregation he summed up his discernment this way; " Discussions began years ago as I attempted to discern how I could continue to offer a vigorous and energetic level of ministerial leadership at the church I love and respect." (Read the full letter here .) Dale has offered his gifts in ministry to every generation in our congregation but particularly his care for our young people is substantial; and in return their affection for him is deep and wide. As nearly three decades of youth "alumni" and their parents attest, Dale is Pastor in every true sense of that word.

In the next few weeks all of us will have ample opportunity to express our appreciation for Dale's outstanding and loyal service to God through Binkley's ministries. I'm pleased to inform you that on  March 22nd  a festive post-worship celebration of Dale's ministry will occur in our Fellowship Hall. Additionally, our preacher for the morning service will be  Rev. April Baker , who is no stranger to Binkley! April is one of the ministers at Glendale Baptist Church in Nashville, TN, another of our Alliance of Baptists partner congregations.
At the Church-in-Conference scheduled for this Sunday (Feb. 16) we will hear a recommendation from Human Resources and Church Council about continuing financial support for Dale as he transitions to new endeavors. 

Transitions in our lives and in the communal life of congregations are constant (even if well-disguised or not so apparent). However, some pivots are watershed moments that allow for reflection combined with immense gratitude---this is one of those times at Binkley. I have asked Dale to preach this Sunday so he can share with all of us his faithful listening to God's continuing call upon his life. Let us uphold all the Osbornes with our prayers and loving support. Suzy, Hannah, Lydia, and Jacob have spent their lives in and around Binkley's mission to our community and have given of themselves in innumerable ways to ministry for which we are all grateful.

With trusting confidence in God's good future for both Dale and for our congregation, we affirm the words of Swedish diplomat, Dag Hammarskjold:  "For all that has been, thanks! For all that will be, Yes!" 

With affection for you,
Your Pastor
Marcus W. McFaul
The Binkley 411
Sunday School Offerings for Adults

Introduction to Process Theology (with Herman Greene, in the Sunroom): Process theology is a genre of Christian theology. Herman Greene will give a six-part introduction to process theology through the familiar prayer: (1) God is great; (2) God is good; (3) Let us thank God for our food; (4) By God’s hand we all are fed; (5) Give us Lord our daily bread; (6) Amen. This class is best taken as a series, but folks may join the class for any of the sessions.

T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets: a deep listening (with Meredith Bratcher & Tom Fewel, in the Chapel): Two poetry lovers, Meredith and Tom, will convene a series of 6 gatherings to discuss T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets.  These four poems were published between 1936 and 1942; most were written during World War II. Interlinked, they form a rich meditation on human experiences in and out of time, on natural forces, on God. The conveners hope in this deep listening to let the poems’ meaning find the participants, rather than to pin the poems down in a scholarly way. They aim with Eliot to make a pilgrimage to internal sacred spaces, the poems lighting a way.

Easy English Bible Study (with Bo Lloyd, in Room 18): This class is presented in simple English for any person whose native language is not English. We focus on basic Christian concepts, Bible stories, the life and teachings of Jesus, and specific beliefs appreciated at Binkley.

Mindful Parenting (with Megan & Miles Highsmith, in the Lounge): Each week, the group discusses ideas about parenting from current resources. Novice and experienced parents, grandparents, and more alike share laughter, prayer, and support, in the journey of caring for a child/teen. 
Worship with Children
Children ages 4-5 th grade are invited to join Stephanie Ford at the back of the Sanctuary. She will lead the children to the Sunroom. The focus will be centered on forgiveness and making amends in the ways that Jesus taught. Your child(ren) can be picked up there after the service ends.
2020 Program of Ministry Budget Meeting
The vote to approve the budget will take place at a Church-in-Conference after worship on Feb. 16. Members should plan to stay after worship for this important vote. The proposed budget is available on the Members section of the website.
February 16
Medications, Eyeglasses, and a “Mystery” Category (whatever you’re struggling to recycle, bring it in) The Earth Ministries crew will make sure your unwanted items are disposed of properly.
Humanitarian Crisis Work Group
Sunday, Feb. 16 ~12:45 pm, Fellowship Hall
All are welcome to our next Workgroup Meeting following the 11:00 worship service and Church-in-Conference. Bring a bag lunch, drinks and cookies provided. Susan Ketchin and Bob Winstead will debut and teach us the beautiful song that Susan has written for the cause. We will make plans for the important next steps needed to respond to the crisis. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall.
A Death in the Binkley Family
Our condolences to the family of Tom McCollough who died on January 27, 2020.
His memorial service will be held at 2:30 pm on Sunday, February 16, at Croasdaile Village.
For Pennies a Meal:
Environmental Activism
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall
Matt Russell is the Executive Director of Iowa Interfaith Power & Light. While he is in Chapel Hill speaking at the UNC Clean Tech Summit, he will join us at Binkley to share ideas about how the federal government can incentivize a better environment. A minister by training, Matt has spent the last 16 years working on economic and environmental sustainability. This event is being opened to the public and requires online registration. Space is limited. Click here to register no later than 5pm on Sunday, February 16.
Lunch & Listen
Sunday, February 23, 12:15 pm, Lounge
Join poet, Laurence Avery, along with artist/illustrator, Patricia Lockwood Davis, as they reflect on his most recent book of poetry, Birds . Besides reading his poems, Laurence will dialogue with Patricia about their collaboration. Playful, fascinating poems, and beautiful drawings. A light lunch provided. Please RSVP by noon on Friday, February 21 to Stephanie Ford, stephanie@binkleychurch.org .
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper & Talent Show
Tuesday, February 25, 5:45 pm, Fellowship Hall
The annual  Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be led by the youth of the church and includes a terrific Talent Show.   All ages are encouraged to sign up on Dale’s door or in the narthex for the talent portion of our night together. You may also sign up in the narthex on Sunday February 23. Singers, jokesters, musicians, scientists, poets, dancers, etc. are all encouraged to sign up.  The cost for the meal (pancakes, waffles, sausage, fresh fruit and beverages) is $9.00 for 6th grade and above and $7.00 for 5th grade and below. Proceeds from the meal will support our Baptist Youth Camp scholarships. The meal begins at 5:45 pm and is served until approximately 6:30 pm when the Talent Show begins. Please join us for this night of fellowship through food, fun, and frivolity!
Weaving Beauty into Our Lives:
Binkley Women's Retreat, April 24-26, 2020
Plan to join new and old friends at our annual retreat, this year in a new spot: Blowing Rock Conference Center. We'll enjoy the NC mountains in spring, while reflecting on ways that nature, art, music, poetry, and more bring the healing and hope we all need. You are invited to share your gifts! Registration opens February 16th. See Stephanie Ford ( stephanie@binkleychurch.org ) for details. Registration forms at Stephanie’s office door.
Health Ministries Sponsored Blood Drive
Thursday, March 5, 2-6:30 pm, Fellowship Hall
Visit redcrossblood.org and use sponsor code ‘Binkley’ to make your appointment.
The Enneagram:
A Map for Understanding Ourselves & Others
Sat., March 7, 9:00-2:30, Lounge
Facilitated by Marilyn Wolf, M.Ed.
This workshop is for the beginner as well as for those with a basic understanding of the Enneagram who want to learn more about some core elements and how they combine. Lunch is included with the registration cost. Register by emailing Stephanie Ford .
Cost: $50
Click here for more details.
Our Wider Community
Click the links below for more information on each event.
Fri., Feb. 14, 8 pm, Binkley Fellowship Hall
You're invited! Details here.

This Sunday, February 16, Rosa will be making pupusas. Pork, spinach, and bean will available. A $5 donation for two pupusas with slaw and salsa is suggested. Pick up is between 10 and 1 or 5 to 7 in the fellowship hall at the Church of Reconciliation, 110 N Elliott Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Contact Ashley Nissler with questions.

Thurs., Feb. 27, 6 pm, Chapel Hill Public Library
A discussion on the book with local authors Donna Kay and Susan Willey Spalt. Details here .

Sun., Feb. 23, 7:30 pm, Moeser Auditorium. UNC Campus
Featuring Brooks de Wetter-Smith, Laura Dangerfield Stevens, and In āra Zandmane. Details here.

Fri., March 13, McKimmon Conference Center, Raleigh
Speakers from the Durham Nativity School, Rebound, Recovery Communities of NC, and Reintegration Support Network will present how engagement and support creates a healthier community. Early Bird rates end 2/28/2020. For registration and more information visit fcmi-nc.org

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Revised November 2016
Church Office Hours

8:30 am - 4 pm

8:30 am - 3 pm
Publication Deadlines

Submissions for the March
Newsletter are due by:

February 17

Submissions for the weekly bulletin and Friday Update are due by:

Wednesday Noon
The Olin T. Binkley Memorial Baptist Church
 | 919.942.4964 | office@binkleychurch.org | binkleychurch.org