Message from the Superintendent
Dear Members of the Bowling Green City Schools Community,
Recently, the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) officially released the Ohio School
Report Card from the 2023-24 school year. The Report Card results are based on student assessments
given last school year along with other measured indicators. Every public school in Ohio receives a
School Report Card.
Ohio School Report Cards provide parents, caregivers, community members, educators, and district
leaders information about district and school performance — to celebrate successes and identify areas for improvement. The information provides transparent reporting to drive local conversations on continuous improvement and identifying needed supports. The 2024 District Report Card provides an overview and explanation of five (5) key components: Achievement, Progress, Gap Closing, Early Literacy, and Graduation. Districts and schools receive an overall rating of 1 to 5 stars, in half-star increments, with 5 stars being the highest.
Bowling Green City Schools (BGCS) achieved an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars!
This is an improvement from last school year’s rating of 4 out of 5 stars!
There is no doubt this Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Report Card data is proof that Bowling Green City Schools continues to make progress and continuous improvement. The district is very proud of our accomplishment and I hope you as a community member are as well. The ratings in our Ohio State Report Card are a result of everyone’s hard work.
To see my full letter to the Bowling Green community about our district’s report card, please click here. To view the district’s report card online, click here. To review the state’s Guide to the 2023-2024 Ohio School Report Cards, please click Report Card Guide.
While the Ohio State Report Card is important and a measurement tool of our district, we know Bowling
Green City Schools does so much more than what can be reported on a district report card. We are, and should be, proud of what we do.
I am honored to serve the students, families, community, and staff of Bowling Green City Schools. I
promise that our District will work hard to improve each day to provide a high-quality education for our
students, a financially sound organization for our stakeholders, and be a point of pride for the entire
Go Bobcats,
Dr. Ted Haselman