News from Bowling Green City Schools

December 6, 2024

Message from the Superintendent

Dear Members of the Bowling Green City Schools Community,


As we enter the season of giving, our students and staff have been actively involved in several meaningful initiatives to support those in need.

We are incredibly proud of our students who participated in the recent blood drive at Bowling Green High School sponsored by our DECA students. Their generous donations will help save lives in our community and beyond. Thank you to the staff and volunteers who helped coordinate the event and make it a success!

Our annual food drives were a huge success, with families and students contributing non-perishable food items to help stock local food pantries. The generosity of our community is heartwarming, and these donations will make a significant impact on those who need it most this holiday season.

The district’s toy drives are wrapping up (no pun intended!), and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. From stuffed animals to games and books, our district is ensuring that children in our community will have a special holiday season. Thank you to everyone who has donated financially, with a gift of time, or a gift of talent.

While our students have been very active in the giving season with the above initiatives, they are also very active in other school activities. The music concert season is well underway. Choir concerts, band concerts, and orchestra concerts, from both our middle school and high school students, have been filling the Performing Arts Center with toe tapping melodies. I had the privilege of narrating ’Twas the Night Before Christmas at the middle school orchestra concert last evening. I appreciated the opportunity to be a small part in showcasing our student’s talents. They are amazing!

When I was hired in May of 2023 to be the superintendent of the Bowling Green City Schools, I had communicated the desire to ensure transparency and share the news and information of the district with all stakeholders of our community. This e-newsletter you are currently reading is just one of the numerous ways the district has implemented to achieve these tasks. Another method to accomplish these tasks is through the creation of a district Quality Profile (QP). A QP is a school district’s attempt to capture a more complete picture of our district’s strengths and comprehensive services. A QP will highlight six areas of our district. These areas are: Academics, the Arts, Student Leadership & Activities, Fiscal Stewardship, Parent & Community Involvement, and Student Services. The information included will be inclusive of the entire district, K-12, and from all departments and areas. While this is a long and tedious process to complete, I am excited to share that the district plans to release the first ever Bowling Green City Schools Quality Profile in early 2025!

I am honored to serve the students, families, community, and staff of Bowling Green City Schools. I promise that our District will work hard to improve each day to provide a high-quality education for our students, a financially sound organization for our stakeholders, and be a point of pride for the entire community.


Go Bobcats,

Dr. Ted Haselman


Spreading Kindness:

Bowling Green Students Give Back

At Bowling Green City Schools, our students embody the spirit of service and giving back to the community. Over the past few weeks, they have demonstrated this in incredible ways across all grade levels. From organizing food and toy drives for the holidays, a Giving Tree to collect hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens for those in need, to hosting a hygiene drive and raising money to support the Dear Santa Society, our students have shown a remarkable commitment to helping others. These activities not only provide vital support to our community but also teach our students the value of compassion, generosity, and civic responsibility, building a foundation for lifelong service. We are so proud of their efforts to make a difference this holiday season! We also thank our families and community for your support of these efforts!

We would like to take this time to remind students and families that the Bowling Green Schools Foundation is encouraging students to perform 25 Acts of Service in the community. If they log their acts of service on the form in the link above and turn the form in by April 30, 2025 all students will receive a free t-shirt and they will be entered into a drawing for a gaming system or an iPad!

This afternoon, Shawn Carney and Addie Naus collected the toy donations from the toy drive drop off locations! Great job to Addie for spearheading this effort:

Kenwood had two truckloads of food donations from their food drive!

FFA officers shopped for their adopted family for the Dear Santa Society.

At Conneaut, Ms. Simonis and her students had the highest amount of donations.

DECA students coordinated a Harvest for Hunger food drive at the high school. They collected 317 cans, 124 boxed dinners, and 33 ramen packages for a local food pantry. They also collected $969 for the Dear Santa Society.

BGCS Schools are also having a Dear Santa Hygiene drive through December 13.

Conneaut had a food drive and the Conneaut K-Kids Club had a Giving Tree and collected hats, scarves, gloves and mittens!

DECA students recently coordinated a blood drive at the high school. Just one pint of blood can help save three lives!

Bowling Green Schools Celebrate the Season in Holiday Parade

Bowling Green City Schools brought holiday cheer to the community by proudly participating in the recent Holiday Parade. Our Marching Band played well-known holiday tunes and our BGHS cheerleaders dazzled the crowd with their energy and spirit, while our transportation staff showcased a festive school bus and marched with teachers and other staff members passing out candy to the crowd. Students from the BG Wrestling Club, K-Kids Club, and Builder's Club joined other groups in the parade, spreading joy and representing our school community. It was a wonderful event that highlighted the unity and pride of Bowling Green City Schools!

Snapshots of Success:

Highlights from Around the District

Here are a few photos of some highlights from around the district over the past few weeks.

Crim's November Bobcat Pride Students

Conneaut's November Bobcat Pride Students

Kenwood's November Bobcat Pride Students

Isabella Nardone is the BGHS Exchange Club of Bowling Green December Student of the Month! She has volunteered over 600 hours as a ZooTeen, is President of the Bobcat Band, Treasurer of both the French Club and Class of 2025, a member of NHS and plans to be a pediatric physical therapist. 

Kaylee Bishop is the Penta Exchange Club of Bowling Green December Student of the Month! Kaylee is in the Medical Technology program at Penta, works at BG Manor, volunteers at BG Christian Food Pantry and plans to study nursing at BGSU. 

Mayor Aspacher visited Conneaut students to talk to them about his job and local government.

BGMS Orchestra students had their Holiday Concert on December 5. Dr. Haselman was the narrator for 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.

The BGHS Orchestra had their Holiday Concert on December 3.

There are a lot of athletic events happening across the district right now including basketball, bowling, hockey, swimming/diving, and wrestling. We have free Winter Sports Schedules available as posters and pocket size. You can pick them up at the high school or the BGCS Central Administration offices located at 137 Clough St.

Boys basketball is currently having a popcorn fundraiser.

BG Wrestling Club is also having their annual laundry detergent/softener, dishwasher tabs, body wash and cookie dough fundraiser.

The BG Vocal Boosters are currently having their Meat Raffle. The drawing will be held at the MS Choir Concert on December 12. To purchase tickets click here.

Join the Improv students as they present a free "Improvathon" performance on Thursday, December 12 from 7-7:45 p.m. in the Theater Studio (Room 117 in the HS).

Juniper is hosting a fundraiser on Monday and 15% of all sales (dine-in and carry-out) will be donated to benefit the Bobcat Basics Pantry.

Mark Your Calendars

District Calendars can be found here:

High School Athletics:

Middle School Athletics:

December 6: Madrigals performance at BG Country Club (5:45 p.m.) & Wooster Green (7 p.m.)

December 7: Holiday Jazz Band Lunch at Stone Ridge

December 9: Bobcat Vocal Music Boosters Meeting (6:30 p.m.)

December 10: HS Choir Holiday Concert (7 p.m., PAC)

December 12: Improvathon by BGHS Improv students (7 p.m. BGHS Rm. 117)

December 12: BGMS Choir Concert (7 p.m., PAC)

December 13: Madrigals Caroling downtown (5 p.m.)

December 14: Bobcat Beats and Madrigals Performance: Jingle Bell Jam City Park Veterans Building (3 p.m.) and Madrigals at Lights Before Christmas (4 p.m.)

December 15: Madrigals performance at the Courthouse (3:15 p.m.)

December 16: Madrigals performance at Rotary (7 p.m.)

December 17: Madrigals Performance: First United Methodist Church (7 -8 p.m.)

December 18: Band Holiday Concert A (7 p.m., PAC)

December 19: Band Holiday Concert B (7 p.m., PAC)

December 20: Last day of classes before Winter Break. Second Quarter Ends.

December 23 - January 3: Winter Break - SCHOOLS CLOSED

January 6: Staff Work Day - NO STUDENTS

January 7: Classes Reconvene: Third Quarter Begins

January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day - SCHOOLS CLOSED

January 22: Crim PTO Meeting (6:15 p.m.)

January 22: CCP Information Night (6 p.m. PAC)

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