The past several months have been an exhilarating rollercoaster ride, marking one of the busiest seasons in travel history. Whether you found yourselves continuously swamped with bookings or are still navigating the surge of demand, we want to commend your resilience and dedication to serving your clients' travel dreams. As we approach the end of this extraordinary period, we wanted to take a moment to check in.  


We understand that this season has been like no other, and we know the importance of having reliable support services by your side. We believe that having the right resources and assistance is essential for success. At Brownell, we're here to offer that support and be a game-changer for your travel business. From our Sales Support to Air Desk and Insurance Desk, having a strong team behind you can make all the difference.  


We also recognize the power of a community. We’ve witnessed the amazing support our advisors have given each other and the invaluable tips and advice shared in our internal Travel Tribe Slack channel. We truly believe it takes a village to thrive in this ever-evolving industry, and we're grateful to be part of that village. By working together, we can lift each other up and create an environment where everyone can succeed.

Introducing Independent Contractor Advisory Board

We have just wrapped up another productive and inspiring two-day meeting of the ICAB (Independent Contractor Advisory Board).

Wondering what ICAB is all about? Each year, our Independent Travel Advisors nominate and elect five of their peers, and along with Brownell's leadership, they form the ICAB. 

Acting as a bridge between our Independent Contractors and Brownell's leadership team, the ICAB ensures that our advisors' needs, concerns, and suggestions are effectively communicated and addressed. During the in-person meeting, the board reviews the results of our annual independent advisor survey, identifying actionable items, updates, and potential changes to enhance the Hosting Program.

This collaborative approach fosters continuous growth and success within our Hosting Program. By actively listening to our advisors' voices and implementing meaningful changes, we strive to create an environment where every Independent Travel Advisor thrives. Read more on our website.

Our Advisors Love It!

We are excited to announce the addition of another valuable resource to our advisor toolkit. As one of the only two host agencies offering the TravelPro365 overlay to our travel advisors, Brownell provides access to an all-in-one platform that saves our advisors significant time and effort. The feedback from our advisors has been overwhelmingly positive - they absolutely love it. 

Gone are the days of searching multiple websites for different aspects of a trip. The user-friendly interface, comprehensive travel choices, and efficient booking tool have greatly enhanced their workflow and productivity. The best part? Advisors can access TravelPro365 anytime, anywhere, whether they're waiting for their kids at the dentist's office or enjoying a relaxing weekend. It's like having a travel assistant right in their pocket! 

Congratulations to our very own Virtuoso Cruise Icons, Linda Allen-Speer, Linda Terrill, and Laura Patterson! It's truly a remarkable achievement, as they represent the top 1% of Virtuoso advisors in North America.

Linda Allen-Speer

Linda Terrill

Laura Patterson

To become a Cruise Icon, advisors must reach a milestone of $1 million in luxury cruise sales within a year – an impressive feat!

Their outstanding sales performance places them within the top one percent among their peers in North America and highlights the outstanding abilities and expertise of Brownell's independent travel advisors. We're incredibly proud of our three advisors who have qualified as Virtuoso Cruise Icons. Read more in our blog.

Q Dear Travel Life, how should I prepare my clients for another busy summer of air travel? 


- Sandy, Chicago

A Dear Sandy, it seems that we're headed toward another busy summer, and unfortunately, the staffing shortages in the FAA, TSA, and airlines are likely to contribute to passenger frustration. Here are some tips to help you prepare your clients.

Set realistic expectations before their trip: Educate your clients about the current travel environment, especially if they encounter any flight-related issues. Ensure they have the correct emergency contacts, know their airline confirmation number, understand where to seek assistance at the airport, have the airline app, and consider the possibility of paying out of pocket to change a last-minute flight without a guarantee of reimbursement.


Purchase travel insurance: While not all policies cover every conceivable issue, some insurance providers offer comprehensive coverage for various flight-related problems. Working through an insurance company for compensation can often be more beneficial than dealing directly with the airlines, especially when it comes to non-US carriers. 


Avoid booking the last flight out of an airport if possible: By doing so, you reduce the risk of running into crew shortages or weather delays that could result in a crew "timing out" and being unable to legally operate the aircraft.


Stay updated on weather conditions: Always be weather conscious, as sometimes deciding to change your flights before the weather becomes an issue is a good idea. 

Meaghan Kinkade, Director of Travel Services

We'd love to hear from you! Send us your questions for this column!

One of the key ingredients of our secret sauce at Brownell is Educational Trips (or, as we call them, Edus). We're firm believers that there's no better way to gain a deep understanding of a destination, hotel, or cruise line than to experience it firsthand. We invite you to come along for the ride!

Brownell Elite Edu

Havana, Cuba

Brownell Elite Edu

Azores, Portugal

Brownell Elite Edu

Queenstown, New Zealand

Brownell Elite Edu

Azores, Portugal

Brownell Elite Edu

Havana, Cuba

Brownell Elite Edu

Christchurch, New Zealand

Learn about our Educational Trips

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