The University of South Florida, Eckerd College, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Hamburg University of Technology, Mote Marine Laboratory, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Pennsylvania State University, Texas A&M University, University of Calgary, University of Miami, University of South Alabama, University of West Florida, Wageningen University

January 2015 Newsletter
In This Issue
Contact Us
Important Dates
Education and Outreach
Related/Coming Up
In the News
Quick Links

On the Web:

Contact List



Steven Murawski


Chief Scientist

David Hollander


Center Coordinator

Sherryl Gilbert


Cruise Coordinator

Nancy Thompson


Data Manager

Todd Chavez


Education and Outreach

Teresa Greely

Liesl Hotaling

Important Dates


January 15

Year 3 Quarter 4 Activity Reports Due


January 27

MOSSFA Meeting


February 16-19

GoMRI Meeting


February 20

C-IMAGE All Hands


September 17

C-IMAGE I end date


Hello C-IMAGE Members,
As we close 2014, C-IMAGE would like to wish our members and partners a Happy Holiday filled with joy and celebration and a prosperous and successful 2015.  We look forward to seeing all of you soon!
Happy Holidays from your C-IMAGE Team! (In front of a very Florida Christmas display)


Conference Calls 

We had a C-IMAGE conference call on November 5, 2014 given by C-IMAGE Chief Science Officer David Hollander that summarized updates from the "Indicators of Sedimentary Deposition" Task.  This included contributions from USF, Eckerd College, Wageningen University and NHL, the University of Calgary, Penn State, and the University of West Florida. Some highlights:

● Sediment Pulse Event: Th and Pb inventories (EC, USF)
● Sedimentary Oil Deposition and Oil Budget (USF, FSU)
● Fingerprinting of degraded MC252 oil, Dispersant in Sediments and (UC, USF)
● Bacterial derived hopanes, microbial community structure and redox (PSU, GT, EC)
● Mieofauna- benthic foraminiferal impact, recovery and HC uptake (USF)

Call notes and the associated presentation are both available on the private section of our website to protect IP until publication. C-IMAGE members are welcome to view and download them. Please contact Sherryl Gilbert if you have any questions about access.

Our next call on Sedimentary Oil Deposition will be the week of January 5, 2015.  We will also discuss plans for our All Hands Meeting.  Indicate your availability on the Doodle Link provided:

C-IMAGE Leadership spoke with other GoMRI-funded researchers on November 7th during the GoMRI Consortia PI call. Notes from these calls are also available in the password protected area of our website. The next call is January 9, 2015.



The last quarter of the year ends on December 31 which means that your quarterly activity reports are due January 15th, 2015. Please be thorough and accurate when filling these out. This deadline is only for C-IMAGE I members.  


Also, if you have any stories or photos from an event, outreach activity, or science discovery, please let us know so we can include them in the next newsletter or feature them on our website.

Highlight on Students/Post-docs


Student of the Month for November, Aprami Jaggi

Ms. Aprami Jaggi was selected as C-IMAGE's Student of the Month for November.
Aprami Jaggi is a PhD student studying the partitioning behavior of xenobiotic compounds typically found in oil releases in seawater. She is a student of Steven Larter's and Thomas Oldenburg's out of the University of Calgary's Petroleum Reservoir Group.  

She was asked two questions about her research and daily activities. Read her answers in our Student of the Month blog!

If you want to be the subject of next month's blog, just let us know.

Our Graduates

They have worked hard to get here, and C-IMAGE would like to congratulate our recent graduates on their successful dissertations and theses!
Kristina Deak, M.S. 
Education and Outreach.....


Guy Harvey's Fisheries Symposium 


C-IMAGE participated in the second Fisheries Symposium at the University of South Florida - St. Petersburg campus, November 13-15, 2014. The Symposium included two days of presentations, panel discussions and featuring the latest research and issues facing marine fisheries from the leaders in marine research, conservation, policy and user groups. GoMRI research in Florida was presented by C-IMAGE, Deep-C and CARTHE. 


Chuck Wilson presents GoMRI research with the help of Steve Murawski, Dean Grubbs and Tamay Ozgokmen.
C-IMAGE co-PI Will Patterson educates attendees about red snapper populations in the Gulf of Mexico.









Local high students from Wharton High even sat in for a few hours and were able to ask questions to C-IMAGE scientist Dr. Ernst Peebles while he was offshore in the Gulf of Mexico conducting lionfish research. It was a great Ship-to-Shore exercise, highlighting the education and outreach opportunities within FIO. 


Ernst Peebles taking questions directly from the
RV Weatherbird II.

Immediately following the Guy Harvey's Fisheries Symposium was the Guy Harvey "Save our Seas" festival on Saturday, November 15.  This was a fun-filled educational event showcasing the work being done by local organizations helping to conserve our marine resources.  We also had a "Green Gourmet", featuring samples of sustainable seafood recipes prepared by local chefs. We talked to citizens of all ages about research ongoing in the Gulf!
It's never to early to start getting involved in science!
Laura Bracken from CARTHE and Sherryl Gilbert with C-IMAGE reach out to the community at the Save our Seas Festival. 














Fulbright Visiting Scholars


Dr.s Steve Murawski and David Hollander were invited to give a welcoming presentation to the Fulbright Visiting Scholars for their enrichment seminar. The group included more than 30 teachers and researchers from around the world. These enrichment programs are designed to build cross-cultural understanding through activities that highlight US culture and history.  They also expand professional and social networks leading to additional career opportunities.


BLUE Ocean Film Festival


Every two years ocean leaders, filmmakers, photographers, scientists, explorers, entertainment executives - and the general public-- gather in Tampa Bay/ St. Petersburg, FL at BLUE to honor the best in ocean filmmaking, to learn more about the issues facing our oceans, and to collaborate on improving the future of our oceans and humanity. The seven-day event was charged with energy as these diverse groups of people shared knowledge and ideas with each other and with the general public. C-IMAGE was lucky enough to participate by hosting an informational exhibit during the festival. 

C-IMAGE graduate student Emily Chancellor shows Blue Ocean attendees our foram collection from the DwH site.
C-IMAGE educators Dr. Teresa Greely and Angela Lodge had a great time talking to attendees. Many people came by to look under the microscope at some otoliths - we had a very interactive booth!
















From GoMRI....  
The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, 2015
"Early bird" registration closed on December 5, but you an still register online for the conference. We hope to see you all there! C-IMAGE is chairing three sessions and heavily involved in others.   

GoMRI Announces the 12 RFP-4 Recipients

  • Nova Southeastern University, "Deep-Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico," Lead Investigator Tracey Sutton
  • University of Miami - Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, "Relationship of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in Fish for Validation of Ecological Risk," Lead Investigator Martin Grosell
  • University of Texas at Austin, "Dispersion Research on Oil: Physics and Plankton Studies," Lead Investigator Edward Buskey
  • University of Southern Mississippi, "Consortium for Oil Spill Exposure Pathways in Coastal River-Dominated Ecosystems," Lead Investigator William (Monty) Graham
  • University of Louisiana at Lafayette, "Littoral Acoustic Demonstration Center," Lead Investigator Natalia Sidorovskaia
  • Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium/Dauphin Island Sea Lab, "Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience," Lead Investigator John Valentine
  • Texas A&M University, "Role of Microbial Exopolymers in Aggregation and Degradation of Oil and Dispersants," Lead Investigator Antonietta Quigg
  • Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, "Coastal Waters Consortium," Lead Investigator Nancy Rabalais
  • University of Miami, "The Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment II," Lead Investigator Tamay �zg�kmen
  • RAND Corporation Gulf States Policy Institute, "Consortium for Resilient Gulf Communities," Lead Investigator Melissa Finucane
  • The University of Georgia, "Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf - 2," Lead Investigator Samantha Joye
  • University of South Florida, "The Center for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems II," Lead Investigator Steven Murawski
Upcoming Events of Interest....

The next All Hands Meeting will be contiguous with the 2015 GoMRI Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference as in previous years. The meeting will be Friday, February 20, 2015 immediately following the GoMRI Conference. Please register indicating your attendance. We will begin at 8:30am and wrap up by 5pm. We are also hosting a dinner that evening for C-IMAGE I and II participants. Please plan to attend the entire meeting. Check our website for additional meeting details and registration.
In the News....

The C-IMAGE consortium was one of 12 consortia selected for funding in 2015-207.  Congratulations to us all! Before we begin the process of moving it through execution, I would like to introduce our five new partners.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dr. Chris Reddy

Florida State University
Dr. Jeff Chanton

Georgia Tech
Dr. Joel Kostka

Universidad Nacional Aut�noma de M�xico
Dr. Adolfo Gracia
Dr. Elva Escobar-Briones
Dr. Maria Luisa Machain
Dr. Joan Albert S�nchez Cabeza
Dr. Ana Carolina Ruiz Fernndez
Dr. Alonso Rodriguez Rosalba

Harte Research Institute, TAMUCC
Dr. John Wes Tunnell
Dr. John Gold
Dr. Paul Montagna
Dr. Gregory Stunz
Dr. David Yaskowitz

Welcome to C-IMAGE!!  We're looking forward to a productive and collaborative three years.

We'll see you all in February!

The C-IMAGE II grant is the largest non-medical award received by USF. We received a few accolades because of it!

C-IMAGE PI Steve Murawski and Program Coordinator Sherryl Gilbert take a moment out of the Save our Seas festival to read the paper!

The great news made it to our other partners as well! Marine Technology News summarizes HRI's efforts within C-IMAGE, emphasizing the IXTOC initiatives.
We also made it to the USF Home Page!

Our C-IMAGE II grant grabbed the attention of the USF Board of Trustees.  We were invited to give a brief overview of our upcoming research.  Post-doc Dr. Isabel Romero and recently graduated MS student Susan Snyder gave a very compelling presentation with help from Dr. David Hollander.
Dr. Isabel Romero in front of the USF BOT.
Susan Snyder exposes the BOT to a new friend, the King Snake Eel!

We want to hear from you!  Please keep us informed of any news or activities from your institution.

Your C-IMAGE Administrative Team