Scouting News by Email
We hope you enjoy this edition of The Trailblazer. If you have any suggestions, please let us know by email at Thank you for all that you do for Scouting!
*2013-2014 Program Launch Thursday*
The Chester County Council, BSA will be holding its Program Launch Roundtable on Thursday, May 9, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Program will begin at 6:30 PM
Calling all Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2012 
Parents, siblings, family members, and of course your Eagle Scout, are invited to attend a special Eagle Scout Banquet to be held in honor of the Eagle Scout Class of 2012-The 100th Year of the Eagle Scout, at the Downingtown Country Club, 93 Country Club Drive, Downingtown, PA, 19335, on Wednesday evening, May 29, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.
We hope to see you there. The last day to register is Tuesday, May 21, 2013. Register online here!
Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner

From his involvement and leadership with numerous national companies and nonprofit organizations, to serving on staff at the Boy Scout World Jamboree, it all began for Paul W. Ware in Oxford, PA (Chester County) when he signed up for Cub Scouts with Pack 13 back in September 1954. 

Please join the Chester County Council, BSA in recognizing Paul and his many contributions to both Scouting and the entire community throughout our Region.  A dinner to honor Paul will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at the Desmond Hotel in Malvern, PA.  Click Here for the informational flyer.

A Message from the Council Registrar

As part of our ongoing efforts to strengthen the protection of youth in our programs, the designation of parents of youth members in traditional programs as ScoutParents will end effective July 1. To help facilitate this, the unit Scouter Reserve position (91U) has been created for supportive adults who have no immediate specific leadership role. Like all registered BSA adult positions, this new role will require a criminal background check and the completion of Youth Protection training.

Volunteers Needed - 2013 Special Needs Camporee
This year's Special Needs Camporee will be held on Fri. June 21 - Sun June 24, 2013 at Camp John H Ware 3rd.  You are invited to join the volunteers who run the annual Camporee for Special Needs Scouts in Chester County. 

Staff registration includes embroidered patch, staff t-shirt, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. For more information please email    Staff can register here.

bike rodeo
Cub Scout Bike Rodeo
Saturday, May 18th, 2013
9:30 AM-11:30 AM

The bike rodeo is geared towards learning safe bicycling while having fun in a noncompetitive environment. At the completion of this event, the Scouts will receive a collectible patch, their bicycling  belt loop, as well as complete some of the requirements of the bicycling pin.

Scouts are encouraged to invite their friends who are not Scouts to attend the rodeo. Register online here

fish derby
Fishing Derby

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Nottingham County Park

Cost is $5.00 per Scout

Fishing Derby check-in starts @ 1:30 PM

Fishing Begins @ 2:00 PM

Fishing Ends @ 6:00PM

Venturing Week 2013
July 28-August 3, 2013
V-week is designed with the freedom of Venturing in mind.  This year V-week is offering specifically tailored programs for all interests, from the Venture Crew sticking together for a week of bonding and fellowship to the Lone Venturer looking to have fun and survive the wilds of the Broad Creek Scout Reservation.  There are many activities to choose from, including sailing, shooting sports, COPE, swimming, first aid, Outpost, and many other choices. For more information and to register, follow this link.
Fairman's Skateboard Camp

These day camps are open to current Scouts, as well as non-Scouts (both boys and girls, ages 8-14).

Campers will learn safety requirements and equipment needed for skateboarding, and will practice basic board and ramp skills.

All Cub Scouts attending any of these day camps will earn their Skateboarding Belt Loop & Pin!  

For more information and for registration forms - click here.

What are we REALLY selling?

When your unit participates in the popcorn sale in the Fall, what are you really selling?  You are selling the Scouting Program, not popcorn. Selling popcorn as a fundraiser can empower a unit to have the funds needed to deliver a quality program. We are selling Scouting and if asked people will buy to support Scouting.  But did you know that less than 20% of all households have been contacted by a Scout to purchase popcorn? The opportunity is out there and now is the time to grab it!  Click here  to sign up today! Any questions please contact us at

Warehouse Space Needed

The Popcorn Team is looking for a donation of warehouse space in the West Chester and/or the Exton area for our September 5 and 6 delivery or for our resupply inventory (about 20 pallets) for the months of September and October.  Our September delivery is about 70 pallets of popcorn products and would need to be unloaded with a fork lift. If you know of any warehouse management company, a warehouse owner or someone that could help direct us to a available space for those two days, please contact Paola Rosas Popcorn Staff Adviser at

Scouter Tour to the BSA National Jamboree
Here's an opportunity for a unique, fun-filled vacation with Scouters. Join folks from around the county and travel to West Virginia and the BSA National Jamboree. It's the Grand Opening of The Summit, the permanent home of the BSA National Jamboree.  There are things to see along the way and ample time for rest and refreshment. The trip is leaving and returning from nearby Valley Forge. The registration deadline is soon. Download the brochure and registration form.
In This Issue
National Trails Day
Saturday, June 1

Octoraro Lodge 22 and the American Hiking Society are sponsoring a National Trails Day event at the Goat Hill Serpentine Barren Preserve (adjacent to the Horseshoe Scout Reservation) Tools and trails will be provided, just bring old clothes! Lunch will also be provided courtesy of Octoraro Lodge. This event is open to Scouts of all ages and their families. For more information please email

Your RSVP is requested for a lunch headcount.

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Next Edition
If you have an article that you would like to see published in 
TheTrailblazer, please send all of your information, including contact name and email address to Jake Segal at The next edition will be published on Monday, May 20, 2013. 
 Council Leadership:

Council President: 

Patsy Farrell

Council Commissioner:

Mary Kuklinski

Council Executive:

Charlie Rogers

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