The Latest News From Canada's Worker Co-op Sector
July 2020 Volume 12 Issue 7
In This Issue

  • Webinar July 28: Nathan Schneider on "A Shared Strategy for Shared Ownership: Covid, Care, and Reparations"
  • Black Lives Matter: Putting Words to Action, by Kenzie Love
  • Natural Cycleworks Succeeds With Shared Ownership, Divided Responsibilities, by Kenzie Love
  • Board Member Profile: Jessica Provencher, by Kenzie Love
  • Announcements: CWCF's virtual AGM date, and more
  • Meeting Resources During Covid-19
  • Place à la nouvelle directrice générale à la Fédération québécoise des coopératives forestières!
  • Hommage à Joseph Giguère
  • Interview: Jessica Gordon-Nembhard on Past Lessons for Economic Empowerment
  • Platform Cooperatives: Workplace Democracy for the 21st Century?
Webinar: Nathan Schneider on "A Shared Strategy for Shared Ownership: Covid, Care, and Reparations"
Tuesday July 28, 12 noon ET, for 90 minutes

Nathan Schneider, author of Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition that Is Shaping the Next Economy will speak on how the economic crisis Covid-19 has created makes having a visionary strategy essential - in lieu of giving the CWCF Conference keynote in the fall. In his words: "We need to activate cooperative ownership as a powerful, necessary tool for confronting the crisis we're in, not just around the margins but in addressing central challenges facing the economy today." CWCF's proposal will be briefly presented as one possibility. There will be an opportunity for discussion and questions.

Black Lives Matter: Putting Words to Action

By Kenzie Love
Last month, CWCF issued a statement in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. It now faces a bigger challenge: putting the statement into action.

Natural Cycleworks Succeeds With Shared Ownership, Divided Responsibilities

By Kenzie Love

Much like the components of the bicycles they sell, the members of Winnipeg’s Natural Cycleworks all have defined jobs but play an equally important role. It’s an aspect of the worker co-op model that appeals to member Zach Allard, now in his sixth year with the co-op.

Board Member Profile: Jessica Provencher

By Kenzie Love
Jessica Provencher has served on CWCF’s board since 2011. She got her introduction to worker co-ops as a bartender at La Barberie, a microbrewery in Quebec City.

  • CWCF's AGM will take place virtually this year, at noon ET, November 13, 2020.
  • The International Co-op Alliance's Youth Network has created the Replication Project with the goal of having young people come together to start new cooperative projects.
  • Early-bird registration is now open for NCBA CLUSA’s Co-op IMPACT Conference, the only national, cross-sector event elevating the national conversation around a trusted, proven way to do business and build communities.
  • In the small, northern Alberta town of Lac La Biche, a group of talented artisans have set up a co-operative, the Nehiyawaskiy Indigenous Peoples Art Co-op to help them use their talent and sell their goods.
Meeting Resources During Covid-19
The Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada ("CHF Canada") has heard from members the need for meeting advice as a result of COVID-19. The pandemic has resulted in strict requirements for physical distancing for the safety of everyone. CHF Canada members are asking how to conduct ‘business as usual’ in unusual times. This good advice is also useful for worker co-ops, and we thank CHF Canada for the permission to share this with CWCF members.

Après 21 années sous la gouverne de JOCELYN LESSARD, un nouveau chapitre de l’histoire de la Fédération québécoise des coopératives forestières (FQCF) s’écrira à compter du 17 juillet prochain avec l’entrée en poste d’une nouvelle directrice générale, ANNIE BEAUPRÉ.

Hommage à Joseph Giguère
Le Réseau souhaite offrir ses plus sincères condoléances à la famille et les proches de Joseph Giguère. C’est avec tristesse que nous avons appris son décès le 23 juin dernier.

Interview: Jessica Gordon-Nembhard on Past Lessons for Economic Empowerment
With anti-racist protests taking place around the world, could the co-op model help to address some of the barriers faced by black communities? “I think there is a lot we can learn from the past,” says Dr Gordon-Nembhard.

Platform Cooperatives: Workplace Democracy for the 21st Century?
Worker -owned "Deliveroo alternative" Kolyma2 offers a potential blueprint for transitioning the platform economy to a post-capitalist world.

The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF) is a national, bilingual grassroots membership organization of and for worker co-operatives, related types of co-operatives (multi-stakeholder co-ops and worker-shareholder co-ops), and organizations that support the growth and development of worker cooperatives. CWCF's e-newsletter is available free of charge to anyone with an e-mail address and an interest in worker co-operative developments in Canada. Please send any comments and suggestions, or news about your co-op, to:  

Kenzie Love
Editor of CWCF Newsletter 
(403) 276-8250 
CWCF | 104 402 30 Ave NE, Calgary, AB T2E 2E3 | 403-276-8250 |