The Latest News From Canada's Worker Co-op Sector
June 2022 Volume 14 Issue 6
In This Issue
- Platform Co-ops Offer an Alternative to Big Tech's Monopolies, by Kenzie Love
- Les plateformes coopératives pour contrer la plateformisation de l’économie, par Kenzie Love
- Home Care Workers' Co-op Proves There's a Better Way, by Kenzie Love
- CWCF Board and Staff Gather in Calgary
- CWCF Welcomes BIPOC Board Advisors
- CWCF Accepting Applications for Executive Assistant/ SSG hiring for Multiple Positions
- CWCF Awards Young Adult Arts and Culture Grant
- Upcoming CWCF Events
- Successful CMC Congress in Calgary June 14-16, by Hazel Corcoran, CWCF Executive Director
- Canadian Co-op News - a Round-up
- Co-operatives First Newsletter Now Available
- Indigenous Co-op in Saskatchewan Seeks to Preserve Traditional Language and Culture
- International Co-op News - a Round-up
- CICOPA Link Newsletter
- Fifty by Fifty Initiative News
- Update on UK's Worker Co-op Council
- USFWC State of the Sector Report
- Conclusions on the social and solidarity economy, including co-ops, approved by the ILO
- Conclusions sur l'économie sociale et solidaire, comprenant les coopératives, approuvées par l'OIT
Platform Co-ops Offer an Alternative to Big Tech's Monopolies
By Kenzie Love
Though they may not be able to displace Big Tech anytime soon, the existence of platform co-ops nonetheless shows that a different way is possible.
Les plateformes coopératives pour contrer la plateformisation de l’économie
par Kenzie Love
Les travers de l’économie à la demande des plateformes de type Uber sont désormais bien connus : la main-d’œuvre doit y assumer toutes les responsabilités du travail salarié, sans les avantages sociaux. La volonté de trouver une solution de rechange se fait sentir. Mais devant la force de ces monopoles numériques solidement ancrés, il est légitime de se demander si d’autres voies sont possibles. C’est là que les plateformes coopératives entrent en jeu.
Home Care Workers' Co-op Proves There's a Better Way
By Kenzie Love
Co-founders Danielle Turpin, Amy Firlotte, and Denise Armstrong were drawn to the worker co-op model by the presence of the co-op principles and the fact that it would give workers a real say over the terms of their employment.
CWCF Board and Staff Gather in Calgary
CWCF's board, BIPOC advisors, and management team gathered in Calgary the weekend of June 11-13 for their first in-person meeting since the start of the pandemic. Some of the board and staff also joined CWCF's Communications Assistant Kenzie Love and Social Media Assistant Mateusz Salmassi at Citizen Brewing, along with other guests, for a Meet-and-Greet on June 13. Everyone involved appreciated the opportunity to meet in person after so long apart, and CWCF looks forward to holding more such events in the future.
CWCF Welcomes BIPOC Advisors
CWCF Accepting Applications for Executive Assistant
CWCF is seeing a an ambitious, results-driven Executive Assistant to support the Executive Director and other staff. This role requires a flexible, bilingual individual capable of performing a mix of tasks. This position can be remote. The position will be part-time (20 hours per week). Application deadline is June 20th, 2022.
Adjoint∙e administratif∙ve à la FCCT
La FCCT est à la recherche d’une personne adjointe administrative ambitieuse et axée sur les résultats. Cette personne appuiera la directrice générale et d’autres membres de l’équipe dans leurs activités quotidiennes. Le poste requiert d’être bilingue et de faire preuve de flexibilité et d’agilité pour mener à bien une diversité de tâches. Le travail peut s’effectuer à distance et il s’agit d’un poste à temps partiel (20 h/semaine). La date limite pour les candidatures est le 20 juin 2022.
SSG Accepting Applications for Multiple Positions
CWCF member SSG SSG is looking to hire three consultants and a marketing and communications specialist. Check out the postings on their website (here and here) and apply by July 3.
CWCF Awards Young Adult Arts and Culture Grant
CWCF is pleased to announce it has awarded this year's young adult arts and culture grant to a group led by Amie Monroe and Lila Platt, both of Montreal, who will be translating the Basque-language co-operative anthem "Bi Hanka" into English. The group's members believe that "translating this inspiring piece into English can help bring a breath of fresh and joyous air into the co-operative movement." The translation is set to take place this month and will be shared widely once it is available. Congratulations to the winners!
Upcoming CWCF Events
Image courtesy Molly Graham, artist
Successful CMC Congress in Calgary, June 14-16
By Hazel Corcoran, CWCF Executive Director
Over 200 people attended the recent hybrid Congress of Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) in Calgary.
Canadian Co-op News
Co-operatives First's June newsletter features links to webinars about creating amazing tourism experiences, and the role of co-ops in economic reconciliation, as well as an article on how your co-op can navigate rising interest rates.
Through the collaboration of community Elders and support from Yorkton Tribal Council, Kici Anishinabek Kananakachiwewat Community Service Co-operative in southern Saskatchewan has been developed to preserve the Onakwawin language.
International Co-op News
The latest CICOPA Link newsletter, featuring news from the International Co-operative Alliance's General Assembly and more, is now available.
The latest employee ownership news from the Fifty by Fifty initiative is now available.
The UK's Worker Co-op Council resolved to form a completely new and independent “federation of worker co-operatives, individual co-operators and supporters of industrial democracy.”
The US Federation of Worker Co-ops' 2021 State of the Sector report is now available.
Conclusions on the social and solidarity economy, including co-ops, approved by the ILO: The ILO (International Labour Office) Conclusions on Decent Work and the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), explicitly including cooperatives, have been approved by the Plenary of the International Labour Conference on June 10th in Geneva, after 10 days of discussions in which the ICA took part, as did (briefly) CWCF's Executive Director Hazel Corcoran. There is an article on it by International Co-operative Alliance Director General Bruno Roelants here. You can find the whole text here.
Conclusions sur l'économie sociale et solidaire, comprenant les coopératives, approuvées par l'OIT: Les Conclusions concernant le travail décent et l'économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) de l'OIT, incluant explicitement les coopératives, ont été approuvées par la plénière de la Conférence Internationale du Travail (CIT) le 10 juin à Genève, après 10 jours de discussions auxquelles l'ACI a participé, ainsi que la DG de la FCCT, Hazel Corcoran, brièvement. L'article par l'ACI est en français ici. Le texte entier se trouve ici.
The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF) is a national, bilingual grassroots membership organization of and for worker co-operatives, related types of co-operatives (multi-stakeholder co-ops and worker-shareholder co-ops), and organizations that support the growth and development of worker cooperatives. CWCF's e-newsletter is available free of charge to anyone with an e-mail address and an interest in worker co-operative developments in Canada. Please send any comments and suggestions, or news about your co-op, to:
Kenzie Love
Editor of CWCF Newsletter
.(403) 276-8250