The Latest News From Canada's Worker Co-op Sector
March 2022 Volume 14 Issue 3
In This Issue

  • Report from the Executive Director, by Hazel Corcoran
  • Rapport de la directrice générale, par Hazel Corcoran
  • Together We're Bitter (TWB) Crafts Community
  • Worker Co-ops and the Sixth Principle, by Kenzie Love
  • Les coopératives de travail et le sixième principe, par Kenzie Love
  • CICOPA-CWCF Statement on the Situation in Ukraine
  • Film Screening April 19: Atautsikut/Leaving None Behind
  • Solidarity Economy Principles Workshop - April 6
  • Other Upcoming CWCF Events
  • Member Updates
  • Canadian Co-op News and Events - Round-up
  • Local Food and Farms Co-op Assembly
  • Co-operators Community Funds Co-op Impact Program
  • Young Adult Arts and Culture Granting Program
  • Période d'inscription pour le Parcours COOP: passez le mot !

Report from the Executive Director
By Hazel Corcoran

– Next Worker Co-op Academy: Starts May 2nd, 2022
– Federal Worker Co-op Development Lobby Gains Traction
– More CWCF Technical Assistance Grants 
– Conference 2022: November in Vancouver! (and seeking Committee members)
– Film screening: Atautsikut / Leaving None Behind
– Announcing the new BIPOC Advisors to CWCF’s Board

Rapport de la directrice générale
Par Hazel Corcoran

  • Prochaine session de l’Académie des coopératives de travail: le 2 mai 2022
  • Le lobby fédéral pour le développement des coops de travail gagne du terrain 
  • Plus de subventions d’assistance technique de la FCCT  
  • Congrès 2022 : novembre à Vancouver! (et recherche des membres du comité) 
  • Projection de film : Atautsikut / N’oublier personne 
  • L'annonce des Conseiller-e-s “BIPOC” au conseil d’administration de la FCCT

Together We're Bitter (TWB) Crafts Community
By Kenzie Love

The Kitchener, Ontario, brewpub has sought to make its community a bit more interesting and a bit more fun.

Worker Co-ops and the Sixth Principle
By Kenzie Love

The term “solidarity” is often bandied about in co-operative circles, but what does it actually mean? Part of the answer lies in the sixth co-op principle: co-operation among co-operatives.

Les coopératives de travail et le sixième principe
Par Kenzie Love

Le terme « la solidarité » se dit souvent dans le milieu des coopératives, mais quelle en est vraiment la signification? En partie, la réponse se trouve en tournant au sixième principe coopératif: la coopération entre les coopératives.

CICOPA - CWCF Statement on the Situation in Ukraine

CICOPA, the international federation of industrial and service co-operatives, has issued a statement on the situation in Ukraine. CWCF is a signatory to the statement.

Film Screening April 19: Atautsikut Leaving None Behind

Director John Houston's film documents how a little patchwork of co-operatives in Nunavik (northern Quebec) banded together to come out from under the boss—and change their place in the world. CWCF along with CCEDNet and Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-op will host a free virtual screening (in English and en français), followed by a question and answer session with the director and an FCNQ staff member. Join us on April 19th, from 6-8 p.m. ET. You must register in advance.

Solidarity Economy Principles Workshop, April 6

The Solidarity Economy Principles and practices to build the Solidarity Economy Movement have recently developed, and the team is currently in consultation to garner feedback from players in the Solidarity Economy Movement. Join CWCF on April 6 at 12 noon ET for an important workshop facilitated by Rebecca Kemble and Cheyenna Weber. 
Other Upcoming CWCF Events

Image courtesy Molly Graham, artist
Member Updates

  • Solidarity Co-op 11 Eleven New Media/ Groupe Nouveau Média of Montreal is CWCF's newest member. Please join us in welcoming them!
Canadian Co-op News

  • Local Food and Farm Co-ops is hosting their 13th Annual Assembly 2022: Pollinators of Change on April 1st-29th, 2022. Imagining how the world can work differently, regeneratively and cooperatively is the focus of this year’s event and we will be digging deep into solutions for the future together. The Assembly’s themes focus on strengthening connections between all parts of the food system, systems change based on relationship-building, resilience in the face of the pandemic, regenerative farming, collaborations and co-ops. Register now and see more details here:
  • Canadian co-operatives can complete a 5-minute self-assessment to find out if they are eligible to participate in the Co-operators Community Funds Co-op Impact Program. Learn more about the Co-op Impact Program.
  • Young Adult Arts and Culture Granting Program: Thanks to the generosity of the late CWCF president Mark Goldblatt, CWCF is once again offering a small grant, up to $1000, to help pay for an arts and cultural projects to promote co-operatives (preferably worker co-operatives). Applications are due by April 30, 2022. The project must be youth-generated (individual or a group/organization) and take place within Canada during the year following the application deadline (between May 1 to April 30).
Période d'inscription pour le Parcours COOP: passez le mot !
Le Parcours COOP est le seul parcours entrepreneurial spécialisé pour les coopératives gérées par les travailleur.euse.s visant la concrétisation et l’organisation de leur entreprise coopérative, la réalisation d’un plan d’affaires et un accès facilité au financement. La prochaine cohorte du Parcours COOP démarre le 4 mai et la période d'inscription est officiellement lancée.
The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF) is a national, bilingual grassroots membership organization of and for worker co-operatives, related types of co-operatives (multi-stakeholder co-ops and worker-shareholder co-ops), and organizations that support the growth and development of worker cooperatives. CWCF's e-newsletter is available free of charge to anyone with an e-mail address and an interest in worker co-operative developments in Canada. Please send any comments and suggestions, or news about your co-op, to:  

Kenzie Love
Editor of CWCF Newsletter 
.(403) 276-8250