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Fall 2018  
President's Column
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."   Dalai Lama
As I flip my calendar pages toward the end of the year, I think about some of the most common phrases we write and receive in holiday letters and cards. In our messages of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's, we see such words as love, peace, joy, and good will.
But at other times of the year, it can feel as though negative messages have an easier way of floating to the top and getting pushed to the    front. With the proliferation of social media such as Twitter, Facebook, email, and even cell phones, we receive messages all day, every day. We get them from news outlets, our neighbors (via Nextdoor sites), our families, and our friends.
Often it seems easier to fire off an angry message that might or might not be true without repercussion because of the anonymity of social media. If we were standing in front of someone, talking face to face, would we be as inclined to use inflammatory language? If we were looking someone in the eye, would we be as inclined toward anger? If the words were going from our mouth to someone's ear, would we be as inclined to talk nonstop rather than pause and listen?
The path of least resistance is used to describe everything from physics to human behavior. Today, the world seems to tilt toward the path of least resistance. It's easier to send an angry email than to pick up the phone and call someone to explain a situation and ask for help. It's easier to post a rant aimed at a specific person or even a group of people than it is to research whether or not the facts you've heard are true or false. And it's easier to transmit messages rather than receive them.
As people seem to feel angrier now than at any time in recent memory, they seem quick to pass that anger along to others. With the holidays drawing nearer, I recommit myself to kindness. And I'd like to call upon others to do the same. The country may be divided in myriad ways at this time in our history but one thing we can all use at any time of any day is kindness.
We don't need to save our kind words for our holiday messages. We need to use them now and throughout the year, if only to prove that the human spirit shines brightly all year long.
Two Strong Women, 45 Years of Service
Celebrating a combined 45 years of service with Cardinal, Accounting Supervisor Anna Hibbs and President Farrah Esquer were honored recently by their peers and Cardinal founder and CEO Susan Naples at an anniversary party at Cardinal headquarters. Cardinal is grateful for every day of their service.
Anna 25 years
Starting in Accounts Payable, Anna progressed through promotions and roles of increasing responsibility over the next two and a half decades. "I've stayed with this company for 25 years because Cardinal is a great company to work for and I enjoy working with our staff."

Farrah 20 years
Farrah started at Cardinal as a part-time accounting assistant while she was attending college full time. Now president of the company, Farrah said, "I love a challenge and learning new things. Our industry is ever-evolving so there is always something to learn." Taking the spotlight off herself and shining it on her coworkers, Farrah said, "A strong staff is absolutely essential to the success of any company. Whether today is your 25th anniversary with Cardinal or it's your first day, your value to our customers and our company is incalculable."
New Software Program Will Provide Greater Efficiency
As we continuously strive to provide the most up-to-date technology to benefit our clients, we are excited to announce a number of improvements. Effective December 1, 2018, we are transitioning our software to a program called Vantaca. Vantaca will help Board Members and homeowners in a variety of ways, and will provide even more efficiency for our staff.

Board Portal
Among the significant changes, Directors will have web-based access to such Association documents as Financial Statements, Board Packets, and Governing Documents. The Board will also be able to review work orders, open violations, and architectural change requests for their community.
Vantaca also offers a workflow process for approving invoices prior to checks being issued and presented for signature. This allows Boards to choose to pay vendors throughout the month, without the need for checks to be reviewed and signed at Meetings.
Violation Reporting
Using a tablet, Cardinal staff will perform site inspections, take photos, and log violations while on site. Photographs will then be printed directly on the violation notice sent to the homeowner.
Homeowners will continue to have the ability to view and pay their assessments online and will still have easy access to change their contact information. Owners will also be able to submit work order and architectural requests, and view the status of those requests, as well as see and respond to open violation notices. They will have easy access to Association documents and forms, and will have the ability to review the clubhouse rental calendar and make reservations online.

Architectural Application Review
The Architectural Committee will have the ability to review and respond to architectural applications online. This will greatly reduce the amount of time homeowners wait for the status of their requests.
These are just a few of the benefits of Vantaca. We will be communicating more fully as we expand capabilities. While the new software program will be effective December 1, some of the features will be finalized and tailored for your Association during the first half of 2019. We look forward to starting the new year with you, being able to serve your Community with even greater efficiency!
Cardinal Promotes from Within
We are proud to announce the internal promotion of three of our dedicated staff members.
Karen Holthe , former Director of Operations and Business Development, has been promoted to Vice President.
Cardinal Team Member: 8.5 years
Challenge: The most challenging part of my job is helping homeowners understand that we don't create the rules of their Association. We help enforce the rules and regulations set forth by their Boards.
Reward: It's particularly satisfying to resolve a long-standing matter that has plagued a community, sometimes even before Cardinal's entry as managing agent. It also gives me a warm, happy feeling when one of our managers receives a thank you from a homeowner or Board member. In our industry, we tend to hear the complaints more frequently than anything else so when one of our managers receives a kudo it's a great feeling.
Theresa Hirschman , former Senior Account Manager, has been promoted to Director of Property Management.
Cardinal Team Member: 18 years
Challenge: The most challenging part of my job is helping Boards and owners with difficult situations and improving their community.
Reward: There's nothing like the feeling I get when an owner or Board member thanks me for a job well done or helping with a difficult situation.
Dominique Zarate , former Office Manager, has been promoted to Manager of Operations.
Cardinal Team Member : 4 years
Challenge: Ensuring that all team members have the internal support they need, including cutting-edge tools and technology, to serve our customers and clients in such a way that they see Cardinal as a value-added component of their community-building processes.
Reward: Seeing our two major departments, Management and Support Staff, run smoothly because of the communication of needs and expected results. Celebrating the successful integration of new software, transitioning to our new server, and even changing our phone systems to help provide an easier experience for staff and clients alike.
In This Issue
Cardinal's Champions for a Cause 

Cardinal's Champion for a Cause (CCC) is an internal Cardinal program that allows employees and the company to team up to donate money to the employees' favorite charitable organizations throughout the year. Employees who participate in Casual Friday dress day each week donate a small sum of money to do so. Cardinal matches the collected funds, and a participating employee's name is randomly chosen during a staff meeting. That employee selects the charity to receive the donation.
Karen Holthe, Vice President
I chose the American Cancer Society because my family has been affected by multiple types of cancer. I am an 18-year breast cancer survivor, and my husband is a prostate cancer survivor. I chose to support an organization that works to cure all kinds of cancers.

Jessica Loyola, Account Manager
I picked the Children's Hospital of Orange County. My children are 1 and 4 years old, and I know I would do anything in my power to help them. If our donation can help other kids, I'm happy to play a small part.

Lisa Bryce, Account Manager
I selected the National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation because there are too many people close to me who have been affected by this disease. I am hopeful in the future that there will be a cure.

Cardinal on the Fly
You live your life on the fly. Cardinal-Online can flit with you wherever you go. We are proud to announce that Cardinal Property Management's website is available on smart phones and tablets.
Help Cardinal Fly Farther in 2018 and Receive a Discount for Your Association
Would you like your association to receive a $200 discount on its next monthly management fee? Cardinal has been dedicated to helping Boards and Directors throughout Orange County for 35 years. Our strategic plan for 2018 and beyond includes not only further spreading our wings in Orange County but also into the Inland Empire and Los Angeles County. Cardinal holds the prestigious Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC) designation from the Community Associations Institute (CAI).
We are offering our client associations $200 off their next monthly management fee for referring a new client who signs a contract with Cardinal. Refer your friends to our website so they can see who we are and how we can help their communities to enhance the quality of their community living experience.

Watch our website and newsletter for further information in the coming year.
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