Centex Technologies Newsletter

January 2019

Centex Technology

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our monthly newsletter. This month we will talk more about what is deep web, how to stay anonymous online, and the advantage of wearable technology. We will also discuss the stages of a cyber-attack. Check out our website at  www.centextech.com  or give us a call at 254-213-4740 if you have any questions. 
What Is Deep Web?
 Deep web comprises of   uncatalogued sub-pages of   domains, encrypted   networks, password-     protected data, private   databases etc. The content   in this invisible web cannot   be indexed by the search   engines and so it is generally hard to keep a track of it. Although there is no accurate estimate, but deep web is considered to be 400 to 500 times bigger than the surface web which is a part of World Wide Web that is available to general public and can be indexed by search engines.

Web, in general, can be compared to an iceberg where surface web resembles the visible tip and the huge part hidden below the surface forms the deep web.
How To Stay Anonymous Online
Internet has become an integral part of daily life because everything possible is seemingly available online. This is the reason, why there is a constant risk of your privacy being hacked by cyber criminals. Not only can they track your online presence but also snoop away on everything you do.
This constant tracking imposes the need of staying anonymous online. Following are some ways through which you can achieve the desired anonymity.  Read More...

It is an umbrella term used for all types of electronic devices that can be used as a material in clothing or worn directly as an accessory to record or provide access to specific user data. These devices are further capable of connecting to the internet and enable data sharing between network and the device. Data sharing has brought Wearable Technology to the forefront of Internet of Things (IoT).

We are located at 501 N. 4th Street (Corner of 4th & Ave B) in Killeen, TX, 13355 Noel Road Suite 1100 (One Galleria Tower) in Dallas, TX and 1201 Peachtree St. NE 400 Colony Square Suite 200 in Atlanta, GA and  7600 Chevy Chase Drive  Suite 300 in  Austin, TX 78752 .  If you have any questions or would like a free consultation on your IT needs, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Abdul Subhani
President & CEO
In This Issue:
What is Deep Web?
How To Stay Anonymous Online
Advantages Of Wearable Technology
Stages Of A Cyber Attack
Stages Of A Cyber-Attack
Cyber-attacks are increasing at a soaring rate. As per a report by Juniper Research, the average cost of data breach will exceed $150 million by 2020. Also, it is projected that cybercrimes will cost businesses over $2 trillion by 2019. The figures are alarming, and the businesses need to do something to prevent falling prey to a cyber-attack.

No wonder, better security and anti-virus systems are being designed but even the cyber-attacks are getting sophisticated & more complex with each passing day. Cyber criminals are finding one way or the other to infiltrate into the systems and get hold of private & confidential data.   Read More...  

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