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an email publication of the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) In Kentucky

In This Issue
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Carol Devine

June 22, 2016


Grounded, Growing, Overflowing!
KY Regional Assembly
September 22-24, 2016
Crestwood Christian Church, 
Lexington, KY

Featured Preachers: 
Rev. Joey Pusateri, Simpsonville,
CCK Moderator Rev. Darrell Hayden, High Street CC, Mt Sterling ; Rev. Kathyrn Welch, Woodland CC, Lexington and  Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, General Minister of the Christian Church (DOC) 
New CCK Website
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Mission First
Mission First! prompts Disciples to listen for God's call to mission in the 21st century world. Mission gatherings are taking place this year all over the country. All Disciples are encouraged to participate and share their congregation's particular passion within God's larger mission as well as be inspired to action by the stories of others. 

Mark your calendar and plan to attend one of these gatherings. 

July 31st - FCC, Mayfield - 3-5pm (CDT)
Aug 7th   - FCC, Danville - 3-5pm (EDT)
Aug 10th - FCC, Mt. Sterling 6-8pm (EDT)
Aug 14th - FCC, Lawrenceburg 3-5pm (EDT)
Aug 14th - Florence CC 3-5pm (EDT)
Aug 17th - Central CC, Lexington 6:30 - 8:30pm
Aug 21st - Jeffersontown CC, 3-5pm (EDT)
Aug 28th - FCC, Madisonville 3-5pm (CDT)

Discover what God is doing in the world through Disciples
You are invited to Missionworks
¡Missionworks! is an unique experience for pastors, mission board members, and anyone interested in mission to connect with the global work of the church. 

August 26-28th in Indianapolis you will learn how to build on your congregation's existing passion for mission and receive tools for sharing about God's mission in the world.

¡Missionworks! will help you to:
Pray - Discover music, prayer, and worship resources that will connect your congregation to life-giving partner ministries.
Engage - Learn first-hand from international partners, missionaries, and Global Ministries staff about issues affecting communities around the world and how your congregation can work together to address these challenges.
Celebrate - Hear the Good News of how the global church is making a difference in the world through your support and efforts.

Global Ministries is also excited to be joined by:
Bishop Munib Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. Bishop Younan will be delivering a keynote Saturday morning on the importance of protecting Christian communities in the Holy Land, and share ideas on how American Christians can share in the important advocacy work being done.
Rev. Johnson Mbillah of the Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa will be presenting a keynote Saturday afternoon on the current situation of Christian-Muslim relationships in Africa and sharing how the Christian communities in Kenya and Nigeria have responded in the aftermath of violence to work towards reconciliation. 

¡Missionworks! will be held at the Marten House in Indianapolis, IN from Aug. 26-28. For more information and to register visit:
Connect  KY Disciples!
Forward this email to a friend. 

Share the newsletter from the CCK facebook page to your own facebook page.
VBS 2016
Planning for summer? 
Check out DHM's suggestions and links to comprehensive   VBS curriculum reviews for 2016 

Disciples Musicians
2016 Association of Disciples Musicians Conference
Weave Us Together, will be held at the 
University of Evansville, 
Evansville, IN
July 17-22, 2016
The conference is open to all interested musicians, clergy, choir directors, handbell directors, and anyone who appreciates fine music.  Please contact Alice Chaney for more information.
Resources for Congregations
Cynthiana Christian Church Scripture Texts and Liturgical Colors

Scripture Passage Search

Calls to Worship, Prayers, Devotions


Create a culture of Generosity

The "E" Word, A Six Week Study

General Assembly
July 8-12, 2017
Indianapolis, Indiana
Save the Date!  
New Life Christian Church
New Life in Christ Christian Church is in a facility for incarcerated women and they worship each Tuesday night at 7:00 PM in t he Diersen Center, 1218 W. Oak Street in Loui sville, Kentucky. 

If your congregation would like to visit or lead a worship or learn more about welcoming returning citizens into you congregation, please contact Rev. Dean Bucalos by email at or by phone (502) 396-3543.

Mission Behind Bars and Beyond
VISIT Mission Behind Bars and Beyond Website to learn more about this important Ministry. 

Mission Behind Bars and Beyond continues to grow and to participate in the transformation of many lives through the grace of God.  For the next two years, Douglass Blvd. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will match (up to $5,000 totally each year) any contributions your congregation makes for the first time and any increase in giving to MBBB your congregation may make to MBBB. 
Support this critical ministry and  Donate now!

to our 2016 CCK Graduates!

Wakon-Da-Ho Y'Yall Camp: Sept 2-4 

Registrations still accepted!

For information about regional youth events, retreats or camp, contact Dave Carr at dave  
National Youth Event
Registration NOW OPEN for an International Disciples & UCC Youth Event, July 26-30, 2016  at  Walt Disney World's Coronado Springs Resort
The first gathering of youth from both denominations with youth from around the world. 
Register by May 27th.

Who's invited?
All Disciples and UCC youth, aged 13-18 (and their families, leaders, and ministers). NYE is a youth-centered event but seeks to serve all ages who are attending to support their youth.

Mark Your Calendar

Welcoming Everyone
August 25-27, 2016
People on the autism spectrum, people with different developmental, intellectual, and physical abilities sometimes find church a difficult place to navigate. This conference will offer some practical things that congregations can do to make church an inviting place for everyone. We hope to begin conversations between churches about what is already being done and what else needs to be done to welcome these children of God. This event will offer useful approaches to working with folks with special needs.

For more information call  828.669.8977 

Register for retreats and learn more at   Christmount.
Clergy News 
Doctor of Ministry
The next Doctor of Ministry Cohort Begins September, 2016. If you have  been considering a D. Min. degree, now is the time to apply. Lexington Theological Seminary offers a D. Min. in  Leading Congregations in Adaptive Change .  The next cohort will start in September, 2016 and applications are due by July 1!  Now is the time to   start the application process  for the D. Min. Earn a M. Div. from an ATS accredited school. For more information, contact Erin Cash, Director of Admissions at  or (859) 280-1249. 
Clergy Boundaries
CCK has partnered with Lutherans, Methodists and Presbyterians in KY to offer Boundaries Training in ecumenical settings.  All CCK clergy must take Boundaries Training every five years and all clergy new to the region of KY must take Boundaries training in his or her first year. It is your responsibility to register.

2016 Quadrennial Boundaries Trainings 

August 13th - Lexington, KY

November 10th - Madisonville, KY

9 AM - 4:00 PM
$30 Fee includes lunch and training materials

Registration Instructions
1. Go to:
2. In the search window type:
clergy boundaries
3. Select
Quadrennial Boundaries Training
 for the location and date you desire.
4. Fill in your information
5. Under "District" type
6. Under "Where are you currently appointed?" type
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
7. Pay with one of the options listed.

You must register at least one week in advance. Questions can be directed to the contact person listed for the training.

Questions about your ministerial standing can be directed to David Carr
Parents of Murdered Children
The grief process for parents of murdered children may be different from other causes of death.  There is one chapter of POMC in Kentucky and it is in Berea. The  Berea Chapter of Parents of Murdered Children (POMC) meets at  Glades Christian Church, 530 Glades Road, Berea, Kentucky. 

The monthly meetings will always be held the third Monday of each month from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Our first meeting will be May 16, 2016.
For further information about this free support group, contact Sonya Begay at (859) 358-8328 cell phone and (859) 779-9051 address is

There are also speakers available for any ministerial group meetings about the effects of murder on families and their grief process.   
Please send information for the CCK News to:

Carol Devine

Christian Church In Kentucky