News From Church

Friday, June 23, 2023

Worship. Learn. Serve.
The love of Christ compels us to worship, learn and serve as a Christ-centered community inviting all to share a relationship with God.
  • Volunteer for VBS: Need Help with Decorations and Yoga skills.
  • Work Day - This Saturday
  • No Men's Bible Study this week

Read on for details...

June 25, 2023


11:00 a.m.

in-person and livestream

The Rev. Dr. Mike Brewer is preaching.

Scripture focus: Matthew 10:24-33

Worship Bulletin with Hymns
Livestream Worship
Congregational Engagement

Many Hands Make Light Work

Join the Buildings and Grounds team this Saturday for a work day. there are lots of things around the church that need tending. Assistance needed providing lunch as well.

Saturday June 24th, 9a.m. Start time

Get your Blood Pressure Checked!

The Health Ministry team invites you to get your blood pressure checked July 9th. Screenings will be offered once a month on the second Sunday of each month before and after service. - Chapel 9:45a.m. to 10:45a.m. and 12p.m to 1p.m.

Please feel free to talk with Mary or Cindy if you have any questions.

Mary Lee 859-992-8375

Cindy Foster 859-444-7980

Coffee Hour

Join us for Coffee Hour after worship. Come sip and enjoy the fellowship of friends.

6/25- Hosted by



Upcoming Coffee Hour Hosts:

7/2 - Presbyterian Women

7/9 - Congregational Life

7/16 - Stewardship

7/23 - Worship

flat-summer-vibes-illustration_23-2149410479 image

Pastor Louisa Away

June 19 - July 1: Vacation

July 2 - 9: Study Leave

Pastor Louisa is traveling west for vacation and then study leave at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. Learn about Ghost Ranch here!

Pastoral Care Coverage:

While Louisa is away, our Deacons will continue their ministry of care.

Both Louisa and Mike will be away June 19-22, though, so for pastoral emergencies we have recruited the Rev. Lisa Stenner (pastor of Union PC). She will be available at 859-907-8662.

  • June 19-22: The Rev. Lisa Stenner
  • June 23-July 8: The Rev. Dr. Mike Brewer

No Men's Bible Study This Week

Pastor Mike hosts this weekly Men's Bible Study.

Thursdays at 8:00 A.M.

Lakeside Library

and via Zoom

*There will be no Bible study on June 22nd*

(will resume June 29th)

Zoom Link
Congregational Care Updates

Please hold in prayer members of our congregation who are dealing with health and pastoral concerns.

Recently added prayer requests or updates:

  • Gary Lee is recuperating at home from shoulder surgery.
  • Sandy Cambron is recovering from a successful heart procedure. Text Mary Lee for updates.
  • John Deye is home recovering from surgery on his back and neck.
  • Pam Marcum is home recovering from a difficult infection.
  • Susan Zugehoer is home from Boone Springs, recovering from a broken ankle.
  • Milt McCracken is recovering at home.
  • Lana Culver who lost her son, Jeff.

You can submit a prayer request (or update us on an already existing request) by emailing or contacting our church office at 859-341-1963

The Prayer Group meets via Zoom on Tuesdays at 7:15 p.m. Their summer dates are: June 20, July 18, and August 15.

HERE is the Zoom link if you would like to join.

Serving and Giving

Per capita is the primary source of funding for the Presbytery.

In 2023, Lakeside’s Per Capita responsibility is $12,886 based on the number of members we have as of 12/31/2021 at $34, per church member. 

We ask that all LPC members pay their portion noting “Per Capita” on their payment. 

Please consider “paying your part” of the $34 per church member.

Vacation Bible School

Volunteers Needed!

Reach out to Suzanne Smith for info (Suzanne's email).

Our theme for this summer's VBS is Changing the World with Loving Kindness and registration is open!

July 23rd - 27th

6:00-8:00 p.m.

Register Now!

On behalf of the Joseph and Almasri families and your KRM Co-Sponsor Team: Lora Davis, Clay Deye, John Deye, Rosemarie Deye, Elaine Lewis, Larry Lewis,

Pam Houseman, Angie Taylor, Claudia Mosey, Tom and Fran Feronti, and 

Pastor Louisa Umphries, I would like to extend our sincere appreciation for your generous and ongoing support for our refugee families. 

The Almasri family is now living in Newport. The Joseph familiy has relocated to Louisville to be with family.

A special "shout out" goes to Tom Hanser (blind installation), Will Umphres (bunk bed assembly), and Doug Ginn (moving furniture and help on 'set-up' day).

To the congregation and beyond, your generosity and compassion are a testament to who we are at Lakeside Presbyterian Church. Sincere and heartfelt thanks.

Fran Feronti, Team Leader

June Giving Barrel:

Family Nurturing Center Snack Drive

When children and families come to Family Nurturing Center for services, they are offered a snack and drink to nurture them. FNC goes through over 1,000 snacks and drinks each month! Lakeside agreed to sponsor their snacks for July, so we're collecting through June. They are asking for:

  • boxes of snacks and/or drinks
Sign Up to
be a Liturgist!
Liturgists provide a meaningful contribution to worship at Lakeside Presbyterian Church. Members of the congregation read the scriptures, offer prayers, and lead worship in specific ways according to each week’s needs.
Liturgist Sign-Up
Sanctuary Flowers
If you would like to donate flowers for a Sunday worship service in the sanctuary in honor or memory of someone, or to simply donate and beautify our worship space, please sign-up!
Sign Up to Provide Flowers
Children, Youth, and Families
MicrosoftTeams-image image

Youth in Montreat!

Our youth are in NC

A Note from John:

This week, a group of youth and youth volunteers will trek to the mountains of North Carolina for the Montreat Youth Conference. Once there, they’ll spend a week with youth from around the country engaging in powerful worship, deep spiritual growth, games, and having a few snacks along the way. 

The theme of this year’s Montreat youth conference, In•Joy, is not only important for youth, but for people of all ages. In a hectic, uncertain, and sometimes dangerous world, it can be hard to open ourselves up to the joy that God offers us. To help with this, youth at Montreat will be challenged to find how they can embody joy in their schools, churches, and other aspects of their lives.  

While our youth enjoy their Montreat experience, I invite you to participate in two ways.

  • First, you can pray for our youth traveling to North Carolina. While retreats like Montreat can be a great experience, they can also be overwhelming and challenging at times. I know our youth and volunteers would appreciate you praying for the best Montreat possible.

  • Next, I’d ask you to keep in mind how you share joy in your life. Do you find ways to showcase the joy that God brings you? Do you help others find joy in their faith? This week is a great chance to discover how you can be a person of joy.  

Thank you to everyone at Lakeside Presbyterian Church for supporting the youth of this church. The volunteers and youth attending Montreat look forward to seeing you after a very busy week and a few good nights of sleep. 

John Hodges-Batzka

Coordinator, Northern Kentucky Youth Group 

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Weekly Presbytery Newsletter
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