Church of the Holy Comforter eNews | January 17, 2025 | |
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California Wildfire Relief
Help bring urgent relief to those who have been impacted by the fires throughout Southern California. Please visit our website HERE to give. Please select "Wild Fires in Southern California" from the Fund menu. One hundred percent of all donations will go to Episcopal Relief & Development which works through a network of local faith and community partners to support people impacted by this disaster. We may change where we direct our funds as needs change.
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Thank you to all who have pledged during Our Faith In Action stewardship campaign. Please help us reach our goal of $1,250,000. Pledge cards are available in the Narthex. Or pledge online! Thank you. | |
Please Welcome Our New Vestry!
On Sunday, January 12, 2025, we celebrated the installation of the 2025 Church of the Holy Comforter Vestry. Each year the congregation elects four new members of the Vestry to serve on this twelve-member group of leaders, for a three-year term. These members are representatives of the church who are leaders willing to learn and engage others to participate in the work of the church. The Vestry is responsible for the parish finances, buildings and grounds, stewardship, and partners with other ministry leaders to oversee God's spiritual work. Each Vestry member assumes a leadership role in the ministries of the church. Please FOLLOW THIS LINK to welcome and learn more about the 2025 Vestry.
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3rd Saturday Workday
This Saturday, Jan. 18; 9 a.m.–Noon
Join us on the 3rd Saturday of every month as we work to restore our forest, and to make our campus more environmentally responsible. We gather at the lower end of the parking lot at 9 a.m., and work until noon, doing different activities each month, depending on the season. Canceled if the weather is unpleasant. For more information, please contact Margaret Bain or Kerry Gilpin.
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Introduction to Gestalt Soul Care
This Saturday, Jan. 18; 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; Lillian Croy Room
This course is an introduction to Gestalt Soul Care’s healing processes and approaches. Gestalt Soul Care provides a profound and effective healing and growth process for anyone who desires to be free of what holds them back from the abundant life Jesus promised. Please contact Alexandra MacCracken, Gestalt Soul Care Mentor, for questions or more information. The course continues Feb. 1 and 8.
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Taste and See #1 - Exploring the Liturgy
This Sunday, Jan. 19; 11:15 a.m.; Community Hall
For newcomers and old timers alike, this is the first of a four-part series on being Episcopalian. Part of our Episcopal 101 class—it’s open to all. (presented by the Rev. Ann Gillespie).
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Youth Mission Trip to Puerto Rico
All High School Youth are invited to register NOW for our 2025 Puerto Rico Mission Trip, June 16–22. This is an opportunity for a life-changing experience. Learn more HERE. Please come to the information and fundraising planning meeting in McGill Hall this Sunday, Jan. 19 from 12:10 to 1:15 p.m.
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Youth Confirmation Class Update
Last Sunday our Confirmation Class (Confirm not Conform) played the Council Of Holy Comforter card game, designed by parishioners Kip and Andrew Bailey. This fun game exposes the confirmands to the wide variety of roles and ministries in the church. Directing the game was Kip and Andrew Brailey, with Rev. Jon, Kim Brailey, and Rita Galiano looking on.
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FACETS Youth & Adult Outreach Team
Thanks to our food prep team, now under the leadership of Betsy Millet and Thyra Parcell. Thanks also to the delivery team of adults and youth. Please continue to donate heavy, warm, winter socks, hats, and gloves. The next volunteer opportunity is Sunday, Feb. 9. Please contact Thyra Parcell or sign up online HERE to volunteer. Learn more about FACETS.
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Heavy Warm Socks In Big Demand
All the socks were snapped up by neighbors in need during the Jan. 12 FACETS food and clothes delivery. Warm coats were also in demand, but we do have sufficient coats for the next few months, thanks to your generous contributions. We now need to depend on everyone to restock our heavy-hiking-type warm socks and warm hats and gloves in preparation for our Feb. 9 delivery. Please continue to donate heavy, warm, socks, hats, and gloves.
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At Holy Comforter, Adult Faith Formation is offered in a myriad of ways and days, times, and seasons. We invite and support questioning, exploration, and wrestling with faith. Through a rich variety of programs for all stages of Christian development, we nurture and practice our core beliefs and are encouraged to live into our Baptismal promises. Check out Winter 2025 Offerings. | |
Priest on a Hot Seat: Answering the Tough Questions
Sunday, Jan. 26 at 11:15 am in the Community Hall
Are you facing challenging questions about faith and religion from your kids, teens, or even yourself? Perhaps around balancing scripture and tradition with modern perspectives on science and social issues? Or on grappling with difficult Old Testament stories or addressing past hurts around church? Join us for advice, resources, and real conversation on how to engage thoughtfully with difficult questions and welcome them as part of your kids' faith journeys (and your own). This forum will be built around your own tough questions, so bring them to the forum. Try to stump our priests! If you have questions you'd like to submit in advance, please share them HERE.
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Senior Saints Meeting and Lunch
Friday, Feb. 7; 11:45 a.m.; Community Hall
Jeff Levin of District Music Academy will deliver a presentation on the impact of music technology on the creation, arrangement, performance, and distribution of music from the early 20th Century to the modern day. A variety of song samples and artists will be evaluated for their contribution to music using technology available at different time periods. Learn more about Jeff Levin HERE. Bring your own lunch. Beverages and Desserts will be provided.
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All-Parish Chili Cookoff & Game Night
AND Second Saturday Church
Saturday, Feb. 8; 5 p.m. (church); 6 p.m. (chili & games)
Get ready for the return of HoCo's Chili Cookoff & Game Night on Feb. 8 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the Community Hall. We'll have dinner, dessert, and board games for all ages. Bring your A-game and a favorite board game to the table and—if you want to throw your hat into the ring—a crockpot of your favorite chili. Valuable prizes awarded for the winning bowls o' red. We'll provide salad, cornbread, dessert, and a kid-friendly option for those who don't like chili. Get more information and RSVP HERE!
Beforehand, we will celebrate 2nd Saturday Church in the Chapel at 5 p.m., with lively music, sermon, and prayers that are child-friendly but inclusive and meaningful for all. Children play even a greater role in worship and are invited to participate by lighting candles, ushering, greeting, and more. You can join us for church first at 5 p.m. or just for food and games at 6 p.m.!
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at 214 Dominion Road, NE, Vienna, VA
Last week’s snow not only disrupted our schedule but also caused a slowdown of donations. We are in need of home decor items as we remove all the Christmas decor—our shelves are somewhat bare! Decorative items play a large part in the overall beauty of our Shop so please consider donating anything you can spare so we can replenish our shelves. If you’re interested in volunteering we can always use new desk workers so please contact Jim Peterson. Thank you.
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SAVE THE DATE! Hogwarts VBS is scheduled for Monday, June 23 through Friday, June 27, with Diagon Alley VBS Preview scheduled for Sunday, April 27. Registration opens Feb. 10. Watch this space for more details coming soon. | |
Small Actions, Big Impact:
Ways to Help Family Ministries
As we launch our children's formation programs for 2025, we are filled with renewed energy and fresh ideas to support kids and families on their faith journeys. We warmly invite parishioners of all ages to join us! There are plenty of ways to help out, and most require a small amount of time and effort. Please visit this page for ways you can help. Thank you in advance, and wishing you a New Year filled with blessings.
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AP Research Survey Participants Needed
As part of her high school AP Research class, parishioner Lauren Bissett is conducting a research project about the influence of social media in U.S. presidential campaigning. Part of the methodology includes surveying people on their political engagement. This is done to observe people’s engagement and how that differs between generations, thus who politicians are targeting in their campaign strategies. If you would like to participate in Lauren’s survey, please FOLLOW THIS LINK. Lauren thanks you for your help.
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March 2–9
In partnership with FACETS, our Community Hall will host 30+ guests who live and work without a home. We will provide a hot meal for dinner, a warm comfortable space to sleep for the night, breakfast in the morning, and a “to go” lunch. Questions? Please contact Alex Graham. Here’s how you can help:
- Visit our website HERE to volunteer (make a meal, serve meals, and greet guests, drive the FACETS van, etc.). A training session with more details will be held Feb. 23 at 3 p.m. via Zoom.
- Donate much-needed funds to support our guests for Metro Smart Trip Cards and other needed supplies. Donate HERE (select “Hypothermia Shelter” in the Fund dropdown menu)
- Provide much-needed personal supplies (toothpaste/brushes, socks, soap/shampoo, etc.). Look for the big green bin marked “Hypothermia Shelter” in the Narthex.
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Medical Equipment Lending Closet
Do you, or perhaps a holiday visitor, need help with mobility? We have the answer! You can borrow a lightweight wheelchair, walker, rollator, shower bench, cane, commode riser and surround, or even a bed cane to help getting into and out of bed, and MORE. If you need the temporary use of any medical equipment please contact Sheryl Watson.
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VESTRY PERSON OF THE MONTH (VPOM) For the month of January 2025, the VPOM is Kathy DeSanti-Paulini. Learn more about Kathy at the Holy Comforter website, which also includes the minutes from the monthly Vestry meetings, the Vestry Corner, and other Vestry communications. Comments? Questions? In the need of pastoral care? Please reach out to this month’s VPOM, Kathy DeSanti-Paulini.
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MINISTRY LEADERS: A whiteboard with magnets is available in the Narthex for you to post announcements. Please use the board rather than posting on the walls or columns in the Narthex. | | | | |