Senior Saints BYO Lunch
Friday, February 3; 11:45 a.m.; Ministry Center
Please join the Senior Saints when our guest will be Dr. James Strand, our Rector’s father, a gifted music scholar who will treat us to an organ recital. Bring your own lunch. Beverages and desserts will be provided. If you would like to bring a dessert to share, please contact Barbara Fitzsimmons so we can be sure to have enough. Learn more about Dr. James Strand.
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2nd Saturday Church for Kids of ALL AGES
Beginning Saturday, February 11; 5 p.m.
Every 2nd Saturday at 5 p.m. join us in the Chapel for a child-friendly service including live guitar music and Shrine Mont songs! Then stay for pizza and fellowship in the Ministry Center. Please RSVP to Brynn Pacitti so that we know how much pizza to provide. Not just for kids—ALL AGES are welcome.
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Holy Comforter Concert Series:
Looking Up to the Trees and Sky
David K. Houston, Organ
This Sunday, February 5; 4 p.m.
Holy Comforter’s Music Series presents David Houston, Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew’s Episcopal, College Park. Houston’s program will include Clair de Lune by Louis Vierne and Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin, along with other pieces that focus on the natural world. A reception will follow.
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Being With
Curiosity.... Connection.... Community
10 Sessions Starting February 6
Mondays; 7:15–8:30 p.m. on Zoom
We're launching a new program called Being With for small group conversation around issues that matter; the desire to make sense of our lives and the world in the context of the Christian faith. Registration deadline is this Sunday, February 5. Learn more.
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Located at 214 Dominion Road, NE, Vienna, VA
Don't let the mild January temperatures lull you into thinking winter has passed us by. It's coming—and If you've been putting off buying winterwear, stop by Pennywise for the warm jacket, sweater, or boots that are missing from your closet. (Pennywise will continue to accept winter clothing through the end of February.) While you are in the shop, don't forget to check out our selection of Valentine's Day decor and gifts. Volunteer opportunities at Pennywise include:
- 2nd Thursday of the month, noon–2 p.m.
- 4th Friday of the month, noon–2 p.m.
- Sunday, Feb. 12, 2–4 p.m.
- One volunteer is needed 10 a.m.–noon, and two volunteers are needed noon–2 p.m. on the following Fridays: April 28, July 28, Sept. 29, and Dec. 29.
Please contact Judy Kilkenny or Judith Fister (Helen Mertz for Sunday shifts).
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Interested in volunteering on Sunday afternoons at Pennywise?
You can also sign up online HERE!
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WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE OUR GOAL. Giving financially is one way we make our faith real. When we give back some of what we have, and join it with others’ gifts, a tangible sense of having more than we expected happens. Please make a pledge HERE! | | | |
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Holy Comforter Worships at First Baptist Church
Sunday, February 12; 10 a.m.
Dear Holy Comforter family,
One of the things that came out of our recent Sacred Ground course and our Becoming Beloved Community initiative is a desire to connect more deeply with our sister church in Vienna, First Baptist. One of their members participated in the Sacred Ground class and offered a cordial invitation to worship with them on Sunday, February 12 at 10 a.m. If you are interested in joining us or carpooling, please let me know.
In Christ’s love, Ann+
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Choral Evensong
Sunday, February 12; 5 p.m.
Holy Comforter’s Adult Choir will present a service of evensong followed by an elegant reception. This beautiful and brief choral liturgy will include canticles by Peter Aston, and the premiere of an anthem by Holy Comforter’s Minister of Music, David Kelley.
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All-Parish Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, February 19; 8 am–Noon
All are welcome in the Ministry Center for fun, fellowship, and food, including pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, juices, milk, coffee, and tea. Gluten free options available. Proceeds benefit this summer’s Youth Mission Trip to Puerto Rico. Tickets go on sale February 5 ($8/person, $25/family). You can also prepay online HERE (select "Pancake Breakfast" from the Fund menu). Youth and parent volunteers are needed for ticket sales, grocery shopping, decorating, setup, cooking, serving, cleanup, and more!
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HoCo Adult Prom
Saturday, March 4; 7–10 p.m.
Dance the night away on the Love Boat! Join us for HoCo's first Adult Prom, on Saturday, March 4 in the Ministry Center. $25/person. Childcare provided. Financial assistance available by contacting Denis McMullan. Proceeds benefit this summer's Youth Mission Trip to Puerto Rico. Tickets will be on sale in the narthex on February 12, 19, and 26, or prepay online HERE (select "HoCo Adult Prom;" in memo include number of tickets and note if childcare is needed). Questions? Contact Susan McGuire or Amy Davison.
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Body & Soul Fitness Open House
Now through February 14
This is a great time to try all our programs and discover the ones that fit you best! parishioners Lynne Brents and Linda Khan host Cardio-Strength classes in person or via Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:45 a.m. (come one day per week or both days). More details HERE or email Linda Khan or Lynne Brents.
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HCEP&K Dining for Dollars
On Wednesday, February 15, from 4 to 8 p.m. help support HCEP&K (Holy Comforter Episcopal Preschool & Kindergarten) by purchasing a meal at Panera Bread at 136 Maple Ave. Unit B, Vienna. Use code FUND4U at online checkout, in the Panera App, or at the kiosk in-care and 20% of the sales will be donated to HCEP&K!
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Book and Movie Club: BlacKkKlansman
Monday, February 20; 7 p.m. on Zoom
Sponsored by Becoming Beloved Community
An African American police officer in Colorado Springs, CO, successfully manages to infiltrate the local Ku Klux Klan branch with the help of a Jewish surrogate who eventually becomes its leader. Based on actual events. Questions? Contact Peter Brownrigg. Please watch the movie in advance and join the Zoom discussion HERE.
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Annual Parish Business Meeting followed by Lunch
Sunday, February 26; following the 9:30 a.m Service
The Annual Parish Business Meeting will be held on February 26 following the 9:30 a.m. worship service, from 10:45 to 11:45 in the Sanctuary. Come and hear about the many ways the Holy Spirit is moving among us. There will be no 11:15 service or Adult Bible Study on this day. Everyone is invited to stay for lunch in the Ministry Center following the meeting, from 11:45 to 1 p.m. Hope you can make it!
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Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Meeting and Program
Saturday, March 11; Ministry Center
Come for coffee at 9:30 a.m. and stay for our speaker, Ann Stuntz, at 10 a.m. February is Women’s History Month and Ann’s family has lived and written Vienna’s history. Her mother wrote a history of Vienna and Ann is the current president of Historic Vienna. Come and learn about one family’s record of life in the early years of Vienna.
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Men's Work Morning
Saturday, March 18; 9 a.m.–Noon
Save the date for a morning of outdoor bonding with other men in our parish! Following three previous work mornings which made visible improvements to our land, Kerry Gilpin and Mark Schmitt will divide us up into project groups to improve signage and to beautify the nature area beyond the upper parking lot. Details to be announced in February. See you there!
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FOYERS: Spring Round Join/Drop
Foyers are groups of adults meeting once a month (at times scheduled within each group) to enjoy fellowship and meals together. Foyers groups (of about six) dine, Dutch treat, in restaurants that the groups choose. For each of three meetings, the group will share in coordinating the date and restaurant. It's a great way to get to know fellow parishioners. To sign up to join or drop for the spring round (January 22–February 5), please notify Shelia Creswell or sig nup on the Narthex. NOTE: IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY PARTICIPATING IN THE FALL-WINTER ROUND, YOU WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE SPRING ROUND UNLESS YOU DROP.
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Register for a Holy Comfort Box
Register your young adults (18–24) in college, in the military, or just living away from home for this year’s Holy Comfort Box program. In early March, each registered young adult will receive a box of “Holy Comfort” containing snacks and other goodies. Register in person in the narthex on Sunday or download a registration form HERE; a list of requested items is HERE. Please return the completed form and your donations to the Holy Comfort Box table in the narthex, or email the information to Joni Langevoort.
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