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"Vaccine Buddies" Making a Difference in LF-LB

Along with Dickinson Hall, Vaccine Buddies are leading the charge to assist residents aged 65 and older in navigating the multitude of websites and information out there to help them schedule vaccination appointments.

Seniors Who Need Help may access help by using Facebook or this form.

Currently, over 50 volunteers have signed up to help! If you're interested in "buddying up" with a senior resident, please register via Facebook, email LF/LB Vaccine Buddies at or fill out this form.

Please call Dickinson Hall (Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Senior Center) at 847.234.2209 for more information.
Vaccinations at United Center

Appointments for Lake County seniors 65 and older opened on March 3 at the United Center. Visit or call 312.746.4835 to book an appointment.
Nearby COVID Testing

The State of Illinois and Highland Park are sponsoring a drive-through and walk up COVID testing site at the Highland Park Metra Station, 1700 St. John's Avenue, on the following dates from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

  • Saturday, March 6
  • Tuesday, March 9
  • Saturday, March 13
  • Friday, March 19

Testing is free and open to all regardless of symptoms. A phone number and name are required in order to receive testing results. Photo identification and proof of insurance are helpful, but not required. High demand for testing may result in long wait times. Testing locations may close early due to inclement weather or if daily testing supplies are exhausted. Additional COVID-19 testing locations and information can be found at the IDPH website.

How do I get my test results?  
If you were tested by your own healthcare provider, please contact them directly and follow their instructions for getting your test results. If you were tested at a State-run Community-Based Testing Site or mobile testing site, you will receive a phone call with your results.  
If you were recently tested at a mobile COVID-19 testing site and you have not been contacted within 7 days, please call 888-297-7208 or visit
Register for the COVID-19 Vaccination here.
Deerpath/Rte. 41 Viaduct/Pump Station Project

At the southeast corner: 

Excavation for the pump station will begin and several trucks will be staged along Ahwahnee Lane.

On Deerpath Golf Course:  
Excavation and topsoil placement is continuing at Detention Pond #1 (adjacent to Rte. 41) and at Detention Pond #2 further to the east. Trucks will be staged on Clover Avenue (the entrance to Deerpath Golf Course).

Underneath the Viaduct:  A boring pit was excavated where a drainage pipe will be directional-bored towards the Golf Course under Rte. 41, the bike path, and the Union Pacific freight train line. This work is scheduled to begin April 5. On or about April 12, the southbound exit ramp onto Deerpath from 41 will be closed for at least 4 weeks as this drainage pipe is installed.

Contractors are working from 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on weekdays. Should Deerpath need to be reduced to one lane, flaggers will be present to direct trucks entering and exiting Deerpath Golf Course. 

Any questions should be directed to Bernard Pondexter, Engineering Assistant, Public Works Department, at 847.810.3556.   
The Sound of Sunshine and Summer Camps
is Here - Register Today!
City Hall is an
Early Voting Site

Did You Know? City Hall (220 E. Deerpath) is an Early Voting site for the April 6 Consolidated Election. Current social distancing rules will be followed.

Dates: Monday, March 22-Saturday, April 4
Hours: M-F, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday,
9 a.m.-2 p.m.

For more information, visit
City Hosts Free Paper Shredding Event

Saturday, April 17
8:30-11:30 a.m.
Municipal Services Building
800 N. Field Drive

Open to Lake Forest residents only - bring your private documents to be safely and securely destroyed. Please note that there is a four-box limit (a box is considered to be about the size of a standard copier paper box) and that any plastic paper bindings should be removed.
Upcoming City Meetings

  • Finance Committee Budget Operating Workshop: Meeting: Monday, 3/8, 6 p.m.
  • Plan Commission Meeting: Wednesday, 3/10, 6:30 p.m.

Click here for agendas, minutes, packets and videos. Meetings are held remotely unless noted.
School Districts Introduce "Project F_LL"

Lake Forest School Districts 67 and 115 and Lake Bluff School District 65 launched "PROJECT F_LL", a tri-district food collection and distribution initiative addressing the growing issue of food insecurity in Lake County. 
According to the Northern Illinois Food Bank, a member of Feeding America, hunger in the region is on the rise. In Lake County, about 6.9 percent of residents were considered food insecure in 2018. Due in part to the pandemic, that number climbed to nearly 12 percent at the end of 2020. In response, Districts 65, 67, and 115 students, staff, and families are partnering to establish ongoing collection and distribution of food for Lake County residents.

For more information, click here.
The Lake County Health Department urges all Lake Country residents to register with AllVax and to pursue opportunities for vaccination at retail pharmacies, hospitals, or doctors' offices.

Please note that the AllVax system will update your profile if you receive a vaccine from another provider.

The AllVax system does not email everyone who is eligible at the same time. It will notify you when all three of these things occur:

  1. You are eligible in the current phase of vaccinations;
  2. The Health Department has received a shipment of vaccine; AND
  3. Vaccination appointments are currently available.

Where can I find vaccination sites to check for appointments?
The State of Illinois has created an interactive map of locations offering vaccine appointments. The State of Illinois Vaccine Locator website provides a directory of locations offering COVID-19 vaccines, including dozens of pharmacies in Lake County. At this time, all sites are providing vaccinations by appointment only. Residents are encouraged to check with their own healthcare provider and register with additional vaccine providers who may have appointments available. Please be advised that all vaccine providers have very limited appointment availability due to limited vaccine supply. While vaccine supply remains low, please check back at participating sites near you. Appointments may open (and fill) quickly.
Is the City providing vaccinations?
No, vaccines are being distributed through local health departments and vaccination partners, such as pharmacies and hospital systems. The Lake County Health Department is the primary vaccinator for our area, supported by area hospitals, pharmacies, and medical groups. As vaccine inventories increase, vaccines will be more widely available at convenient locations such as retail pharmacies, doctors' offices, and state-run clinics. 

For answers to frequently answered questions about COVID-19 vaccination, please visit the AllVax FAQ page.
Local COVID Resources

State/Federal COVID Resources

The City of Lake Forest, Illinois | Website