A Message from Clackamas Water Environment Services Director Greg Geist
Dear Valued Customer,
On behalf of Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES), I wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy 2024.

This past year saw milestone achievements and progress on projects designed to strengthen our ability to serve you and all the diverse communities and businesses who depend on us.

There is more to come. Our five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) provides a working blueprint for how we will maintain and improve our infrastructure this year and beyond.

I'd also like to invite you to take a look at our new Strategic Plan. The new plan refreshes our vision, mission, and values to clearly articulate the foundation for our operations and drive our day-to-day work. We have never been more focused on what’s critical to the nature of our work, our service area communities, our people, and the public we serve.

WES enjoys being deeply connected to the communities we serve, whether it’s partnering on projects, supporting community events or educating residents from all walks of life. We strive to be a collaborative partner in building a resilient clean water future.

Clean water for all.


Greg Geist
Director, Clackamas Water Environment Services
Join Us for a Virtual Meeting to Learn About the Tri-City Water Resource Recovery Facility Outfall Project
Tuesday, January 23
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Every day, we clean more than 10 million gallons of wastewater at our Tri-City Water Resource Recovery Facility in Oregon City. The treated water, called “effluent,” is then released to the Willamette River. An outfall is the discharge point where the treated water flows into the river.

The current outfall from the Tri-City facility is nearing capacity during peak wet weather events. The new outfall will be large enough to provide service for decades to come. Construction of the new Tri-City Water Resource Recovery Facility Outfall begins in 2024.

Clackamas Area Interceptor Improvement Project Overview and Virtual Tour
The Clackamas Area Interceptor (An interceptor is a gravity sewer that transmits large volumes of wastewater to a wastewater treatment facility) lacks capacity to serve current and future ratepayers and needs rehabilitation in some areas. Design is underway. Construction will be phased over the next decade in three or four phases.

Looking For Ways You Can Volunteer or Learn More About Our Environment?
WES partners with many organizations to provide volunteer and learning opportunities to help us all become better stewards of our environment. Join us at a tree planting, cleanup event, educational webinar and more!

Preventing and Cleaning up Spills and Leaks to Protect Our Water
Learn more about steps you can take to prevent spills and leaks, clean up a small leak, and who to contact if the spill is hazardous or an emergency.
Low-income Discount Programs for Those in Need
We offer reductions on monthly bills to customers who meet the low income guidelines.

Are You Managing Your Sanitary Sewer and Surface Water Account Online?
The WES online account management system gives you access to your account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Register for access online to enjoy these features:

  • View real time balances, payment amounts and bill due dates.
  • Make one-time or recurring payments.
  • Review transaction history.
  • Sign up for paperless e-billing to get your bills and our messages emailed to you!

The WES Office is Open for Business
New Hours!
Our office at 150 Beavercreek Road in Oregon City is open to serve you Monday to Thursday, 7:30 a.m.–noon and 1–5 p.m.

If you are experiencing flooding or a problem with your sanitary sewer that needs immediate attention during regular business hours, please call 503-742-4567, and a WES representative will contact you promptly. Outside of regular business hours, please call 503-655-8211.

Sanitary sewer service and surface water management.
150 Beavercreek Road #430
Oregon City, OR 97045

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