Dear Valued Customer,
During the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and beyond, Clackamas Water Environment Services remains committed to protecting your health and our shared environment. WES has taken steps to ensure that the current public health crisis does not create another when it comes to the wastewater treatment services that WES provides for you every day.
WES employees are following social distancing and other safety guidelines while delivering the same quality of service you have come to expect from WES. For WES employees and customers alike, following these important guidelines and constantly washing hands are helping to prevent the spread of the virus.
Although WES has had to make adjustments to our staff’s schedules, we continue to serve you. In this newsletter, you will find information about our adjusted customer service hours. You will also learn about our decision to not charge late fees for unpaid bills during the crisis.
WES projects that will strengthen our ability to serve you in the future are moving forward. Expansion and upgrade work continues at our two largest wastewater treatment facilities, which combined, clean more than seven billion gallons of wastewater each year.
For WES, our top priority remains the health and safety of the people we serve and our employees. Please follow all safety recommendations. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
We are all in this together. And we will get through it together.
Greg Geist,
WES Director