Dear Valued Customer
As 2022 comes to a close, Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) continues to make significant progress on projects designed to strengthen our ability to serve you now and for decades to come.
Working collaboratively with cities in our service area, we are making great strides in reducing Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) in sewer systems owned by our member communities. I/I is rainwater or groundwater that flows into sanitary sewer pipes. Keeping this extra rainwater and groundwater out of pipes results in significant savings. Reducing I/I by 65% by 2040 would save $120 million in required upgrades and expansion at our treatment facilities.
Last month, WES and our nonprofit partner SOLVE concluded our fifth annual Summer Waterway Cleanup series, which removed more than 11,000 pounds of trash from 54 locations in Clackamas County. About 1500 volunteers of all ages took part in the cleanups and learned how trash on the ground can end up in our waterways due to stormwater runoff, which is a leading cause of water pollution in Oregon.
WES is also thrilled to welcome Oregon City Mayor Denyse McGriff and Milwaukie City Councilor Adam Khosroabadi to the WES Advisory Committee, which provides input and makes recommendations on surface water and wastewater issues to WES and the Board of County Commissioners. We are proactively recruiting prospective new members to fill pending openings on the committee, which represents our diverse service area.
As you can see, WES takes pride in working with partners throughout our community to ensure that the services that we provide to you remain at the highest level.
On behalf of WES, I wish you all a very happy and safe fall and holiday season.
Greg Geist
Director, Clackamas Water Environment Services