A Message from Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) Director Greg Geist

Dear Valued Customer, 


As we welcome the last quarter of 2024, Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) continues to make significant strides on projects designed to strengthen our ability to serve you now and for decades to come. 


Your monthly payments help complete infrastructure projects that strengthen the services you depend on from WES every day of the year. As detailed in our Capital Improvement Plan, we’ve never been more focused on what’s critical to the nature of our work, our service area communities, and the public we serve. 


We know our communities count on us to handle any situation that comes along while meeting their evolving needs; that’s why I’m pleased to share resources like our Storm Drain Cleaning Assistance Program (SCAP). This program is gaining traction as a proven initiative to support watershed health in partnership with the local business community.

We’re also focused on providing education that protects public health and the vitality of our natural environment. In observance of Imagine a Day Without Water (October 17), we’ve included some simple steps you can do at home to protect your property and our water.  


True progress is strengthened by numbers, and we must all come together to keep our waterways clean. Please share these resources with friends and family and encourage everyone to contribute to a healthier environment for all.


Thank you for reading this newsletter and for your continued support. It is our privilege and pleasure to serve you.   


On behalf of WES, I wish you a healthy and happy fall. 



Greg Geist 

Director, Clackamas Water Environment Services 


Latest Updates to Clack-A-Mole and the Tri-City Water Resource Recovery Facility Outfall Project

The Tri-City Water Resource Recovery Facility Outfall Project's construction phase is underway. As of 10/16, our Clack-A-Mole tunnel boring machine is 1,575 feet toward its destination, the Willamette River, which means 66% of its journey has been completed thus far. You can keep track of the progress on our blog.

Learn more about the project, and meet Clack-A-Mole

2023-24 RiverHealth Stewardship Grant Accomplishments Report

Our RiverHealth Stewardship Grant Program supports community groups, businesses and property owners who work to improve the health of watersheds in our district.

The projects have helped the district meet state and federal regulatory requirements to reduce pollution and improve the health of waterways. At the same time, the projects engage residents in stewardship, educating them about watershed health and encouraging them to take action on their own to improve water quality.

Check out the 2023-24 Grant Accomplishments Report

WES-SOLVE Summer Waterway Cleanup Series


Earlier this month, in collaboration with SOLVE, we held the final event of the 2024 Waterway Cleanup Series at High Rocks Park.

41 volunteers collected an estimated 350 pounds of trash along the Clackamas River. This wrap-up event marked the conclusion of a summer-long initiative that successfully mobilized more than 1,500 volunteers across 61 events, resulting in the removal of nearly 30,000 pounds of litter from Oregon's rivers, streams, and creeks.

If you're looking for ways to get involved in keeping our waterways clean, or to learn more about our shared environment, check out our events calendar.

Clear Storm Drains to Protect Your Property and Our Water

The arrival of fall means leaves on the ground and the return of rain. If you are able, use a rake to clear nearby storm drains of leaves and other debris to reduce the chance of flooding near your home or business.

Learn more about keeping storm drains clear

Keep FOG Out of Your Pipes!

Fats, oils and grease (FOG) are found in everyday foods and food ingredients such as meat, fish, butter, mayonnaise, milk, gravies, sauces and food scraps. If poured down the drain or into your garbage disposal, FOG can build up over time by sticking to the insides of sewer pipes and cause blockage and sewer overflows.

Learn more about how you can protect your pipes from FOG

Low-income Discount Program for Those in Need

We offer reductions on monthly bills to customers who meet the low income guidelines.

Find out if you qualify

Are You Managing Your Sanitary Sewer and Surface Water Account Online?

Our online account management system gives you access to your account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Register for access online to enjoy these features:

  • View real-time balances, payment amounts and bill due dates.
  • Make one-time or recurring payments.
  • Review transaction history.
  • Sign up for paperless e-billing to get your bills and our messages emailed to you!

Learn more about our online system

Interested in Joining the Team?

Clackamas Water Environment Services produces clean water and protects water quality for nearly 200,000 people living and working in Clackamas County.

Each year, we clean more than seven billion gallons of water. In the process, we convert materials that have long been considered “waste” into natural energy and fertilizer. We also help reduce pollution in local rivers, streams, and wetlands caused by stormwater runoff, the number one source of water pollution in Oregon.

We educate and assist community members from all walks of life. It’s our job to ensure that our families and neighbors enjoy the benefits of safe, healthy water for generations to come.

WES is a county department, a service district and a ratepayer-funded organization.

We currently have openings for:

  • Wastewater Plant Operator 1 or 2

Learn more here

The WES Office is Open for Business

Our office at 150 Beavercreek Road in Oregon City is open to serve you Monday to Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m.

If you are experiencing flooding or a problem with your sanitary sewer that needs immediate attention during regular business hours, please call 503-742-4567, and a WES representative will contact you promptly. Outside of regular business hours, please call 503-655-8211.

Clackamas Water Environment Services

150 Beavercreek Road #430

Oregon City, OR 97045





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