A Message from Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) Director Greg Geist

Dear Valued Customer,

I hope you are enjoying the summer and have a chance to spend time outdoors at some of our region's many beautiful rivers and natural areas.


As dedicated stewards of our environment, WES prides itself on being resilient and ready for any challenge that may come our way. It's our job to ensure that residents and visitors enjoy the benefits of safe, healthy water for generations to come.


Your monthly payments play a crucial role in enabling WES to complete infrastructure projects that further strengthen the services we all depend on every day. WES has never been more focused on what's critical to the nature of our work, our service area communities, our people, and the public we serve.

The Tri-City Water Resource Recovery Facility Outfall Project is just one example of how we are strengthening our communities while building for the future. Part of the project includes constructing a ½-mile-long, nine-foot-diameter tunnel using a tunnel boring machine (TBM) to construct a new outfall pipeline. We value community input and invited you to suggest names for the TBM; after receiving more than 650 naming suggestions, the Clackamas Board of County Commissioners selected 'Clack-A-Mole' as the winning submission. We're still waiting on an exact delivery date for the TBM, but when it arrives, we'll have a fun celebration centered around its launch. Stay tuned!


This summer and beyond, WES is once again partnering with community groups and volunteers dedicated to protecting and improving the health of our watersheds. Through our RiverHealth Stewardship Program, WES is awarding $300,000 in grants to 12 organizations dedicated to protecting and enhancing the health of local watersheds. The grants will support various activities that restore habitat, manage invasive plant species, organize community volunteer events, provide watershed science education, and remove trash from waterways while enhancing water quality.


Thank you, our valued customer, for your continued support and for taking the time to read this newsletter. It is our privilege to serve you.


On behalf of WES, I wish you a very happy and safe summer.



Greg Geist, WES Director 

Rate Adjustments Effective July 1, 2024 as Part of New WES Budget

The FY 2024-25 budget is more than a financial document - it reflects our commitment to fiscal responsibility, delivering meaningful outcomes for our community, and realizing our strategic vision to build a resilient clean water future where all people benefit, and rivers thrive.

New rate adjustments are one aspect of the budget that help WES better serve you. Click here to see how these changes will help us continue to protect public health and the environment by updating aging infrastructure, supporting community growth, and providing cost-effective services to ratepayers.

Everything You Need to Know About Pump Stations

Do you know how our pump stations work? Learn about the vital role they play in the wastewater collection process in this 3-minute video.

The Kellogg Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility Celebrates 50 Years of Service!

Established in 1974, the Kellogg Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) serves WES customers in Happy Valley, Johnson City, Milwaukie, and unincorporated areas of Clackamas County. Every day, the facility cleans nearly 7 million gallons of wastewater.

The Kellogg Creek WRRF follows the Water Environment Federation's preferred industry naming convention of "Water Resource Recovery Facility." The name reflects our mission to provide wastewater resource recovery, including recovering energy, biosolids, clean water, and other resources from treated wastewater, enabling us to thrive in a healthy environment.


In recognition of its excellence in plant operations and permit compliance, the Kellogg Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility received the Peak Performance Silver Standard Award from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) in 2020. Watch this 2-minute video of the celebration.

The Rock Creek Interceptor Extension Project to Provide Reliable Sanitary Sewer Service

The Rock Creek Interceptor Extension Project was identified as a priority in the Capital Improvement Master Plan to ensure a safe, resilient, reliable sanitary sewer system with the capacity to serve our community now and in the future. This project will provide additional capacity and system improvements to serve Clackamas County and portions of the Happy Valley, Pleasant Valley, and North Carver Comprehensive Plan area. Click here for a short overview on the project targeted to be completed in 2027-2028.

Preventing and Cleaning up Spills and Leaks to Protect Our Water

We are all responsible for preventing spills and leaks. Click here for quick tips on prevention, how to clean up a small leak, and who to contact in case of a hazardous spill or emergency.

Are You Managing Your Sanitary Sewer and Surface Water Account Online?

Our online account management system gives you access to your account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Register for access online to enjoy these features:

  • View real-time balances, payment amounts and bill due dates.
  • Make one-time or recurring payments.
  • Review transaction history.
  • Sign up for paperless e-billing to get your bills and our messages emailed to you!

Learn more about our online system

The WES Office is Open for Business

Our office at 150 Beavercreek Road in Oregon City is open to serve you Monday to Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m.

If you are experiencing flooding or a problem with your sanitary sewer that needs immediate attention during regular business hours, please call 503-742-4567, and a WES representative will contact you promptly. Outside of regular business hours, please call 503-655-8211.

Clackamas Water Environment Services

150 Beavercreek Road #430

Oregon City, OR 97045





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