News from
Community Resource Services
August 2023
The CRS food pantry is currently in great need of the following items:

Snack foods, canned fruit, baked beans, canned tuna, Velveeta Shells & Cheese, (or similar brand), side dishes, boxed pasta, canned chili/stew, peanut butter & jelly.

If you are able to donate it would be greatly appreciated. We accept donations during our regular business hours, Monday - Thursday, from 10am - 2pm. Just drive down the alley behind our office and ring the doorbell by the CRS sign.

*We cannot accept clothing, household items or medical supplies.

Thank you!


The definition of serendipity is "a combination of events that come together by chance to create a surprisingly good or wonderful outcome." This Mission Moment is a perfect example of serendipity! Last week, we received a call from a client whose freezer was leaking, and she was afraid she was going to lose all of her frozen and perishable items. We reached out to other organizations to inquire if anyone had a used refrigerator that we could help her purchase, but we had no luck. Then, the very next day, we received a call from a donor asking if we knew of anyone in need of a used refrigerator in excellent condition. It was a stroke of luck that we were able to connect the client with the donor so she could pick up the refrigerator! As we don't have storage space for large donations like refrigerators, both the client and the donor calling CRS when they did was truly a stroke of luck!
CRS has been blessed this month with many donations of non-perishable items for our food pantry and school supplies for our Back-to-School Readiness program! Thank you to the following businesses and organizations:

Anchor Church, Avient Safety Committee, Avon Lake Garden Club, Avon Lake Giant Eagle, Avon Lake Presbyterian Church, Avon Lake United Church of Christ, Barry Bagels, Christ Church Westshore, Freeman Manufacturing, Holy Spirit Church, Holy Trinity Parish, Hunger Network Food Rescue, Avenbury Ladies of the Lake, Preschool Sports, Redwood K-Kids, St. Joseph Parish, and Susan's Sugar & Spice.

We are so grateful for all of the donations that help keep our food pantry well stocked. Thank you for making a difference, right here at home!

The annual Big Trucks event, sponsored by the City of Avon Lake, is scheduled for Saturday, September 16, 2023. This is always a very popular and fun event. New this year is the "Stuff a Truck for CRS" food drive. Bring an item to donate to the CRS food pantry, and place it in the specially marked Police, Fire or Public Works vehicle of your choice!
Our annual Homeruns for Hunger event was held on Thursday, August 10th. Despite the rain, we had a great night! Thanks to everyone who came out to support CRS and to the Lake Erie Crushers for always being such great hosts to local organizations!
CRS board members helped sell 50/50 raffle tickets during the game!
The lucky winner of the 50/50 raffle!
More details to follow

September 16th, Big Trucks & Community Open House and Stuff the Truck Food Drive
September 23rd, Westside FLEA at the Lake Erie Crushers Mercy Health Stadium
October 6th & 7th, Boo by the Woods Festival at the Avon Lake Public Library and Lorain County Metroparks Kopf Reservation
October 20th, SOUPer Bowl Food Drive
October 21st, Empty Bowls by the Lake
Community Resource Services is a responsive, community-based organization whose mission is to diminish the effect of poverty in Avon and Avon Lake. We provide basic needs assistance and individualized resource and referral services in a compassionate and confidential manner.
We believe in a community where every resident is free from poverty.