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 Winner of the 2013 North Carolina Great Main Street Award!!!

Concord Downtown Development Corporation.

30 Cabarrus Avenue, West, Concord, NC 28025. 704-784-4208


Here is the latest news about Historic Downtown Concord and upcoming events. Have a great week!

Enjoy the Downtown Concord Farmers Market


The Piedmont Farmers Market, Inc. has a Downtown Concord Farmers Market each Wednesday. The market takes place on Market Street directly in front of the parking deck from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. You will find fresh produce and other items for sale. For more information on the Piedmont Farmers Market visit their website here








Last Week for May Downtown Specials 


This is the last week to take advantage of sales, promotions, and events being offered in Downtown Concord businesses as advertised in this weekly e-newsletter throughout the month of May. New deals will be posted next Monday, June 3 for the month of June. Stop in these Downtown Concord businesses this week to enjoy the following:

- Meredith's Market, 57 Union Street, South, Thursday's from 11:00 am to 2:00 PM. Mention the CDDC and receive a free cupcake, limit one per person. See more info at the bottom of this newsletter.

- J. Talbert's Ltd., 11 Union Street, South, 20% off all Seersucker Suites and Sports Coats. See more info at the bottom of this newsletter.

- The Kendle House, 18 Union Street, North. Tea towels, Pip Home china, and specialty soaps, along with other terrific items. See their new summer hours at the bottom of this newsletter. 

- Piedmont Renaissance Center, 57 Union Street, South. Mention the CDDC for free tables and chairs for your next event rental in 2013. Limit one discount per event or customer. See more info at the bottom of this newsletter. 

- Neta's Childrens and Ladies Shop, 27 Union street, South. A rack of children's wear 1/2 price, a Rack of Women's Dresses 50% to 75 % off, Boy's pants and shorts, $2, Ladies sale rack, 75% off. See more info at the bottom of this newsletter.

- Underground Art Connection, 11 Union Street, south, lower level. Gallery display space and personal studio working spaces starting at $75 per month. Painting classes and drum-making classes also being offered in upcoming weeks. See more info at the bottom of this newsletter. 

- MacPherson's Diamonds and Designs, 14 Cabarrus avenue, East, All add-a-pearl necklaces are 10% off. See more info at the bottom of this newsletter. 



Take Our Virtual Tour!


shop main street cropped  

Did you know Downtown Concord has a virtual tour that features fifteen shops, restaurants, galleries, and venues? Walk through Downtown Concord and enter each participating establishment to view their space, see their websites, pull down menus, and more! Click here to start your tour. 


Small Business Saturday  



Shop or dine in Downtown Concord the fourth Saturday of every month and you could win $100 in Downtown Concord Dollars! The monthly Small Business Saturday continues to boost sales in Historic Downtown Concord the fourth Saturday of each month. Twenty-nine shops, restaurants, galleries, and fitness studios/gyms participate in this celebration of independently-owned businesses. Make a purchase of any amount on Small Business Saturday and register to win $100 in Downtown Concord Dollars. For more details 


Small Business Saturday is sponsored by 



Tams Concert Featured in the Cabarrus News of the Charlotte Observer


Tams on stageThe Charlotte Observer's Cabarrus News  captured the excitement of the opening of Union Street Live last month. Read the entire article here. (Photograph by Marty Price, Charlotte Observer). Make plans now to join us for the next concert on Thursday, June 20, featuring the Tim Clark Band. Concerts are the third Thursday of each month from May through September, 6:00 - 9:00 PM, and take place on Means Avenue next to the Historic Cabarrus County Courthouse. All concerts are free! Click here for the entire concert season schedule. 


The Union Street Live! Concert Series is supported by a grant from the Grassroots Arts Program of the North Carolina Arts Council, a state agency, and the Cabarrus Arts Council.    


Gearing Up for Volunteers and Interns

The Concord Downtown Development Corporation is utilizing student volunteers and interns to assist with a variety of tasks this summer and throughout the school year. To create additional work stations we are soliciting the donation of an IPAD, either new or gently used. Any generation would be welcome. If you wish to assist the CDDC with this donation please email 

The CDDC Partners with Area Non Profit Organizations  for Events



The CDDC coordinates win-win partnerships with area non profit organizations that wish to have a place at CDDC events, including Union Street Live Concerts. At each concert up to two non profit organizations will have the opportunity to set up a booth. In return the non profits assist the CDDC in setting up and breaking down the event. Setup takes place at lunchtime the day of the concert and with at least four people would take less than an hour. Break down begins immediately at 9:00 PM and with a similar-sized crew takes thirty minutes. All set-up and break-down crews are directed by the CDDC staff. For more information email 



 Mark Your Calendar! 

Week of  May 27, 2013





For information on sponsoring the weekly Downtown Concord enewsletter email




We Love Our Sponsors


Welcome to our newest sponsors,Avante  (Union Street Live! concert series) and Industrial Fire and Security Services (Union Street Live! concert series). The CDDC would like to thank all our 2013 sponsors who make our events possible:



Presenting Sponsor:  

Hilbish Ford


Ben Mynatt Family of Dealerships

Carolinas HealthCare System and Jeff Gordon Children's Hospital

Waste Pro of the Carolinas, Georgia


Silver Sponsor:

Cabarrus Business Magazine



Morningside of Concord

Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated

State Farm Insurance


Industrial Fire & Security Services



Friends of Downtown:  
Go here to learn about sponsorship opportunities or call 704-784-4208.
Click here to tour Historic Downtown Concord.

At The Galleries...

Fantasy Island, June 3 - July 25. 

Read more...   


At the Davis Theatre...  

Tickets for the 2013/2014 season will be available for purchase Monday, July 1.

Read more... 


At the Concord Museum...

Saving an Icon... The Cabarrus County Courthouse Preserved


At the Concord Library...  

See the entire calendar of events here.


At the Old Courthouse Theatre...  

The 2013/2014 season calendar is now available. 

 Read more...  


At Carolina Courts...

See the entire calendar of tournaments and events here.



Like us on Facebook  CDDC
Like us on Facebook  Concord on Canvas 
Like us on Facebook   Spring into Arts Festival

Follow us on Twitter  CDDC 




  • Our Mission Statement

The Mission of the Concord Downtown Development Corporation is to enhance the economic, social, and aesthetic values of Historic Downtown Concord through business development, business recruitment, promotion, and design, through the leveraging of public and private partnerships.





Contact the CDDC staff at

704-784-4208 or email


Reminder to Downtown Concord Businesses:

The deadline for items for the June newsletters is May 20. Please email promotions/events/sales to in a format that can be "cut and pasted" into the newsletter. Thank you! 



Meredith's Market

Now OPEN at a new, larger location:


In the Ballroom at the Piedmont Renaissance Center,  57 Union Street South


Corner of Union Street and Means Avenue


THURSDAYS from 11:00am to 2:00pm


Featuring Home Made, Hand Made and other Local Items!


Mention the CDDC and receive a free cupcake, limit one per person


For additional information contact:

Carol Salloum at  704-262-1551 or




For All Downtown Concord Business Owners and Employers:


On Wednesday, May 22nd, Fitness Revolution will be offering a

FREE Lunch and Learn event in our facility at 

26 Spring St. SW (beside Memorial Gardens). 

Stop by anytime between 11:30-1:00. 


All of your employees will enjoy free food in our new cutting-edge fitness center,

and hear about our affordable programs for all ages.


RSVP to reserve a spot for you and your staff by emailing us at  or call us at (980) 248-1002.


The more the merrier so we encourage you to bring everybody on your staff. 


Thank you for your time and we hope to see you on the 22nd!



The flowers are in full bloom and the weather is warming up nicely. Let J. Talbert's help you find the perfect wardrobe to fit this beautiful season. New Atlantic Drift and Olly Oxen items are in in a variety of beautiful colors. Come into the store for 20% off all of our Seersucker Suits and Sports Coats. They are sure to make you sizzle for any occasion.


J. Talbert's Ltd.

11 Union St. South

Suite 101

Concord NC, 28025





The Kendle House


18 Union St. North  


Concord, NC 28025


(704) 793-6734


Beautiful soaps and herbs from France are filling the store at the Kendle House located in the heart of Downtown Concord. Tea towels from France and exclusive lines just recently licensed in the United States are filling the stores weekly. Our new line, Pip Home, is an affordable "Happy China for Happy People" line that is sure to impress your mom come Mother's Day. Starting May 1st, the Kendle House will be switching to Summer hours.


May-July: Mon.-Tues. Closed. Wed:11-4 Thurs:11-7 Fri-Sat:11-4


Neta's Childrens and Ladies Shop
27 Union Street, South


A Rack of Children's Wear 1/2 price
sizes 4-6x and 7-16

A Rack of Women's Dresses
50% to 75% off 
Close Out Sale - Boy's Pants & Shorts - Size 4 - 20 $2.00
Ladies Sale Rack - 75% off


Piedmont Renaissance Center



Web Site:


Virtual Tour:




Mention the CDDC


For free tables and chairs for your next event rental in 2013


Limit one discount per event or customer


For additional information contact:


Carol Salloum at  704-262-1551 or




Underground Art Connection

11 Union St. South

Lower level

Concord, NC 28025

(704) 273-8308


Do you have pieces of art that you have always wanted to display outside your home but just did not know where you could? Underground Art Connections has the space for you! With Gallery display and personal studio working spaces starting at $75 a month, you are sure to find that special fit for your pieces. Underground Art Connections will also be holding painting classes and Drum making classes by the Buffalo Spirit Nation in the coming weeks!



Spring Into Arts


Little Feather

20% Off

Clothing & Jewelry!!

Now through Saturday May 4th


Please come and enjoy this downtown event!

(And support our local artists and merchants!)


Saturday, May 4th

Spring into Arts Festival

10:00 - 5:00

Downtown Concord




Little Feather

42 Union St. So.

Concord, NC

Mud Slingers Pottery & Glass


Spring into Arts Festival

Saturday, May 4 --- 10:00 - 5:00

Want to get your hands on that spinning pottery wheel???

Now's your chance!


Mud Slingers Pottery will have a wheel set up

on the sidewalk ready for you to take your turn

making a bowl!!


Sign the kids up for Clay Camp during

Spring into Art Festival

                                                      and receive 10% discount

9:00 - 11:15 AM

June 24-28

July 15 -19

August  5 - 9




MacPherson's Diamonds & Designs

14 Cabarrus Avenue East

Concord NC 28025



Mother's Day is Around the Corner!

*All Add-A-Pearl Necklaces are 10% off!*



Visit our Facebook Page and Check out our website: