Please Click Here for the
December 25 prayer sheet.
Financial Info
Thank you for your faithful giving this year! Gifts must be received or postmarked by December 31 to receive tax credit for 2024.
Missions Prayer Night
Wednesday, January 8 will be our next missions prayer night. Join us at 7:00 PM that evening as we have a prayer time focusing on Indigenous Partnerships.
Coffee And Chat
Ladies, the first coffee and chat of the new year will take place Saturday, January 11 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM in the café. Have some coffee (or any drink) and make a friend. Click here to sign up.
Membership Class
Our next Exploring Membership class will begin January 15 and run through February 26. In this class, we cover the four things that unite us:
1) Our Salvation, 2) Our Statements, 3) Our Strategy, and 4) Our Structure.
This class is required for membership. Please
click here to sign up.
Blood Drive
The Red Cross is in need of blood and to help them we will have a blood drive at Cornerstone Thursday, January 23 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Please click here to sign up. The code is cbcroseville if needed.
Women's Night of Worship
"The Frame Of The Universe Bows" is the theme of the women's night of worship happening January 24 at 6:30 PM. Mark your calendar for this night of singing praise to our Savior.