Diocese of
 Palm Beach

May 2017
Diocesan Community Celebrates the
 Ordination of  Two Priests

Newly ordained priests Father Martin Dunne III (left) and Father Wisman Simeon (right) take a picture with Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito outside the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola shortly after the Mass.
With family, friends and the faith community gathered, Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito ordained two new priests for the Diocese of Palm Beach --  Reverend Martin Dunne III and Reverend Wisman Simeon. The celebration took place on May 6, just one day before the observance of Good Shepherd Sunday and World Day of Prayer for Vocations.

In his homily at the Ordination Mass, Bishop Barbarito shared two reflections on the extraordinary ministries of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis that Revs. Dunne and Simeon can imitate. From a reflection from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, it was about the motto the Pope used on the invitation to his first Mass after his ordination to the priesthood. It stated, "We don't rule over your faith, we serve your joy."
When asked in an interview, why did he choose such a motto, the Pope explained that as he was ordained, he was very conscious that the priest is always a servant, and to not put himself up on a high pedestal.

In encouraging his new brother priests to find joy as a servant, Bishop Barbarito shared a recent homily from Pope Francis in which he emphasized that joy is found in little things that are shared.
"Pope Francis emphasized that 'Announcing a great joy... can only be done in a respectful, humble and even humbling way. Concrete, tender and humble: in this way our evangelization will be joyful.' My brothers, as you are ordained priests this morning, these words of Pope Francis are very significant for you. Concrete, tender and humble capture a hallmark of what priestly life is all about. They do so because they are the way of the Lord Himself. The priest is the image of Christ for the people he serves not upon a high pedestal but upon the pedestal of the Cross. The priest is called "Father" because he embodies the concrete, tender and humble love of a father and not of an authority. "

You can view more of Bishop Barbarito's Ordination Mass homily in the next edition of the diocese's Florida Catholic's newspaper which is published at the end of the week. Also in that issue, Revs. Dunne and Simeon share their vocations stories of long journeys with twists and turns that eventually led them to the priesthood.

The Diocese of Palm Beach asks all to please keep Revs. Dunne and Simeon and their new ministries in your prayers. They will also now be added to the rotation of priests in our diocesan "Pray Daily for Our Priests" calendar which can be used as a prayer guide to help the faithful pray for all of our diocesan priests. The calendar also lists a suggested specific prayer. The guide can be found under the 'News and Events' tab on the diocese's website
Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of
Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Fatima
Image Copyright 2014 CNS-USCCB, Washington D.C. All rights reserved.
This Saturday, May 13, marks the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. Mary appeared to three peasant children near Fatima, Portugal, six times, between May 13 and October 13, 1917, and asked them to pray the rosary daily. She also asked for prayers for world peace and an end to World War I, prayers for sinners, and prayers for the conversion of Russia both for the Church and for our

Fatima also entrusted the children with three secrets, regarding devotion to her Immaculate Heart, a vision of hell, and a "bishop in white" shot by soldiers firing bullets and arrows. The diocese has posted on our website an article that's a brief history of Fatima. Please click here to read it.

The 100th Anniversary will be celebrated locally and around the world by the Catholic Church. Pope Francis will visit Fatima to mark this anniversary and canonize Blesseds Francisco and Jacinta Marta, two of the three children who witnessed the apparitions. This coming weekend some of our diocesan parishes will have special observances. Please visit our online Events Calendar to view the events for the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima on May 13.


Jubilee Celebration for Religious

All are invited to the Diocese of Palm Beach's Annual Jubilee Celebration for Religious on Saturday, May 13, at 4:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola. The Religious will also renew their vows. Everyone is invited to attend this liturgy with Bishop Barbarito as the Celebrant. Following the Liturgy, there will be a special by-invitation-only dinner for the Jubilarians, their family and friends, and fellow religious.

This year we will be celebrating the following Jubilees:

50 years
  • Sister Donna Baker, OP
  • Sister Maria Liber, LSIC
  • Sister Paula Jean Miller, FSE
60 years
  • Sister Joan Carusillo, CSC
  • Sister Carolyn Dowd, IHM
  • Sister Marylouise Fennell, RSM
  • Sister Dorothy Mangan, SC
  • Sister Mary Therese Napolitan, OP
  • Sister Regina Tutzo, RMI
65 years 
  • Sister Margaret Crowley, RSM
  • Sister Frances Madigan, OP
  • Sister Suzanne, Marie, O. Carm.
  • Sister Janet Sullivan, OSF
70 years
  • Sister Imelda Eckhoff, OP
Congratulations to our Jubilarians!

The Diocese of Palm Beach also wishes a very heartfelt Thank You to the Jubilarians and all Religious in the diocese for answering the call to their vocation and for serving God and the Catholic Church. God Bless you all! 

Special Class for Parents

There's still time to sign up for the next Leading & Loving Class. Presented by the Diocese of Palm Beach's Office of Marriage and Family Life, the class will be held on Friday, May 12, 2017 (from 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.), and Saturday, May 13, 2017 (from 8:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.), in the Family Center at St. Joseph Church in Stuart. Leading & Loving is specially designed for parents of young children, newborn through early teens. You will come away with practical techniques for developing virtue in your children and feeling more confident in your ability to answer some of your children's most challenging questions.

This is presented by Family Honor educators and fellow parents who are specially trained and certified in Church teaching on human sexuality, marriage and family matters. Family Honor is a
fa m i l y - c e n t e r e d Catholic approach to chastity education. This class is For PARENTS ONLY.
Cost is $35 per family and includes materials, a light breakfast and lunch. Scholarships are available. Fee is "payable at check-in." Free child care is available. Pre-registration is required at www.diocesepb.org/leadingandloving

Questions: contact
Cathy Loh via email or phone 561-775-9524


Invitation to Attend the
Spanish Liturgical Workshop

  HIspanicMin_Pedro Rubalcava

The Diocese of Palm Beach's Hispanic Ministry will hold the Spanish Liturgical Music Workshop on Saturday, May 20 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at St. Peter Church in Jupiter. The
lecturer will be Pedro Rubalcava who is the Director of Hispanic Ministries of OCP ( Oregon Catholic Press). OCP provides worship, service and music to Catholic parishes all over the world. This workshop is free to those who attend and will be in Spanish only.

Rubalcava is an artist, composer and bilingual/bicultural speaker known nationally, recognized because he dominates several musical styles. He has directed liturgical music groups for more than 40 years. He has worked in the pastoral ministry where he has been involved in liturgy and music, evangelization, youth and young adult ministry, catechetical ministry and RCIA (Adult Christian Initiation Rite).

Registration is required. To register, please contact Beatriz in the diocesan Office of Hispanic Ministry at 561-775-9544 or via e-mail.

Graduations & Our Graduation Mass

The Diocese of Palm Beach cordially invites all high school seniors and their families to attend our Graduation Mass to be held on Sunday, May 21. The Mass will be at 5:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens, with reception to follow. All high school seniors at the Mass will receive a certificate from Bishop Barbarito. Please pre-register for the Mass through your local youth minister, or contact Kathryn Sullivan at the diocese by phone 561-775-9559 or via email.  

Also at the Mass the diocese will present the Saint Timothy Award to one graduating senior. Every parish had the opportunity to nominate one graduating senior for this diocesan award from the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM). All of the nominees will be listed in the Mass booklet, and the award will be presented by Bishop Barbarito. Designed as a tool to raise up role models in youth ministry, the NFCYM National Recognitions in Youth Ministry affirm, acknowledge, and empower young people who provide authentic, credible, and competent witness to the Gospel.

Graduation Dates at our Diocesan High Schools 
May 15 - Cardinal Newman High School
May 19 - John Carroll High School
May 20 - St. John Paul II Academy

The Diocese of Palm Beach Congratulates all the Graduates!
 We pray that the Lord bless you in your future endeavors!


Special Mass on Memorial Day


Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery in Royal Palm Beach, the on l y Catholic cemetery in the Diocese of Palm Beach, will celebrate its ann u al Memorial Day Mass and pay tribute to Military service members at a special outdoor Mass on Memorial Day, May 29, from 10 a.m. - Noon. The Mass will be held in the covered outdoor pavilion at the cemetery. The Mass is open to the public. The Most Reverend, Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, will be the Main Celebrant of the Mass. All clergy, parishioners, and families of the Diocese of Palm Beach are invited to attend this Mass.  
The cemetery's Memorial Day Mass is held annually to honor all t hose who have died in service to our country and for all of those who have served in the military. The day's events include a Presentation of Colors and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance by the Lake Worth High School Air Force ROTC; a procession by the Knights of Columbus, Bags Pipes and Drummers; a Wreath-laying Ceremony at the cemetery's Veterans Memorial. Following Mass, li ght refreshments will be available to all.

The cemetery is located exactly one mile west of State Road 7 (US-44
1) and is three miles west of the Florida Turnpike at 10941 Southern Blvd, in Royal Palm B each.  For more information, please call 561-793-0711. 


Upcoming Diocesan Events 
Below is a list of some diocesan events taking place this month. For more information on any event, please visit the diocesan online Events Calendar   or Catholic Charities online Events Calendar.

Our Catholic Sunday Mass on TV
Dates & Times: May 7, 14, 21 & 28, 9:00 AM
Produced by the diocese, this Mass airs each Sunday on CW34 WTVX. Check your listings for the channel. To learn more, request a free missal or donate to the TV Mass, please visit www.diocesepb.org/tv-mass or contact 561-775-9529.

Mexican Nationals Citizenship Event
Date & Time: May 20, Noon (12 p.m.) - 4 p.m.
Location: Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola, Palm Beach Gardens
If you or someone you know is a Mexican National and a lawful permanent resident who is interested in becoming a U.S. Citizen, then please attend this event. Catholic Charities staff, lawyers and BIA-accredited representatives of Catholic Charities will be on hand in the parish hall to assist and answer questions. Please register to attend.
Contact: 561-345-2029
Annual Mass for School of Christian Formation (SCF) Graduates
Date & Time: May 10, 7:00 PM
Location: Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola, PBG
A celebration of students who have completed the entire curriculum of the SCF. The entire faith community is invited.
Phone: 561-775-9544
Month's Mind Requiem Mass
Date & Time: May 13, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery, Royal Palm Beach
Held in the outdoor chapel, this Mass is for those who have been laid to rest the previous month, all of the deceased at the cemetery and all the holy souls in Purgatory.
Contact: 561-793-0711

For more information on any events listed, please visit the 
diocesan  online Events Calendar at 


The Day of the "Great Give" 

Mark your calendars for May 17 to support Catholic Charities in the
Great Give Palm Beach & Martin Counties, a 24-hour online giving event. This community-wide event celebrates the spirit of giving and the collective effort it takes to strengthen our community while raising critical funds for hundreds of local nonprofits serving every need. Plus, each donation made during the 24-hour period will be amplified by bonus pool dollars and hourly prizes!
Here's another reason to give during the Great Give: a pool of generous donors have pledged a total of $15,000 in a matching fund which means any gift of $20 or more will be doubled!  Catholic Charities thanks the following friends of Catholic Charities that pledged to be a part of the matching gift fund to date: The Arruza Family; The Borynack Family; Mr. and Mrs. Andres B. Fanjul and Family; Findlay Galleries; and Florida Crystals Corporation.  
For more information and how to make a donation online or by phone, visit 
Catholic Charities' Great Give web page

**Learn More** 
Established in 1984 as the social service arm of the Palm Beach Diocese, Catholic Charities implements the charitable vision of our Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Diocese of Palm Beach. That is, to serve and advocate on behalf of those persons who do not have a voice or power to help themselves. Our mission is to help those who are most poor and vulnerable in the Diocese of Palm Beach through its 12 programs & ministries.

Support World Communications Day 


This month on May 28 we celebrate World Communications Day, established after the Second Vatican Council to recognize the great importance of social communication. Since its inception, communication methods have exploded with more of us utilizing social and digital media to communicate and to share the Gospel.

The weekend of May 13 & 14 our diocese will have a special collection for Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) and Catholic University of America.
Half of the CCC collection will fund national communication efforts of the U.S. bishops.

The other half stays here in our diocese to fund our local communications projects such as the television Mass, the Florida Catholic newspaper, our diocesan website and electronic newsletters. All of these resources help bring the gospel message to the public square so all can know the love of God.

Our diocese's paper -- the Florida Catholic Newspaper - can help you to grow in your faith. Subscribe now or renew your subscription to the Florida Catholic - 24 issues of your home diocese for $26; or access to our e-Edition, which includes Orlando, Palm Beach and Venice editions, via your PC or tablet, for $20. Want them both? Our combo price is $35. Visit the Florida Catholic website or call toll free 1-888-275-9953.

You can learn about the tools the Office of Communications utilizes to communicate the good news of our diocese on our web page.


In the Florida Catholic  

Florida Catholic
At the end of this week the latest edition of the Florida Catholic newspaper will be published. Here are some of the stories subscribers to the e-Edition or Paper edition can expect to read: 
  • Indiantown students visit areas of the world through a new school program
  • A look at the diocese's celebration at our recent Priest Ordination
  • One student's outreach project to help those in Haiti
  • How one parish recognized their own Jubilarians
  • Meet the diocese's two new priests and here what they say about their long journeys with twists and turns

Look for these stories and more in the May 12-25 edition of the Florida Catholic newspaper.
Please click on the above image to make your donation now.


Around the Diocese - Upcoming Events

A Life in the Spirit Seminar
Date: May 4, 11, 18, 25 & June 1 & 8, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: St. Paul of the Cross Church, North Palm Beach
A seven-week seminar meeting once a week through June 8th to help others gain a personal relationship with Jesus & experience God's power and love in their daily lives. Registration required. Call parish office.
Contact: 561-626-1873

Cursillo Information Night
Date & Time: May 10, 7:30 p.m.
Location: St. Rita Church, Wellington
Are you or a friend interested in learning more about Cursillo? Then please attend this night. More than just a retreat, a Cursillo weekend is a "Short Course" that lasts a lifetime, enriching your relationship with God, your family, and your community. Come learn more at a brief presentation that is open to anyone, men and women, in the diocese to attend.
Contact: 561-758-9364  
Monthly Meeting of Catholic Grandparents Association (Central Deanery Chapter)
Date & Time: May 13, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Location: Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola, PBG
Held on the 2nd Saturday of the month for grandparents who want to "pass on their faith" to their children and grandchildren. We meet following the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Contact: 561-626-8027

Concert of Sacred Music
Date & Time: May 20, 6 p.m.
Location: St. Ann Church in West Palm Beach
The St. Ann Parish Youth Choir will present a concert of sacred music as their final event of the 2016-2017 year. This choir is 40 voices strong and consists of students ages 7-14. Everyone is invited to attend.
Contact: 561-405-8123
Rummage Sale & Fundraising Benefit
Date & Time: May 20, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Location: Sacred Heart Church, Lake Worth (in Madonna Hall)
Shoppers and donated items are needed for a Rummage Sale to raise funds to support the Glades Community Organization. Donations of household items, furniture, clothes/shoes, children's toys/game and more are appreciated. This is a service project by the Columbiettes/Knights of Columbus Chapter #3993 of Sacred Heart Church.
Contact: 561-926-1156
Day of Spiritual Renewal
Date & Time: May 20, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: St. Joan of Arc Church, Boca Raton
This day is for individuals with physical disabilities. It will be facilitated by the AIM Ministry of the parish. All individuals diocese-wide who would like to participate are welcome. The day will include talks, table discussions, sharing, music, lunch and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Please reserve your spot.
Contact: 954-821-6077
Cursillo Information Night
Date & Time: May 23, 7 p.m.
Location: St. Clare Church, North Palm Beach (in the school library)
Are you or a friend interested in learning more about Cursillo? Then please attend this night. More than just a retreat, a Cursillo weekend is a "Short Course" that lasts a lifetime, enriching your relationship with God, your family, and your community. Come learn more at a brief presentation that is open to anyone, men and women, in the diocese to attend.
Contact: 561-262-2881
Monthly Meeting of Catholic Grandparents Association (Southern Deanery Chapter)
Date & Time: May 22, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Location: Emmanuel Church, Delray Beach
Held on the 4th Monday of the month, for grandparents who want to "pass on their faith" & help their children and grandchildren to grow in their faith.
Contact: 561-496-2640
Monthly Holy Hour of Prayer and Adoration
Date & Time: May 25, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola, PBG
Held on the last Thursday of the month. Includes simple praise & worship of Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist, and ends with Benediction. Priests also available for confession. A social gathering will immediately follow. All are welcome
Contact: 561-622-2565

TEC Retreat for Young Adults
Dates: May 27-May29
Location: Cursillo Center, Miami
SonShine TEC is a Catholic retreat ministry focused upon young adults of the Diocese of Palm Beach and neighboring Archdiocese of Miami. Our retreats include reflecting & sharing; presentations by priests, deacons & young adults; and finding & encountering God. Sign up via email
Contact: 561-376-9495

Monthly Stations of the Cross for our Priests
Date & Time: May 27, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Location: Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola, PBG
Held on the last Saturday of the month following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Join us as we pray for our priests.
Contact: 561-371-1658

Healing Retreat with Fr. Robert Richardson
Date: May 26 to 28
Location: Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center, North Palm Beach
This weekend retreat will be led by Fr. Robert Richardson Registration & deposit are required. Cost $210.
Contact: 561-626-1300

For more information on the above events, please visit the diocesan online Events Calendar a
t www.diocesepb.org/events 

  Submit your events on the diocesan Events Calendar

View/download the PDF of the Around the Diocese Calendar*
*The events listed in the above document were submitted in time to meet the diocese's publishing deadline. More information on any events listed and events that were submitted after the deadline can be found on the diocesan online Events Calendar.


In This Issue
Together in Mission,
We Are Called


View Bishop Barbarito's Message in Our DSA Video
  view video 

Catholic News Headlines

A New Column Focused-on & Written by Young Adults and Millennials

Catholic School Scholarship Alum Grateful After Being Selected in the NFL Draft

A Personal Look at Fatima's Saintly Sister Lucia
read story

U.S. Bishops Call on Senate to Strip "Harmful Proposals" from House-Approved Health Care Bill

USCCB: President's Executive Order Begins a Process

Messages from Bishop Barbarito
Celebrating & Supporting Our National Shrine - the 100th
of the Basilica
  Immigration Resources
 in the Diocese
Living the Truth
in Love:
Bishop Barbarito's Columns  

The Priest - A Man of Contemplation and Adoration (Homily from the Chrism Mass)
April 11, 2017

To Enter More into God's Logic
April 7, 2017 
click to read
Be sure to check our Bishop's Column web page on Friday, May 12, for Bishop Barbarito's homily
 from the
 Priest Ordination)

Read Other Columns Written by Bishop Barbarito

Official Diocesan Facebook Pages      
Resources & Prayers
Pray Daily for Our Diocesan Priests
Pray Daily for Our Diocesan Deacons
Daily Readings

The Florida Catholic Newspaper

Prayer of the
for the
Florida Catholic - 
For the ministry of the Florida Catholic Newspaper - that God will continue to utilize this ministry - as it has since
1939 - as a tool
for evangelization
and communication for the years
 to come. 
We pray to the Lord.

Action Alerts

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